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Svorai's Discussion for All Things

SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
Hello. I am going to use this to pester the world, rather than making new discussions. You can use this discussion to ask me questions as well.

One thing I am thinking of making for the game is a "FAQ" help file. In this help file I am going to be touching base on different questions you may have about Entity related 'interactions' with mortals/organizations/etc. Here are a few topics that will be touched on, let me know if you have more ideas that you think need to be touched on, so that we can make sure people know what's going on, and what to look for.

- Orgrequests
- Customisations
- Orgs:
  - What rooms can I delete (if any)
  - Where can I put doors
  - Can I have an org-related quest?
  - I need a program for an item, what is needed?
  - Can I have items made for our org?
    - What can I do with said items

These are the ones I get a lot of questions about already, so this will be first on the list. Please let me know what your questions are. May it be questions you currently have, questions you've asked in the past, and would like to see it jotted down. Maybe something you're confused about and need clarity.

I am going to do my best to answer these questions. Just know, some things do change. Some times we do allow something, and then decided that it's not a good fit for the game, so we stop allowing it. Sometimes we didn't allow it before, but now we do. This is just because we try to keep up with where the game is going, and what the playerbase seems to think on certain things.

Ok! I think that does it for a now. Post away, if you want. If not, that's alright too! 


  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No immediate questions - this will be extremely helpful. I never knew org leaders could initiate a conversation about things like roleplay, so this would be extremely useful. Thanks.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    As per the newest Announce post:

    "Ask Svorai"
     - You can ask her anything, it does not mean she'll answer them all

      1.) Which organizations can submit orgrequests?
        * Guilds
        * Cities/Councils
        * Townes

      2.) Why can't sects/cults submit orgrequests.
        * Sects/cults are suppose to be player ran, but if you wish to have special things done for them, you will need to attract an Entity. If you have an Entity, please send your request to your Entity.

      3.) What do I put an orgrequest in for?
        * Building rooms in the organization
        * Building doors in the organization.
          3.1 How much does that cost?
             * 50 wood
           3.1.1 Can I add a lock to it?
             * Yes for 5,000 gold
        * Building new rooms
          3.2 How much does this cost?
           *  Rooms: stone 500, wood 500 + comms for description items
             3.2.1 What does "description items" mean?
               * If you describe things like "A canopy of red silk cloth drapes over the street." Then you'll have added cloth comms in your cost.
           * Road: stone 250 + comms for description items
         * Re-describing/re-titling rooms:
           3.3 How much does this cost?
             * stone 100, wood 100, 100k gold + comms for description items  (Descriptions)
             * 50,000 gold (Re-titling)

    NOTE: These prices are subject to change with the new commodity system.

      4.) Can I get an item made for the organization?
        * Most likely, yes. This is a case by case bases, and we look at what you're asking for and determine if we will allow it.
          4.1) If we want something made, what do we need to do?
             * Appearance of item
             * Dropped description of item
             * Examined description of item
             4.1.1) If I want the item to do something special, what do I need to do?
               * Ask if what you want is OK!
               * If above is a 'yes' then you will need details of what you want. 
                  Example #1: I want this book to change author upon touch. If you want a special message to pop up when that person touches it, thus changing the author, then you will need to write it.
                  Example #2: I want this GM door to open to only the GM - Then have a message of what happens when you open it, when someone tries to open it and can't, and what it looks like when you enter the room. Remember, doors have 2 sides, so you will need message for the room you're in, and the room you're going into.

      1.) Why can't my hound be pure demonic energy?
         * As stated in HELP CUSTOMIZATION your hound was raised in a kennel, not the pit.
      2.) Why can't my hound make you scared to look at it?
        * Not everyone is going to find your hound scary. Forcing that person to find your hound scary is something we never allow.
      3.) Why can't my bird be made of ice?
        * Because birds are not made of ice, thus your bird cannot be made of ice.
    NOTE: Just remember: Pets cannot hold special powers, cannot be infused with demonic power. They cannot be coated in a layer of ice, since the ice will melt.

      4.) You allow artifacts to have 'blood and gore,' why can't my hound?
        * We give a little more leeway with artifacts as you have purchased them with credits, and are customizing them with credits. They have a different set of rules than regular items.
  • LalitanaLalitana Member Posts: 208 ✭✭✭
    This is something that's come up a time or two: what are the costs, if any, to have special (but already-programmed) games run at a city's request? For example, if we asked that a gem hunt line up with a city activity? 

    What happens if we have a room or series of rooms in a city deleted? Do we get any kind of material or gold refund? - I'm 90% sure the answer is no, but it's always good to be specific.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    Running a 'city gemhunt'
      - This has been asked a few times, and people decided not to do it after finding out the answer, so you'll probably not like what I have to say.
      * To run the event it will cost 200,000 gold
      * You need to come up with the prizes for top 5 (to be on the safe side).
      * This cannot be "Just for the city," so when you host this game, you're hosting it for the entire world.

    Deleting city rooms:
      * We are quite against deleting city rooms. If, for some reason, we do allow you to delete the rooms, you will not get any gold/commodities for those rooms.
      * We do not allow you to build 'game built' rooms. This means, those rooms that are not part of a 'player made' expansion.
      * If there are mobs in that room, or items on the ground, we do allow for transplant of those items. We even allow re-purposing, to an extent. 
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have asked for more special emotes for my guild, but was told I already have too many (this is true). Is there a mechanical reason for a cap or is it simply arbitrary?
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    edited November 2014
    Iniar said:
    Question: I have asked for more special emotes for my guild, but was told I already have too many (this is true). Is there a mechanical reason for a cap or is it simply arbitrary?
    It's a policy restriction, not a mechanical one.

    EDIT: Look at me, stealing Svorai's thunder in her own thread. Sorry!
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  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    Eoghan said:
    Iniar said:
    Question: I have asked for more special emotes for my guild, but was told I already have too many (this is true). Is there a mechanical reason for a cap or is it simply arbitrary?
    It's a policy restriction, not a mechanical one.

    EDIT: Look at me, stealing Svorai's thunder in her own thread. Sorry!
    You're fired!!

    We limit the emotes for organizations for our own reasons. Otherwise everyone organization would have 100 emotes, and that just won't do.

    I believe you were also told you could swap out the emotes you have for 'new' ones or 'fresh' ones that go with your organization more.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeap, just curious. Thanks!
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What are the proper channels for requesting additional city ambient messages?

    How much would they cost?

    Is there a limit?
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • LalitanaLalitana Member Posts: 208 ✭✭✭
    On the note of these custom org emotes, what is the hard limit? How much does a new one cost?
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    edited November 2014
    I had a fairly busy morning, but I'm back!

    @Iniar Currently we do not have a policy on adding ambient messages to your org, if we do start allowing it, I will let you guys know. But there will be a price and a limit to how many you can have (That will be determined if/when we allow it.)

    @Lalitana Our "new" policy is going to be max of 5 org-related emotes. Those Orgs that have more can keep theirs, or swap them out for new ones, but will not be getting any more. They are 5k per emote.

    As always, to go about submitting any of this, it depends on your preference. You can e-mail an Entity, or you can submit an Orgrequest. The difference in the two is through e-mail you're deciding who you would like to take up the project, and through orgrequest all Entities can see the projects. Just know, if we have a general "No, you can't do that," sending an e-mail to an Entity in hopes to get it done is poor form, and you are basically asking that Entity to get in trouble for you. This is bad, I do not like this, do not make me angry. 
    Post edited by Svorai on
  • MercerMercer Member Posts: 220 ✭✭✭
    I've used HELP SPECIALEMOTES ORG and found none, does that mean my guild has none at the moment?
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    edited November 2014
    Very few organizations are close to or at this limit, so there's room for most to add some emotes.

    I've modified HELP SPECIALEMOTES to also accept GUILD and CITY/COUNCIL as types, so you will be able to do HELP SPECIALEMOTES CITY/COUNCIL/GUILD in addition to the existing RACE, ORG, PROFESSION and GENDER options already available. I'll be loading this change alongside some other things, so it'll be active later today. (Now loaded)
    Like what we're doing? Why not take a second to vote? Vote for Imperian at
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    edited November 2014
    Mercer said:
    I've used HELP SPECIALEMOTES ORG and found none, does that mean my guild has none at the moment?
    None that are activated, yes. There are a couple of legacy ones that aren't active, and don't take up slots, but we can talk about them via message or email to see if you want to reenable them.
    Like what we're doing? Why not take a second to vote? Vote for Imperian at
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    Hi everyone!

    So I just want to let you all know I'm not ignoring you, I swear. Those of you who have e-mailed me, or have messaged me with requests, I know about them, and I'm sorry I have not gotten to you sooner. I will try to get things settled the beginning of December, but, unfortunately, I'm insanely busy with  Thanksgiving right now. 

    If you have messaged me with a request, but not e-mailed me. Please send me an e-mail as well, this way I will for sure not lose it.

    Thanks a bunch for understanding! (I'm assuming you're all going to be nice and understand that I have to prepare a rather good-sized Thanksgiving meal, and thus am unable to totally be around right now.). Message me or e-mail me if you need something. I'm trying my best to take care of the smaller requests now, but I know I have 2-3 pending larger requests.

    I will also be posting another "Ask Svorai" news post after the holidays with the new questions I've recieved.
  • SkyeSkye Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
    This is sort of more of a request that has blossomed from an on-going question, but I'd like some sort of Guide to who I should contact for certain problems. I always bounce between if I should be addressing my issue to Jeremy, Garryn, Eoghan, Svorai, Dec, previously Jesse, and others. I know most of you are pretty busy, so I don't want to be pestering you if the problem or question I have is not your department. Maybe some kind of Who Is Who of Imperian?

    Part of it maybe stems as well from the loss of Patronage for organizations. I don't want to overburden Svorai with Celidon stuff if she's actually not meant to be acting in that capacity.

    Or this is a really dumb idea and I'm the only one who has this problem.
    ** Yes, we're aware of the problems. Please do NOT use any HELP files at the moment.**.
    ** And don't try them now just see if they're really broken. **.
    ** Or credit conversion. Try not to do anything much right now. **.
    ** Don't panic, normal service will be restored as soon as possible. For now, enjoy the wonders of conversation. **.
    *** We will be rebooting in about 60 seconds ***.
    ** Don't panic. Just...stay close to your rosaries **.
    ** Monetary offers for Salvation accepted. **.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    Coding problems? As in skills, organization problems like guards, problems within the actual ministries. That can be our coders Dec and Eoghan
    Membership problems: Jeremy or Garryn

    Bugs: Unless they are typos or bugs with quests Dec and Eoghan

    Bugs: Typos and quests can be brought to me

    RP requests, Orgrequests, etc, can be brought to me or any other "RP Entity" as per HELP ENTITY. For the time being I would refrain from asking non-evolved entities to help in this as they are still learning the ropes. Go for more of an RP Entity, that would fit your preference. 

    Messaging, or E-mailing them. Is fine. I can try to set up a help file that will get things a bit more organized on this.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    With that said, as per announec post 2922 HELP CONTACT(S) now exist. 
  • SkyeSkye Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
    Thank you!
    ** Yes, we're aware of the problems. Please do NOT use any HELP files at the moment.**.
    ** And don't try them now just see if they're really broken. **.
    ** Or credit conversion. Try not to do anything much right now. **.
    ** Don't panic, normal service will be restored as soon as possible. For now, enjoy the wonders of conversation. **.
    *** We will be rebooting in about 60 seconds ***.
    ** Don't panic. Just...stay close to your rosaries **.
    ** Monetary offers for Salvation accepted. **.
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