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Khizan's Classlead Repository



  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭

    There's also a distinct difference between one v one between two people who both want to fight, and one v one where one of the people is completely outclassed. In the latter case they are going to run as its the sensible thing to do. If someone is down to fight, they'll stick around (and the fight will likely be enjoyable). If they are not and you absolutely have to kill them for IC reasons, you can employ teams. Some people may find that distasteful, but eh.

    I personally would enjoy more opportunities for one v one, but I can't say I find it any more difficult to find than group combat. The only difference as far as I'm concerned is that group combat has an automated guaranteed component. Monoliths are not strictly a group combat mechanic, either. I've had several one v one encounters at monoliths, and several group ones. Can go either way, depending on the people.

    Key statement there really is depending on the people. People who want to one v one will, and the people who prefer group combat aren't obligated to do so (any more than the former are obligated to jump into shardfalls etc). Would be cool to have more mechanics to facilitate it, but I can't comprehend how anyone can say the only one v one comes from infiltrating cities. You do have to go and look for it, generally.

  • KyrockKyrock Member Posts: 35 ✭✭
    Ahkan said:
    The old 'raids' were based around strip combat bonanza. Hood nullifies that for Magick and Demonic. Anti-magick has the best effective ranged strip right now. I guess we could mindlessly throw ourselves into the siege line? Six hours later, Kyrock got a kill.

    It wasn't mindless. And I got kills with my three totem set up outside of Ithaqua before I got done with draining trebs, and finally using a fan, yanked bash 10+ guards all while stealing Ashel's kill with a meteor arrow. It's more like, 10 hours later, Kyrock had to go take finals.
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A minor thing I thought of that is just moreso for flavour. Necromancer  provided cosmetic undead.  No mechanical benefits, just a thing for RP.
  • SarciossisSarciossis Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭
    If we animate you, it should show up as 'The undead form of whoever is here.', but I would love for it to show up on look and diagnose. He is a strong undead Akrabi, etc.
  • CadeyrnCadeyrn Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
    I asked for something similar in the last round of classleads, it wasn't approved.
  • SarciossisSarciossis Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭
    Classlead #13
    Animate is a useful skill that is the transcendent ability within Necromancy, while the skillset in general is not the focus for either of the classes who make use of it, moving this skill and breaking it up will allow a greater portion of people who take the profession to have a deeper usage of the skillset while also opening up greater roleplay within the demonic circle.
    Solution #1:
    Split the current Animate skill into three skills. Undeath, Animate and Transform. The Undeath skill will be placed at Inept, and will give the Necromancer the option to switch out to the "undead" race - similar to the Demon Lord and Wyvern cosmetic changes. The Animate skill will remain at Transcendant and act as only as a resurrection ability. Transform will allow one who is undead to take on the Ghoul, Wight and Lich specializations. Transform could be lumped in with the Undeath skill and open up the Ghoul, Wight and Lich specializations as they learn further into Necromancy. Additionally to this, add a further variety of specializations for both Deathknight and Diabolist - Goryo have +2 dex and Drekavac have passive willpower regeneration for Diabolist and an increased chance to successfully evoke bone (or double the product of a successful evocation) for Deathknight.
    Animate is currently fine as it is


    I would just support the addition of an undead race if people that can transmog in Noctu get the ability to customize their demon lord appearance as well (along with the stat/def mogs).

    On that note, Cadeyrn did submit something to add bandages into the Necro skillset (replacing soulstorm), but it got denied.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Animate is currently fine as it is

    classlead cop out.
  • EustoEusto Member, Moderator Posts: 123 mod
    Ahkan said:
    Animate is currently fine as it is

    classlead cop out.
    While I'm not involved in approving or rejecting classleads, I always offer the same bit of advice to players: Make your "problem" one step more detailed than you feel it needs to be and your "solution" one step less ambitious than you might like. If we assume that this classlead report was filed with the same context and intent as it's being presented here, I see problems in both categories. The Problem does not in any way explain how the report could further Necromantic roleplay, just that it might. The solution provides a fine roleplay mechanic but hastily and quietly throws in buffs (the first quite significant). Were this only a roleplay classlead, it would have been a frivolous (and simple) request. Were this only a combat classlead, it could have been debated on the merits of its buffs or nerfs, and adjusted accordingly. Instead, with only one option granted and a clear dissonance between "categories," so to speak, it becomes the Imperian version of a legislative earmark: innocuous fluff with a balance adjustment that harpoons the entire thing. Or, in the eyes of a potential adjudicator, more trouble than it's worth.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2013
    Oh, I agree. The class lead left a lot to be desired. Of course, we could always use line item veto. A lot of people are really adjusting to the new...quirky requirements of the new class leads system. The risk you run being detailed is losing your audience to bluhbluhbluhbluh or incessant bickering about "that's not what I see." Are you accepting reams of logs with my classleads this year? :P

    To be honest, I was being a **** and flaming the rejection blurb. There are too many **** reasons why reasonable requests, be they classleads, bug reports or simple questions are rejected by some uninformative, vague response.
    "currently fine as is."  <-- Laundry list of not-fine mechanics (Defiler, sup). 
    "working as intended."  <-- Pound having no fail penalty, but every other skill having a fail penalty.
    "always worked that way."  <-- Seraph summon vs ouroboros summon.
    "Excessive and unnecessary." <-- Upgrades to the afflictions available to malignist.

    There's also definitely a very fluid definition as to what is and is not 'excessive and unnecessary.' Outrider micro is off the chain. Blood freeze is the gift that never stops giving. Druid momentum to damage burst is insane. Incurable bards are always nice. Renegades/Assassins getting double-suggest was a remarkable and unnecessary upgrade. Overwhelm getting the pound treatment leads to every combination being overwhelm @tar||attack @tar

    On the flip side, classleads to nerf the annoying mechanics like aeon get yoinked. Aeon is a bitter mechanic that is devastating in teams. It's also a linch pin in holding back any sort of sensible demonic/mage upgrade. It's not 'fine as is' it's an ancient mechanic that is in fact, excessive and unnecessary.

    The game is really in an impressive state of growth that's long over due. Classleads make for an awesome mechanism for the administration and players to exchange ideas and come up with some really great mechanics. However, it is really poor form to hand out a piss poor, cookie cutter rejection blurb citing no information as to why or why not your idea was rejected. Mind you, this doesn't apply to "make my character a hermaphrodite" or "let me emote with my pet."

  • IluvIluv Member Posts: 703 ✭✭✭✭
    I'd have to argue that double suggestions was completely necessary.
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2013
    You only need at most like, 8 suggests to kill someone. So what little setup time was required before is now halved to less than 10 secs (if you are dstab/suggest-ing) or I guess like 5 secs if you are just suggesting.

    Sab being my favourite class ever, though, I won't complain about the buff
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Iluv said:
    I'd have to argue that double suggestions was completely necessary.
    It wasn't necessary, but as a quality of life improvement to make the window easier to build I don't mind it terribly.
  • CadeyrnCadeyrn Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
    In Devotion, a combination of:

    Allow a templar to places rites without effect in a room, comboable, at 1.5s balance. These rites are burned off first in any attempt to flare. Would like to see some mechanic allowing a templar to summon 2 or 3 of these at a time.

    Allow a templar to burn off rites of a mutual ally with flare (or alter the bloodsworn effect to allow this).

    Allow a templar to burn off devotion directly to flare at a higher cost than laying rites and for smaller damage.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    At the end of the day, flare was -intended- to be a damage closer. Even if it doesn't always get used that way in team fights, I'm against making it easier to use that way in team fights.

    Flare does a reasonable amount of damage, even without artifacts or a high-int statpack. There should be an opportunity cost to using flare, and the possibility of accidentally burning away your piety when you need it is one such cost.
  • CadeyrnCadeyrn Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
    I'm happy enough to see it retain its optimum use as a damage closer, but as with most of such things, the automatic response to seeing the damage closer coming at you is to turtle until it is no longer useful. Using the first suggestion - allowing a sabre templar to summon additional rites which have no combat effect and then burning those off when switching to a burst damage strategy, while not risking so much that the target will turtle and leave because all of the passive support of the skillset has been removed (condemnation/piety/cleansing).
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like BBT or Vivisect, the ideal theory is that you'd set up a situation in advance that prevents someone from doing that. Some combination of sabres and penance should allow that to be viable now, and if it's not we should address that instead of flare.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Cade Templar is in a pretty good spot right now, even without the flavor of the month. Fast sabres can still afflcit. Soft-locking kelp lets you roll into penance. Condemnation, good toxins and emblazon let you pull consistent dps that's arguably better than the other two knights. The flavor of the month just let's you trueassess and quickdraw claymore and roll into AM's specialty. If you've done your job, they know it's coming and can't really stop it. Honestly, I don't think there's really anything templar is lacking right now.

  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm against seeing flare made easier to use like that for a few reasons:

    • Flare is fayth damage, which is only reduced by untyped mitigation, so basically just algiz. 
    • Flare damage is almost entirely percentile based.
    • Flare scales very well with intelligence and artifacts.
    • Flare bears no weapon restrictions and can be used with whatever weapon you want.
    • Flare has no ICD, so if there are n Templars, you can be hit by simultaneous flares. 

    Compare that to the Sowulu runeflare. Yeah, sowulu is dmg_noblock and entirely percentile, but it also doesn't scale with artifacts or stats, it requires 1h weapon while disallowing a shield, and if we've got Runeguards, you can still only get hit by 1 sowulu per 4 seconds.

    I don't have a problem with Flare being better than sowulu for burst(though I think it scales too well and should probably see a nerf there), but if you want to make it significantly easier to use, it also needs to see some significant restrictions. 

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • EllenEllen Member Posts: 92 ✭✭✭
    Khizan said:
    • Flare is fayth damage, which is only reduced by untyped mitigation, so basically just algiz. 
    I had thought that fayth damage was AM-flavoured magick damage, and was mitigated by the same things that magick damage is.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Templar is a damage focused class, with no real incentive for limb breaks or any of the new runelore style affliction skills. Flare is their source for that damage, and there are only 9 rites so it isn't something available to use an entire fight without a lengthy period of resummoning.

    There also aren't any statpacks with both high strength and high intelligence, so anyone bonusing their 'closer' is going to do less damage from their normal DSLs. Fast is probably the best able to take advantage of flare, but a fast flare does quite a bit less damage than a clever one.

    In a 1v1 situation, your opponent is either going to be helpless when you flare or they're going to shield through them and you'll be out of rites. I don't find flare excessive for 1v1. That said, I do see problems with flare in groups. Most notably, the comment about multiple flares affecting the same person is legitimate. A 3s ICD for flare would be fine, similar to what they did for kai choke.

  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2013
    Ellen said:
    Khizan said:
    • Flare is fayth damage, which is only reduced by untyped mitigation, so basically just algiz. 
    I had thought that fayth damage was AM-flavoured magick damage, and was mitigated by the same things that magick damage is.

    No, it's type 'fayth' so it's only mitigated by things that mitigate all damage (algiz, truefavors, weaving) because there isn't a specific resist for 'fayth' damage.

    Edit: It was originally fire damage, but fire damage without any way to lower resists is kind of worthless against 90% of people.

  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Limb damage is always amazing. It prevents shielding, tattoos, and out rifting. All knights should really be able to count and effectively knock out limbs. Especially in the period where you're always walking the edge of being fast enough to afflict.

    Templars can rock damage without spamming flare. Templars should have to rock damage without spamming flare. Flare is a really expensive gimmick that you can power turtle through. Once it's done, so is the templar. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be toned down a few notches.  As I already said, you can ride condemnation/emblazon almost exclusively. If you want to get creative, like Ozreas, you can use toxins to throw in a little more damage over time. A lot of the damage here is no_block, so it's pretty sweet. This is available to athletic, dexterous, and fast. This of course relegates strong/capable to more of a defender/support role, which is pretty reasonable.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Flare when properly used outside of group combat is a closer, and should really be treated as such. Having someone afflicted or prone with broken limbs is a great situation to try and burn off rites to finish the fight.

    Limb damage doesn't factor in strength at all, so it's perfectly reasonable for a solo Templar to roll clever and try to double opium break into DSL/flares - but it also isn't vivisect and shouldn't be treated as such.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2013
    So, just because this thread is somewhat civil and active, I was wondering if we could bat around ideas for tweaking (not nerfing) the dreaded outrider!

    Problem 1: Bloodfreeze is off the chain. It's easy to stack bleed and once you hit the point of bloodfreeze, you're eating 500+ damage consecutive bloodfreezes.
    -Bloodfreeze should heal 10-25% of bleeding damage upon use.

    Problem 2: Pet micromanagement. The balance is so fast on spear skills/pheromones that skills are being used every balance.
    Solution 1: Place an ICD on pheromones so it's not up every spear balance.
    Solution 2: Pets can't be used on two consecutive balances. Have to alternate pets.

    Problem 3: Some pet surges are too good
    Limb break: Should be 1 limb broken and prone.
    Wolf: Should do haemophilia or bleeding damage, not both.

    Problem 4: Axetoss. Hits through shield. Follows outrider.
    Solution: Should pick one or the other. Preferably, shield should stop it.

    Problem 5: Caloric curing is backwards. It heals low priority afflictions first (like chill) and devastating afflictions last (hypothermia)
    Solution: Caloric should heal priority hypothermia > frozen solid > shivering
    Solution 2: Caloric should at least cure high priority hypothermia first.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ahkan said:
    Problem 5: Caloric curing is backwards. It heals low priority afflictions first (like chill) and devastating afflictions last (hypothermia)
    Solution: Caloric should heal priority hypothermia > frozen solid > shivering
    Solution 2: Caloric should at least cure high priority hypothermia first.
    On a one second salve balance? There might be problems with outrider, but this is assuredly not one of them.  Hypothermia doesn't apply if the frost attack strips caloric, and heat blood provides an additional level of protection. Hypothermia has to be second or the entire house of cards falls apart.
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2013
    Ahkan said:
    So, just because this thread is somewhat civil and active, I was wondering if we could bat around ideas for tweaking (not nerfing) the dreaded outrider!

    Problem 1: Bloodfreeze is off the chain. It's easy to stack bleed and once you hit the point of bloodfreeze, you're eating 500+ damage consecutive bloodfreezes.
    -Bloodfreeze should heal 10-25% of bleeding damage upon use.

    Bloodfreeze should reduce the bleeding effect once used, and from what I can tell it does. It currently cuts it roughly in half.

    Problem 2: Pet micromanagement. The balance is so fast on spear skills/pheromones that skills are being used every balance.
    Solution 1: Place an ICD on pheromones so it's not up every spear balance.
    Solution 2: Pets can't be used on two consecutive balances. Have to alternate pets.

    I don't like this, simply because it'll put us back in line with old outrider as far as the ents are concerned. If you put a cool down on the ents, then the surges need to be beefed up to account for the cooldown. Not to mention, you can KILL the ents. If we resummon we aren't attacking, so you aren't dying, and if we don't summon you've gotten rid of which ever pesky ent you dislike the most. See @Septus for ent killing priorities :(

    Problem 3: Some pet surges are too good
    Limb break: Should be 1 limb broken and prone.
    Wolf: Should do haemophilia or bleeding damage, not both.

    I won't weigh to terribly much on these, mostly because it'd be hard to see how much that would change the dynamic of combat for outriders. Haemophilia is nightshade, and it's pretty clear that outriders stack nightshade so...that is in line with everything in my opinion. The limb breaks...Eh, the salve balance on crippled limbs is fairly negligable in my opinion.

    Problem 4: Axetoss. Hits through shield. Follows outrider.
    Solution: Should pick one or the other. Preferably, shield should stop it.

    Axetoss doesn't follow the outrider, tested and proven by myself and @Septus. Can't really say I've tested or noticed it go through shields, so I'll reserve judgement on that one.

    Problem 5: Caloric curing is backwards. It heals low priority afflictions first (like chill) and devastating afflictions last (hypothermia)
    Solution: Caloric should heal priority hypothermia > frozen solid > shivering
    Solution 2: Caloric should at least cure high priority hypothermia first.

    EDIT: This -might- be fine, thanks @Selthis for pointing out my flaw. The big thing to look at here, is just how much that will close the already narrow window for shatter.

    Post edited by Delrayne on
  • EustoEusto Member, Moderator Posts: 123 mod
    Ahkan said:
    -Bloodfreeze should heal 10-25% of bleeding damage upon use.
    For reference when it comes time to write the classlead, Bloodfreeze currently reduces bleeding by 20% in addition to whatever passive reduction is taking place.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2013
    Bloodfreeze Solution: So apparently, bleeding amount determines how much % health damage blood freeze does, which is modified further by bracers of the wyrm and environmental conditions. Now, how this exceeds 100% of my health level (and other people's) is a little hinky. I'm not sure if you should scale back the % modifiers for bleeding or increase the amount of bleeding healed. 

    The counter to a pet class shouldn't be  the "kill the pet" catch 22 (sup, bards). If I'm hitting the pet, I'm not hitting you. You resummon the pet. I hit the pet. Pet dies. I hit you. You resummon the pet. This see-saw gets no where (See: Anyone who fought Arvanian). Imagine trying to shatter/bloodfreeze me if you hit my hound 4 times in a row every 8s.

    In a vacuum, spamming surged limb breaking sounds negligible.  In reality, you're fighting off  1-2 caloric afflictions every stab with the follow up of two mending afflictions. It really boils down to you're rocking 3-4 salve afflictions every 2-4s. For some reason I think salve balance on mending/caloric is 1.2s (Dicene says autocuring has it at 1.2) though inputting it manually (in cmud) had an average of 1.68s. So, low balling it you need 3.6-4.8s of salve balance to completely cure (which would be bad for the outrider). Tree is unreliable due to timing (11s), pet afflictions, spear afflictions and bad luck. Even using heat blood and smart caloric, it's easy to lose ground with salve balances and heal yourself into a shatter you can't avoid because your heat blood is on CD. Admittedly, if the caloric priority got passed, this may not be as much of a problem. We'd have to look at it.

    I doubt that forcing outriders to creatively micromanage their pets would kill the class. If anything it would increase the level of skill to pull off your badass end-games. Let's be honest, it's too easy to pull off either shatter or bloodfreeze kills. I don't want to nerf them into uselessness. I would like to see circumstances adjusted so you, Ozzy, Azefel will still net kills from good setups, but cookie cutters 1-1-10 can't chain into 600 damage freebies. Right now there's stab/limb break x2 and stab/spam bleed. Neither of these are especially creative and both of them are highly effective, to the point where it's all you have to do. If the micro got nudged down a notch, I wouldn't fight for an ICD. If the ICD went in, I wouldn't think we'd have to nerf the pet afflictions. I don't want both. I'd only classlead for one.

    Axe-toss followed Ozreas when he chased me. Twice. Toss, Toss, Toss. West. Ozreas enters from east. Get hit with axes any way. Piss and moan. Chain shield. Discover I'm in a completely submerged room. Die horribly. I really like the axe toss mechanic. It's scary and awesome and rewards people for good planning. That being said, an attack this awesome that 'might' follow and goes through shield is dooms day awesome.
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2013
    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Southeast after the throw."
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1854 X:34.02 <eb><db>
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1854 X:34.02 <eb><db> axetoss axe at septus 8
    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    You have lost the anti-weapon field defence.
    You cock your arm back and hurl a throwing axe high into the sky, timing it to return and
    strike Septus in 8 seconds.

    Balance Taken: 1.80s
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1844 X:34.02 <e-><db>
    You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with linseed smoke.(0)
    outr linseed::queue eqbal put linseed in 203612
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1844 X:34.02 <e-><db>
    (Darin):(Outrfited: 1 linseed)(574)
    ==========QUEUE:Put linseed in 203612==========
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1844 X:34.02 <e-><db>
    Septus, Aspect of Moradeim leaves to the southeast, a feeling of confusion leaving with

    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1846 X:34.02 <e-><db>
    You fill your pipe with a linseed.
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1846 X:34.02 <eb><db>
    light pipes
    ((((((((((PIPES LIT PIPES LIT))))))))))
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1846 X:34.02 <eb><db> se
    A path to a great tree.
    A smattering of clouds fills the sky, lacing it with spiderwebs of grey. This has been
    marked as holy ground. Onerigord is here, wielding a hunter's bow in his left hand.
    Defiant in stance, a muscular white stallion stares attentively at the surroundings with
    piercing eyes of ice blue. The ever-shifting visage of Septus, Aspect of Moradeim, is here.
     He is holding a lunar shield in his right hand.
    You see exits leading southeast, south, southwest, northwest, and up.
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1846 X:34.02 <eb><db>
    You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1846 X:34.02 <eb><db>
    You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
    You have gained the anti-weapon field defence.
    H:390(100%) M:436(97%) E:1849 X:34.02 <eb><db>
    Lacking a target to strike, a throwing axe sails down from the sky and back into your hand.

    So after testing, it doesn't follow the outrider and it only goes through shield if the person shields after the axe is tossed. Otherwise you hit the shield and lose balance.
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2013
    Another thing you are missing, is if you surge the same pet over and over as you suggest for the crippled limb pet, you aren't going to be nearly as effective overall. You'll waste at least one surge, maybe two dependent on statpack and spear stats. Just because I surge the pet 5 times doesn't mean it's going to break your legs five times before it stops. It will only surge once, no matter how many times I'm able to tell it to surge in between ticks. You might have known this already, but I'm just putting it out there to clear up any further confusion for either side.

    As far as increasing the skill to get access to the end-game, shatter already has a very narrow window. If even one small thing goes wrong you basically have to start over. Which is how it should be. Bloodfreeze on the other hand is a bit different. Getting high bleeding isn't overly hard to do, your right about that. But it also isn't overly hard to get rid of either. You don't even have to waste balance or attack time to do it. Sure you'll blow through some mana, but in a 1v1 against an outrider, what difference does that make? None.
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