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Split thread: "Why I quit Imperian" and Mage discussion

EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
This discussion was created from comments split from: Improving Imperian.
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  • BellentineBellentine Member Posts: 56 ✭✭
    Something to think on.

    Why I quit imperian.

    I write this without vehemence, simply to start a discussion, or to add to one already churning.  While I have opted out of the game for the foreseeable future, sharing this could be useful, or not.  There is no ego here, just what I have felt, seen and learned.

    1.  PVP.  Imperian is a pvp realm, or so we are informed.  We are told that pvp is always role-play based, though for the most part I have seen role-play as a band-aid to avoid issues, and even then not successful.  What I do not understand is that, for a pvp-centric realm, so few participate.  There are a die-hard core of fifteen or so that actively engage and are ‘gagging’ for it.  To the rest it seems a secondary objective.  This leads to an important question - if Imperian is a pvp realm, are the remainder of the population playing ‘wrong’, or is it Imperian that has to change?

    To continue along this vein, I can speculate as to why people opt out, or to be more specific, why I opted out.  Griefing.  In its simplest sense, a majority of the pvp population do not know when enough is enough.  When I would try to discuss the facility of ending hostilities, the general response was ‘no, because I/we can’.  After exhausting the limited options available (I’ll talk more to that soon), an issue would be filed.  

    Issues, when I would file them, without variation would take at least seven days to garner a response.  In some cases, they were simply deleted without word, though I am aware a consequence was delivered.  This is simply poor customer service.  The rub is, whenever I would issue with reference to a topic that would generate funds (Customisation etc) a response would be delivered within 24 hours.  This is frustrating, and bordering on tokenistic.

    I spoke of limited options to respond to griefing.  Hiring assassins, bounties and responding with a larger force - the actions that sometimes get results, end with the griefer having additional means by which to attack the aggrieved party.  What’s the solution?  I don’t know.  Simply stating “PVP has no consequences” is a fallacy.  PVP death does not cost experience.  However it does cost resources, time, funds, and perhaps most importantly - player effort.  I’m not talking of consensual PVP here, but an ongoing, unpleasant, one sided exchange.  What does this lead to?  Reduction of time played, cancellation of subscriptions. Again, my own experience.

    As for solutions, I think it comes to the focus of the game.  If its PVP, then more effort needs to be placed on readying the gaming population to this pathway, though it will reduce the total player base.  However it seems that the majority of players are engaged in a different game entirely.

    2.  Player engagement.  It’s no surprise to anyone that I’m not a coder.  My spaghetti code managed to string Bellentine into a halfway decent mage fighter, before the change.  Imperian is a game dominated by two factions: those who can code, and those who pay to win.  These groups are not mutually exclusive.  I have great frustration with a game where I have already paid hundreds of dollars to permit specific skills, and yet I cannot engage at meaningful level, simply because I cannot adequately make coded words do as they are told.  Often here the cry is of community assistance.  Its an interesting experience.

    Some have offered and given great help, and only with the assistance a select few individuals could I have made anything work for Bellentine.  But the rub is, after a while you can’t keep asking.  We’re talking tutorial level of assistance.  Perhaps I was wrong to try and start playing such a thing.  But as a thing going forwards, perhaps the realm could offer a ‘basics’ suit for download of specific clients to permit higher functions within the classes.  There’s another discussion to be had about functionality of classes and the progression to needlessly complex classes - the refit of mage is an excellent example of this.  What was once a damage specific class through an easy suit of afflictions is now a one-trick pony for a person such as myself - and even that one trick is hard to make work.  I tried the beta, by the time I had my head around it, it had already changed again.  I’m not a coder.

    3. Story - an evolving experience.  When I first started playing Imperian over ten years ago, it was a very different thing.  There were no circles and it was possible to be a Bard of Ithaqua (Still my favourite thing).  But with change comes choices and some of them are unpleasant.  Wholesale change with what seems to be reduced consultation will alienate the player base.  The original circle changes drove me away in the first instance.  Changes to the mage class now are doing it again, along with the other things I’ve listed.  Were I staying I’d ask for a refund on the credits spent to convert Bellentine from bard to mage.  Why’d I move her out of Bard?  Well, I’m sure you can join the dots.  Those of you who selected “An ongoing progression of classes from simple to complex” can have a cookie.

    Summary: I offer this not as a final stab, but an opinion.  I write this having read what the forums have to offer so it wouldn’t be useful to repeat previous points.  

    Thoughts are appreciated.

  • CassiusCassius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 607 ✭✭✭
    @Bellentine‌: While I can't speak to most of your points, I do think you are wrong regarding Mage. I think Garryn did an excellent job of making the class approachable for both types of people. The fire offense is simpler and more streamlined than pre-beta Mage. The water approach is affliction based and comes with all the complexities of that style.

    While I'm sad to see you go, I hope you know that either Seraphyne or I would gladly get you going with new again Mage. Really, the fire offense doesn't even require tracking at all really (and you will probably kill more people!).
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2014
    @Bellentine. I can't speak for Mage (not really) and I can't speak to issues or griefing. You are right in the sense that PKers are now an accentuated minority of the population. The comparative value proposition of Imperian PK is getting very low - is it an instanced combat game or is it a persistent combat game?

    As a persistent combat game, I would say only 5-7 players actively seek combat. That's approximately 2-5% of the population. I won't speak to the barrage of things that get in the way of acceptable PK instigation.

    As an instanced combat game, the value of Imperian is extremely low. The trade is approximately 5 minutes of potential adrenaline rush every 3 hours (as a baseline). Compare that to an almost-always available hotjoin 15 minute competition that not only sets everyone at fairly equal footing with the final scores better approximating player skill, but also equalizes team sizes, and you can see that Imperian PK as an instanced combat game isn't really it either.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    edited July 2014
    Looks like these forums aren't allowing me to move the rest of the posts into this thread (I have the option to split or to delete, but not to move). The other posts in the discussion are over in the other thread, and I'll link them here. Keep further discussion in this thread, please.
    Post edited by Eoghan on
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  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I almost want to say LB (lavablast) is too easy to pull off in teams, but I have a Mage, so... :D
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SkyeSkye Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
    Yes, I realize coding wasn't really the right word there.

    I wrote a paragraph in response to some of this but it all just comes across sounding defensive and kind of self- pitying and that's not really what I want to convey. So all I'm going to say is that it's not actually easy for everyone.

    Thank you to @Chronus‌, @Aakrin, and @Sarrius (funny pic!) for the suggestions. Possibly @Khizan as well. I didn't really come into this with the thought of picking up some tips, but I appreciate them and will look into what you've said when I log in next.

    (Sorry, this actually feels kind of belated now and I think the topic moved on. Apparently there was a few replies between when I started and when I hit post!)
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  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Skye re:coding + stuff

    Learning code is hard, just like learning to ride a bike was tough (I'm clumsy). But once you get over the initial "ehmahgerd somebody shootmeintheface" it gets really good.

    Likewise, so too is combat-stuff. Its no longer push-and-win but certainly the methods for victory are there. How much you want to delve into combat is how much you'll get in return - I can say that it is a very rewarding feeling to lockdown your opponent and save your own **** instead of yelling over CityTell screaming for assistance like I used to (ask @Menoch). That said, there are two things I want to point out: (1) it seems hard because the distance between testing and getting results is so far, because there is no reliable, non-retaliatory method for testing out your internal theories (2) if ever there is a time to really get into combat, it is when your circle is at her cyclical strongest, which Magick certainly is now. So I would say to you, if ever you wanted to work out how to use new Mage, do so while Magick is on the up, and if you ever need someone to test on, let me know, I can be your punching bag/sparring buddy.

    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • AakrinAakrin Member Posts: 84 ✭✭
    Mage observations so far:
    -Water needs work. It takes a huge ton of effort to prep(even with the target not fighting back), and offers very little reward.

    -Fire needs to be smoothed out. Its extremely reliant on lavablast+firecircle. The problem with that, is getting the target hurt enough for firecircle to stop draining attunment so fast. I believe I have every possible mage offensive artifact. I simply do -not- get AM guys with defensive artifacts under 2/3rds life. I can't do it.

    Which, honestly, I wouldn't mind so much if water was a better, more viable option against tanky people. But it isn't. Its more work for less damage. Which means, in my personal opinion, that fire either needs more damage in the start of the cycle to help get you to every actually being allowed to lavablast. Or water needs to have a different finishing type. Some sort of instant kill based on afflictions or something.

    Risca suggested that perhaps firecircle should actually just enhance the damage of all fire spells except for lavablast, which might be an interesting option. You'd need to up the lavablast base damage a little I think, but it would smooth out the damage progression and give equally powered (artifacts) mages a chance against defensive classes. 

    I rambled a bit. Long story short, a glass cannon only works if the cannon can hurt its target faster than the target can heal.
  • CassiusCassius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 607 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2014
    Personal opinion: lavablast doesn't need more damage. A finisher shouldn't be an 80% kill ever really (exception being a threshold+number of affs or something). Classes do need realistic paths to get to finisher conditions. Effort should be commensurate with reward but they also need to be realistic and available to more than just one percenters. I'm not sure fire Mage suffers from this but think that Water Mage likely does and maybe didn't get enough beta-love.
  • OzreasOzreas Member, Beta Testers Posts: 235 ✭✭✭✭
    I've noticed that there is a growing prevalence here of certain kind of beta-male, the type who feels a need to delineate everything and when people actually listen to these guys, it results in a game where people spend more time theorycrafting about combat than actually doing combat.  This is because in a completely linear and predictable game, there is no reason to actually play the game when you can just calculate how the fight will go.

    If taking out attunement was so great, it should have improved the game, not turned it into a crass damage contest where certain people can sit back, look at their excel spreadsheets, and feel satisfied about their perceived "combat" superiority, without ever sticking their necks out.  Yeah, any required bar of entry is "unfair" because you might lose to someone you can beat more often than not a small portion of the time, what f- babies.  Do not listen to these people.  They aren't real men.

    If you really get to the meat of what these types are arguing for, they don't feel that anyone should actually need to engage in combat to be combatants.  They are risk adverse.  They want everything on a spreadsheet.  They are perfectly content with a game where theorycrafting about combat and doing combat are not meaningfully different activities for the player.
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Its funny, because I was sure Fire Mage would be over or under tuned, and Water was going to be relatively spot on. @Chronus and @Elrith spent a considerable time killing each other while the other was AFK, Chronus predominantly with Water style.

    I think Fire's design has plenty of room for expansion or improvement, and Water needs time to settle before we can make the call that it is not good. It theoretically has tremendous synergy with Magick, and we noted that in beta - which is why we were conservative about its power.
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  • AakrinAakrin Member Posts: 84 ✭✭
    I still don't think fire is right, but I'd like to address another issue I think is a larger problem for mage. The crystal:
    -No other class relies so heavily on something that can takes upwards of eight seconds to appear.
    ---This can be countered by spending one of  your five charges to make it appear instantly. This is in fact, a pretty huge cost.
    ++Suggestion: Make crystals just follow mages around like every single other class pet in the entire game. The 'homing' concept is neat at first, but just irritates exactly everyone after the first ten minutes.

    -The crystal once it arrives, has five charges. You're going to be using one charge an attack. That's every 3.2 - 2.5 seconds depending on diadem/statpack/quickness mod.
    -It regains a charge every 8ish seconds.
    --This means basically on 'charge cooldown' you need to charge your crystal three times using 'instant' in order to keep enough charges to maintain mage offensive combat. This costs me 200 mana.
    ---This means that the resource that mages have to rely on in order to make their offenses work, has ANOTHER resource, that basically gets them killed. To put in perspective, if I try and follow my water or fire paths in combat, I basically -on my own- put myself into mana kill range in less than ten seconds. That means, basically, I cannot do this at all and must entirely jettison all mage combat goals to just use a basic attack combo.
    ++Suggestion: Move the 'wreathe' spells into the other two skillsets and have them cost a small amount of mana. Leave the crystal charges for actual tactical choices. Make it so you can't use crystal and wreathe spells together. Spells like firewreathe are -required- non stop in mage combat now. 

    Mage is among the weakest, if not the weakest, defensive combat classes in the entire game. They shouldn't also destroy themselves for spells required to make their offense work. Nobody else is like that that I'm aware of.

  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    Aakrin said:
    -The crystal once it arrives, has five charges. You're going to be using one charge an attack. That's every 3.2 - 2.5 seconds depending on diadem/statpack/quickness mod.
    -It regains a charge every 8ish seconds.
    The crystal is intended to provide a burst offensive effect, not a sustained one.
  • AakrinAakrin Member Posts: 84 ✭✭
    edited August 2014
    Fire Issues: Please note the following is based off INT statpack with diadem and lvl 3 dash and lvl 3 collar.
    *Low damage ramp to large payout works in theory. Not super effective in practice. Against stationary targets that aren't fighting back, you do quite well. Against targets who are actively resisting, healing, or simply moving, you can fail pretty hard.
    -The basic concept is to get your fire attunement stacks up, drop firecircle, and then lavablast. You can do things like let the circle build for more lavablast damage at the end, but the problem is in the attunement/setup damage.

    Step One: While setting up firecircle, you're only using one damage spell. Its a fire spell, so consider fire resists (no non-fire spell is even close to the damage of bloodboil right now). For me, it does roughly 100 damage to people. Many people can cure that in a sip it seems. Including regen and stuff its fairly easy to out heal that. I lose 200 mana to crystal charge alone during this process.

    Step Two: Firecircle. This costs three attunement to cast, and then two attunement roughly every 2.5 seconds. The cost is free, if you have them under 2/3rd hp. However up until you cast this, they should basically be remaining at or near full health. Firecircle does roughly 10 less damage than bloodboil for me. So this round of attacks, you're actually giving the target time to catch up. So, you should prolly use batter. But this comes with its own problem as you aren't comboing with heat to keep your attunement up.

    Step Three: Try and Lavablast. This is really the biggest gap for me against anyone even remotely decent at keeping their health up. After I cast Firecircle, I went from 5 to 2 fire attunement. If I used firewreathe and heat, the same cast brought me back up to 4. If I tried to use batter to knock them below 2/3rds, I ended up at 3. So basically I'm using my turns doing my utter best to keep fire attunement even. Lavablast requires five, but I can't get up on damage to make firecircle free because I'm only doing 100 damage every attack.
    --My enemies only have to -move- to make firecircle poof out, utterly resetting me entirely. Also a timely double shield right after firecircle, completely destroys my progression as well.
    ---But you have sludge, how do they move! Sludge requires an upkeep on earth attunement. I've tried, you can't keep firecircle burning AND sludge active. It just doesn't work. Not to mention if I sludged first (which requires three earth and drains one every 3 seconds or so.) I cost myself 200 mana before I even got to my offense simply from crystal charging.

    Normal Results: People who are fighting back, simply reset my progression despite anything I can do about it, and continue theirs. I run out of mana fairly quickly. In group combat, I don't even use mage attack paths, it'll get me almost instantly mana killed. If I don't recharge my crystal, I can't complete an attack path period, as my attunement won't keep up.

    Occasional Resuls: Small people are small, they explode. Also occasionally I get to submerge people. But in general my entire offense as a mage involves: A single full damage attack, and nothing else.

    --Take some of the base off lavablast, make bloodboil ramp based on fire attunement again. Let the path be smoother, and allow us to reach free firecircle occasionally.
    --See above for crystal changes.
    --Change flamebolt to apply whatever it is that curse does in naturebinding. Move burnt nerves ( call it something else if you want) into the water affliction path. It makes far more sense there.
    --We need our 'build up' damage to be able to beat healing. (Edit: By beat healing, I mean be able to get them below 2/3's and keep them there.) I don't know if people would rather increased damage, or adding in skills that do things like wisp poison instead. But something needs to take place so we can actually reach our finisher on equally skilled/artifacted people. I'm not saying it has to kill them outright, maybe we have to go through progression again if it fails, but as it stands I simply cannot ever reach it against a decent healer. Or worse, against someone who simply leaves the room. (Having our crystal actually follow like every other class pet would help with this issue somewhat.)
  • AakrinAakrin Member Posts: 84 ✭✭
    edited August 2014
    Garryn said:
    Aakrin said:
    -The crystal once it arrives, has five charges. You're going to be using one charge an attack. That's every 3.2 - 2.5 seconds depending on diadem/statpack/quickness mod.
    -It regains a charge every 8ish seconds.
    The crystal is intended to provide a burst offensive effect, not a sustained one.
    Due to the way the new mage is set up, it no longer actually works that way. You're required to 'wreathe' spell every single attack or else you simply fall way, way behind everyone else's attack progression.

    Which is why I really believe moving those required spells off the crystal would help the crystal situation out a lot.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2014
    I'd also like firecircle/lavablast revisited, but for different reasons - in any 2-3 person teams, hitting that free Firecircle is almost equivalent to a 50% free shot. Dropping me below 50% hp is a nearly unmitigatable death-sentence for me if the Mage eq is next.

    I would consider this a more serious problem than straight Mage damage paths, and I know how frustrating it can be (I have a baby Mage)to reach that FC threshold.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2014
    @Aakrin: Except it would be hideously overpowered. You don't seem to understand how delicate it is to design a hybridclass or a pure damage class. A good example would be that you suggested that burnt nerves move to Water. We kept it in Fire (and gated it at 3 Fire) specifically because it is absurdly powerful in Water. It is useful tertiary damage in team fights as a Fire Mage.

    Re: applying Naturebinding curse to Firebolt - how about not? Curse is a tremendous sip penalty - add damage and attunement gain to that and you have a pretty potent skill you could just spam at the expense of the rest of the style. Curse on demand on a cooldown, at the expense of damage, would probably be a more acceptable request (and still suspect) and I have a pretty good idea how to implement it next classlead round if it is needed.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • AakrinAakrin Member Posts: 84 ✭✭
    Sarrius said:
    @Aakrin: Except it would be hideously overpowered. You don't seem to understand how delicate it is to design a hybridclass or a pure damage class. A good example would be that you suggested that burnt nerves move to Water. We kept it in Fire (and gated it at 3 Fire) specifically because it is absurdly powerful in Water. It is useful tertiary damage in team fights as a Fire Mage. Re: applying Naturebinding curse to Firebolt - how about not? Curse is a tremendous sip penalty - add damage and attunement gain to that and you have a pretty potent skill you could just spam at the expense of the rest of the style. Curse on demand on a cooldown, at the expense of damage, would probably be a more acceptable request (and still suspect) and I have a pretty good idea how to implement it next classlead round if it is needed.
    If I'm reading what you said about firebolt correctly, you're under the assumption that main spells gain you attunement. They don't, that changed. If I'm misunderstanding what you're saying there, well then I just don't  understand where you're saying this power comes from. Even if firebolt applied curse, you wouldn't spam it. Curse does its own thing on its own timer. You'd use it once, and go back to bloodboil. Right now, if you've actually tried fire mage in combat, you'd realize that getting a mage TO lavablast is nearly impossible 1v1.

    Its possible burnt nerves would be too strong in water, although I don't see how as water is extremely low on damage and it seems like a nice way to boost it.

    @Iniar I'm 50/50 about how it works in combat. Honestly most of the time I finally get to lavablast stage in group combat, the target is already dead to classes who have far better damage curve. That or one of the priests notices me charge my crystal and insta-gibs me. That being said, if I actually can land it without being popped its a solid finisher. Is it to much? Maybe. Not sure honestly. A good number of other classes have even stronger things to use in group combat that kill faster. Re: Mana kills.
  • OzreasOzreas Member, Beta Testers Posts: 235 ✭✭✭✭

    Maybe I'm reading this wrong, having just woken up, but the main complaint I'm seeing is being unable to "complete an attack chain" or "reach a finisher" in group combat because your target dies to someone else in your team. You seem to be stuck with the paltry damage of bloodboil + batter combos which, while only weighing in at average 140 damage, are on a slightly faster balance than similarly high-damage burst attacks.

    But your target dies.

    To someone else on your team.

    Oh, I see the problem.

  • EldrethEldreth Member Posts: 430 ✭✭✭✭
    The obvious solution here is to give AM classes more health.
    “We abjure labels. We fight for money and an indefinable pride. The politics, the ethics, the moralities, are irrelevant."
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2014

    Aakrin said: A good number of other classes have even stronger things to use in group combat that kill faster. Re: Mana kills.

    I can think of 3 skills that beat 50% hp damage. 

    Their requirements: 40-50 bleed, or 6 brainmelt afflictions
    Setup time: For bleed, 30-40 seconds, For mentals 30-40 seconds

    I died to an LB in about 16-18 seconds.

    Mana kill is a separate metric, as it is not common to all classes. (Yes, catharsis and absolve need work, but using them as a comparison is not correct.)
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • BellentineBellentine Member Posts: 56 ✭✭
    The issue in one sense is about class design, which I've harped on enough about already.  But the other thing that muddies the water is singular pvp vs group combat.  Complaining that "When three X gang up on me...." isn't useful.  Yes, they should win, they have more numbers.  Its group combat.  @Aakrin is attempting to balance out the class, as far as I can see, as a more useful dueller or at least one where the stated kill objectives are achievable.  As stated before, they are not.  Stating that the wreathes are for bust damage is counterintuitive, as they are required now.

    The pithy comments do nothing to assist the discussion either.  This isn't about circles and as such they shouldn't even be discussed.  
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2014
    @Bellentine: sure, group combat is group combat, but in this instance, LB acts as a HP -50% modifier, just as starburst/redemption acts as a HPx2 modifier. Aside from that, sure, 1v1 pvp for Mage, yeah go for gold.

    E: if you think Mage has it bad, try Defiler.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • CassiusCassius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 607 ✭✭✭
    Realistically, increasing firecircle tick damage (maybe look at some of the individual skills too, not sure if this required) and reducing its lavablast bonus could be a good 1v1/group balancing mechanic since there can be only one firecircle per target. It would help maintain the health thresholds in 1v1 but not be over the top for teams.
  • RiscaRisca Member Posts: 89 ✭✭✭
    I would like to see lavablast not get the bonus damage from an active firecircle, and instead give it to all other fire spells. Let's just throw out the number as 10%.

    Therefore lavablast would basically do 40% of HP, and all other spells get that 10% bonus. This would spread out the mage's damage and allow mages to eventually get that free firecircle.

    If lavablast damage is still an issue, we can revisit later but it might be okay considering an attack that does 40% hp isn't unrealistic when we're also talking the high end of the spectrum with artifacts. 

    This should make it more viable in 1v1, and the damage output is still there. 
  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    Mage damage (as wise, for me) for fire is fine. I've had no issue bringing people's healths down low enough to finish them off.

    You don't even need to code anything special for building fire damage. Three simple aliases:

    cast firewreathe bloodboil heat at target
    cast firewreathe firecircle heat at target
    cast penetration lavablast batter at target

    You don't even need firewreathe at the beginning, you can simply just use heat and build it up quick enough too.

    Just highlight attunement and watch it's level and use the three aliases accordingly.

    It's not a lack of coding I'm seeing from Bellentine, it's the lack of motivation to compile actions into a comprehensive strategy that requires a simple amount of work. In this case, don't blame the game, blame the player.

  • AakrinAakrin Member Posts: 84 ✭✭
    Mathiaus said:
    Mage damage (as wise, for me) for fire is fine. I've had no issue bringing people's healths down low enough to finish them off.

    You don't even need to code anything special for building fire damage. Three simple aliases:

    cast firewreathe bloodboil heat at target
    cast firewreathe firecircle heat at target
    cast penetration lavablast batter at target

    You don't even need firewreathe at the beginning, you can simply just use heat and build it up quick enough too.

    Just highlight attunement and watch it's level and use the three aliases accordingly.

    It's not a lack of coding I'm seeing from Bellentine, it's the lack of motivation to compile actions into a comprehensive strategy that requires a simple amount of work. In this case, don't blame the game, blame the player.

    You need to try this against someone who is simply leaving the room/shielding/actually healing. People who stand still, I obliterate. People who are fighting back and slowing me down (Re: combat) actually are pretty hard to get to five stack of fire attunement on, while firecircle is going. Keep in mind, I -am- talking about people who are equally artifacted defensively to my offensively. Normal little people die just fine, but with all of our artifacts, they should.
  • AakrinAakrin Member Posts: 84 ✭✭
    And yes, I am aiming to balance the class to actually be able to achieve it's stated combat goals in smaller skirmishes/1v1. And I fully support Risca's idea to take the bam out of Lavablast and put some oomph into other places in order to make sure its not broken in group combat, while being viable in smaller combat
  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm not saying someone would be fully capable of taking down fully artifacted people or demolish everyone, but what I suggested works in group tremendously.
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Aakrin said:
    You need to try this against someone who is simply leaving the room/shielding/actually healing. People who stand still, I obliterate. People who are fighting back and slowing me down (Re: combat) actually are pretty hard to get to five stack of fire attunement on, while firecircle is going. Keep in mind, I -am- talking about people who are equally artifacted defensively to my offensively. Normal little people die just fine, but with all of our artifacts, they should.

    I hate to break it to you, but spamming shield, getting disabled, and leaving the room shuts down pretty much every single offense in the entire game.

    That's why people bother to shield, leave, or disable people.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

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