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November 2014 Update

Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
edited November 2014 in Imperial News
One day early! How about that for a surprise!

RP Events
We have a solid group of people that have been slaving on the RP events, led by Svorai. The recent Living Mountain event was 100% planned and created by these people and was very appreciated. Narakis helped quite a bit as well, and also one of our 'not yet visible' volunteers.

We are currently planning and working on two major events. Of course, I cannot say more then that.

Events are high on the priority list and we will continue to have something going as much as possible. 

Obviously comms were a big release for us in October and Garryn will continue with bug fixes and tweaks for that. If you have questions, concerns, or problems you can post them in this thread on the forums.

Shrines and Relics
This is our next big release. Shrines are coded but will probably be tweaked some more before release. Relics have a large number of their powers coded. Once the relics are done being coded we will start setting up how they are aquired. Most will probably be gained via killing some boss mobs. The stronger the mob, the better the relic that will be dropped.

I am not going to explain them in great depth here, but you can get more information in this thread:

We followed the basic outline as is posted there. We came up with a few more powers of our own and from some of the suggestions in the thread.

Santums are no longer going to be attached to shrines, but once shrines are relics are out we will look into doing those, unless something is deemed more important.

Client Work
This is not Imperian specific, but since Garryn is working on it, I will post the info here. Garryn is slaving on the client reskin. Our power users probably use cmud and mudlet more, but the reskin will be very nice for those using the  browser. I am going to try to release the art as well, so those of you that are interested can make a nice mudlet skin for it. Once the client reskin is done, Garryn will be working on an exciting project for your entertainment.

Very soon you will be able to set foreground and background colors to 256 different colors (if your client supports it). Probably before the end of the month. Here is a sample showing backgrounds.


  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2014
    Love the increased color support. Will these colors be finding their way into any of the regular output from Imperian(for instance for more exact health prompt colouring or maybe more variety in the colours shown on map), or are they basically just going to be for CONFIG COLOUR use?

    PS: I'll still be very pleased even if it's just for CONFIG COLOUR, just asking out of curiosity.
    Post edited by Dicene on
  • UltrixUltrix Member Posts: 288 ✭✭✭
    Jeremy said:
    Client Work
    This is not Imperian specific, but since Garryn is working on it, I will post the info here. Garryn is slaving on the client reskin. Our power users probably use cmud and mudlet more, but the reskin will be very nice for those using the  browser. I am going to try to release the art as well, so those of you that are interested can make a nice mudlet skin for it. Once the client reskin is done, Garryn will be working on an exciting project for your entertainment.

    Speaking of the web client, is there any offline documentation for how to program triggers/aliases for the client? Sometimes we get newbies with questions and the vast majority of us are not familiar with the web client and I can't seem to find any documentation for it that is viewable unless I logoff and log back in using the web client.
  • GarrynGarryn Member, Administrator Posts: 527 admin
    It's rather minimalistic at the moment -
  • TeraviTeravi Member Posts: 59 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2014
    That documentation isn't great, at all. 

    That said, the client is actually ridiculously lovely for newbs. Most of the important stuff is already set up. They have a chat cap, map on screen, basic buttons populated with the most likely necessary items on it, experience/level, health/mana, time, gold trackers set up. They have an attack alias already set up, attached to F1 and put on a handy button. Tab cycles through targets in the room. 

    Setting up additional basic triggers, aliases, highlights, and the like is very, very intuitive. When you go into the system editor, it pretty much walks you through the process. Anything that requires more complex variable checks or temporary triggers or the like requires an understanding of basic java. That's really beyond what a new user needs right away, for the most part. I dig it, haven't bothered to build anything in cmud or mudlet because it's so far worked well for everything I've tried to do. 

    Edit - What I would -really- like is like... a handy spreadsheet of all the info GMCP event sends. Like might include room.players,, room.vnum, etc. I've looked and can't find it all in one organized place. 
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2014


      Char = {
        Items = {
          List = {
            location = "room",
            items = {
                id = "26431",
                name = "a cannon"
                id = "180050",
                name = "a blooded warhorse",
                attrib = "m"
                id = "5602",
                name = "a small package",
                attrib = "t"
                id = "24546",
                name = "a small package",
                attrib = "t"
                id = "239214",
                name = "an elite elegantly dressed Noctusari",
                attrib = "m"
                id = "29835",
                name = "a small package",
                attrib = "t"
                id = "34138",
                name = "a bag of bread crumbs",
                attrib = "t"
                id = "86358",
                name = "a hazeward stone"
                id = "46319",
                name = "an armoured battle stallion",
                attrib = "m"
                id = "155087",
                name = "an elegant white letter",
                attrib = "t"
                id = "71123",
                name = "a practical cobalt-hued pack",
                attrib = "t"
          Remove = {
            location = "inv",
            item = {
              id = "17304",
              name = "a fenugreek berry",
              attrib = "ge"
          Update = {
            location = "inv",
            item = {
              id = "54511",
              name = "a sylayan axe",
              attrib = "l"
          Add = {
            location = "inv",
            item = {
              id = "17304",
              name = "a fenugreek berry",
              attrib = "t"
        Name = {
          name = "Iniar",
          fullname = "Iniar Nullheart, Warlock"
        Status = {
          unread_msgs = "44",
          pk_level = "92  (44%)",
          quest_level = "78  (58%)",
          unread_news = "3",
          bank = "12000",
          bash_level = "105 (26%)",
          towne = "Blackthorne",
          guild = "Noctusari (13)",
          sect = "Jackals (9)",
          name = "Iniar",
          gold = "1944734",
          prof = "Summoner",
          level = "106 (86.14%)",
          city = "Stavenn (6)",
          fullname = "Iniar Nullheart, Warlock"
        Skills = {
          Groups = {
              name = "Perception",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Evasion",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Engineering",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Taming",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Concoctions",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Tattoos",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Survival",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Weaponry",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Toxins",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Noctu",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Tarot",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Enslavery",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Antidotes",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Constitution",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Fitness",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Frost",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Galvanism",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Philosophy",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Thermology",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
              name = "Woodcraft",
              rank = "Transcendent (100%)"
          List = {
            group = "taming",
            list = {
        Vitals = {
          deaf = "1",
          eq = "1",
          maxhp = "5290",
          hp = "5980",
          nl = "86",
          maxmp = "6325",
          bal = "1",
          string = "H:5980/5290 M:6325/6325 NL:86/100 ",
          blind = "1",
          mp = "6325"
        StatusVars = {
          unread_msgs = "Unread Messages",
          pk_level = "PK level",
          quest_level = "Questing level",
          unread_news = "Unread News",
          bank = "Bank",
          bash_level = "Bashing level",
          towne = "Towne",
          guild = "Guild",
          sect = "Cult/Sect",
          name = "Name",
          gold = "Gold",
          prof = "Prof",
          level = "Overall level",
          city = "City",
          fullname = "Full name"
      IRE = {
        Rift = {
          Change = {
            desc = "blueshard",
            name = "blueshard",
            amount = "171"
      Room = {
        Info = {
          map = " 28 14",
          num = 12380,
          details = {
          coords = "151,-1,-1,0",
          desc = "The street is made from black marble and accented with gold that swirls with intricate designs. Dangling 
    from the roofs of the buildings that line the street are red silk canopies, giving one refuge from the suns. Large iron-
    wrought lamps line the cobblestone walkway, giving off a dim light. Resting above the doors of each business is a wooden 
    sign entailing what one would find within. In the center of the walkway is a large statue, welcoming any who enter The 
    Imperial Plaza.",
          name = "The Imperial Plaza",
          environment = "Urban",
          linecolor = "#0a0a0a",
          background = "urban-outdoors",
          exits = {
            e = 7815,
            w = 12381
          area = "the City of Stavenn"
        Players = {
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    edited November 2014
    The documentation there is a guideline, intended more as an example of how it can be implemented rather than a definition of how it is. Some of the keys you find there may not be in the GMCP messages sent by the game, and some messages sent by the game may not be found there.
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  • TeraviTeravi Member Posts: 59 ✭✭✭
    I'm not knocking the documentation not being incredibly in-depth. Just stating that it it's probably best to just get in and play with the client rather than stare at documentation to explain it. 

    Danke, Iniar. <3
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The Behavior token comes with a 250cr purchase and every 500cr thereafter. This is a fairly significant investment.

    With that in mind, I'd really like it if I had more than a one-word name to go by when I throw my token down on a set. Could we pleeaaaaase get some kind of list of messages somewhere? 

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Dicene said:
    Love the increased color support. Will these colors be finding their way into any of the regular output from Imperian(for instance for more exact health prompt colouring or maybe more variety in the colours shown on map), or are they basically just going to be for CONFIG COLOUR use?

    PS: I'll still be very pleased even if it's just for CONFIG COLOUR, just asking out of curiosity.
    Yeah. It will be in config colour and I am pretty sure we will add it to the prompt for those that want it. The more we can put it out for you, the better.
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Teravi said:
    I'm not knocking the documentation not being incredibly in-depth. Just stating that it it's probably best to just get in and play with the client rather than stare at documentation to explain it. 

    Danke, Iniar. <3
    Yeah, documentation is not very good. It is one of the main things we plan on improving in the near future.
  • AleutiaAleutia Member, Historian Posts: 363 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jeremy said:
    Khizan said:

    The Behavior token comes with a 250cr purchase and every 500cr thereafter. This is a fairly significant investment.

    With that in mind, I'd really like it if I had more than a one-word name to go by when I throw my token down on a set. Could we pleeaaaaase get some kind of list of messages somewhere? 

    I was resisting this, as I like people discovering things, but you are probably right. I will put something in for that today or tomorrow.
    I cannot like this enough, thank you!
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2014
    I really like being able to see what the behaviors look like before I buy them!

    The only remaining problem that I have with these behaviors is that they're awful and that they demonstrate a horrible lack of effort. A behavior token is the result of spending ~$90-100; it is a significant purchase and the quality of these behaviors is... pretty depressing, really. It feels like you're just crapping out stuff in the hopes that we pay for it. I mean, look at some of these.

    Gory Summoner(Combustion): "Lyaewyn begins to bleed from the eyes as you point at her." Wait what? My gory summoner message is that Combustion goes from cracking skin and flames to an even less gory Bleed curse? This is less gory than the default message.

    Gory Outrider(Stab): "You hack at Lyaewyn with a mercurial trident blood bursting from the wound." Firstly, this is yet another one of the ubiquitous behavior typos. Secondly, I'm hacking with my stabbing trident(that is not how you use a trident[it is for stabbing]). Thirdly, it's just bleh. Give me something about plunging my spear into her guts or how I can see bones or something about watching her flesh tear. Most all of the gory message are garbage, frankly. I'm normally not one for lavish description, but when I'm buying gory attack messages I want it to wallow in their goddamn blood and not be like "you stab them and blood sprays out".

    Water Outrider(Stab): "A water cyclone spins rapidly around a mercurial trident as you stab Naamah's [limb] with it." It seems like every other freaking water message includes a water cyclone and the ones that don't are using a tidal wave.  Give me something about a flood of pink-tinged water bursting from their wounds or something, and not just "a water cyclone surrounds your generic weapon as you hit them!"

    I could go on, but I don't really see a reason to do so. Most of the messages are fairly bad, and it's not just typos; it's that the messages themselves are fairly blah. I'm holding out for brutal before I decide what to spend my behavior token on, but at this point I honestly expect it to be more "You stab Bob with extreme brutality" and less about me smashing my spear into Bob with excessive force and the unpleasant crunching sound of bones giving way.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Yeah. It has been a massive effort to do the messages. I am more then happy to adjust messages based on suggestions. 

    After brutal we will be taking a break from making new ones, clean up the messages more, and expand on the smaller sets and and more advanced sets.

    If you make a separate thread with what you don't like, I will run through them. I will look at the ones you listed above to fix them up. As I was running through a few last night I saw some more that I did not like. 

  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I honestly think you might be better off taking submissions from the playerbase for behavior messages. 

    I think that the main reason the quality suffers is because some poor bastard is having to crank out massive numbers of these messages in short order. Spreading the workload out could only improve things.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • RaziyaRaziya Member Posts: 22 ✭✭
    @Jeremy: Gory Wytch (Basic) could use a little more bang for the buck so to speak. Current form:
    First person message:
    Sarrius begins to bleed from the eyes as you give him the [curse] curse.
    Second person message:
    Your eyes begin to bleed when Raziya points at you.
    Third person message :
    Raziya points at Sarrius, and his eyes begin to bleed.

    Suggested change:
    First person message:
    Sarrius becomes covered in crimson rivulets as he bleeds from every pore, overwhelmed from the [curse] curse.
    Second person message:
    You feel blood seeping from every pore when Raziya points at you.
    Third person message:
    Raziya points at Sarrius, and his flesh becomes stained in crimson as he bleeds from every pore.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    You guys can also throw these into IDEAS in game. I have been trying to keep up with the bugs and typos coming in for them, and will do my best to go over ideas. You can message or e-mail me as well, if you feel that is easier. As I do not always catch things on the forums. Then we can maybe go from there.
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Khizan said:
    I honestly think you might be better off taking submissions from the playerbase for behavior messages. 

    I think that the main reason the quality suffers is because some poor bastard is having to crank out massive numbers of these messages in short order. Spreading the workload out could only improve things.
    Well. It will also help that we are not going to have to push 10 sets out as fast as possible now either. We can take more time with them. That being said, I would  give a player an entire set if they wrote the all the messages for a new one.
  • VerexaVerexa Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭
    Jeremy said:
    Khizan said:
    I honestly think you might be better off taking submissions from the playerbase for behavior messages. 

    I think that the main reason the quality suffers is because some poor bastard is having to crank out massive numbers of these messages in short order. Spreading the workload out could only improve things.
    Well. It will also help that we are not going to have to push 10 sets out as fast as possible now either. We can take more time with them. That being said, I would  give a player an entire set if they wrote the all the messages for a new one.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    When he means a whole one, he means all 86 attacks (Some attacks have combos, some can have random messages, some attack limbs, some don't attack limbs). Each 86 'attack' has 3 messages, 1p, targetted, and 3p. 
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Challenge accepted.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • OystirOystir Member Posts: 454 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2014
    Want. Gimme.
     You say, "This is much harder than just being a normal person."
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got a great idea for a new set. Will write it up this weekend or something.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Raziya said:
    @Jeremy: Gory Wytch (Basic) could use a little more bang for the buck so to speak. Current form:
    First person message:
    Sarrius begins to bleed from the eyes as you give him the [curse] curse.
    Second person message:
    Your eyes begin to bleed when Raziya points at you.
    Third person message :
    Raziya points at Sarrius, and his eyes begin to bleed.

    Suggested change:
    First person message:
    Sarrius becomes covered in crimson rivulets as he bleeds from every pore, overwhelmed from the [curse] curse.
    Second person message:
    You feel blood seeping from every pore when Raziya points at you.
    Third person message:
    Raziya points at Sarrius, and his flesh becomes stained in crimson as he bleeds from every pore.
    Wish granted
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