Hello! I figured I would make a new thread to share suggestions to changes in the newly released behaviours. I have only worked on Summoner's behaviours as it is the only class I play, but all are welcome to submit their ideas or comment on others'.
Invoke Combustion
The problem I find with most of the behaviours is that they don’t reference the fact that Combustion is essentially a fire skill. Despite the behaviours being “forestal” or “frosty”, they should still be true to their original design. Here are some of the behaviours I have worked on so far. I'd be glad to work on some more if these are well-received. I invite you to offer some constructive criticism.
First person message:
You curl a finger at $(name$) who begins to shriek in agony as $(his$) internal organs are set ablaze, the fiery ruptures causing blood to trickle from $(his$) eyes and mouth.
Second person message:
$(name$) curls a finger at you and you begin to shriek in agony while your internal organs are set ablaze, the fiery ruptures causing blood to trickle from your eyes and mouth.
Third person message:
$(caster$) curls a finger at $(target$) who begins to shriek in agony as blood trickles from their eyes and mouth.
First person message:
As you point at $(name$), fire-touched vines rise from the ground to snake around $(his) body only to quickly burst into scorching hot flames leaving $(his) flesh horribly charred.
Second person message:
As $(name$) points at you, fire-touched vines snake around your body and quickly burst into scorching hot flames, leaving your flesh horribly charred.
Third person message:
As $(caster$) points at $(target$), fire-touched vines snake around $(his$) body and quickly burst into scorching hot flames, leaving $(his$) flesh horribly charred.
First person message:
Your piercing gaze falls upon $(name$) and $(he) claws at $(his$) throat, choking on the blistering volcanic lava filling $(his$) lungs and throat.
Second person message:
You begin to claw helplessly at your throat as blistering volcanic lava flows from your lungs and throat, $(name$)’s piercing gaze trained upon you.
Third person message:
$(caster$)’s piercing gaze falls upon $(target$) and steam begins to escape from $(his$) nostrils as $(he) helplessly claws at $(his$) throat.
First person message:
You narrow your eyes at $(name$), $(his$) flesh hissing in response as blistering sores suddenly begin to form and $(his$) bones splinter and snap with audible cracks.
Second person message:
$(name$) narrows $(his$) eyes at you, your flesh hissing in response as blistering sores suddenly begin to form and your bones splinter and snap with audible cracks.
Third person message:
$(caster$) narrows $(his$) eyes at $(target$) whose flesh hisses in response as blistering sores suddenly begin to form and whose bones splinter and snap with audible cracks.
Edit: I'm most definitely doing the scripting portion wrong. Can we possibly get a list of syntaxes we should be using?
Brutal is a hard one to pull off with fire, I dunno. It's hard. what about making their blood boil and blisters? (the bone thing threw me)
The following strings exist. Each section below will note which of these strings they support.
$(caster$) - This is the person doing the movement, performing the attack, etc
$(name$) - Like caster, but used instead of it in emotes.
$(his$)/$(him$)/$(he$) - Gender specific pronouns for the caster.
$(target$) - This is the person being killed (for deathsight).
$(lname$) - Like target, but used instead of it in emotes.
$(lhis$)/$(lhim$)/$(lhe$) - Gender specific pronouns for the target.
$(enter_direction$) - The direction from which caster is entering
$(leave_direction$) - The direction to which caster is leaving.
How is this for gory:
You jab a finger at Selthis and he begins to shriek in agony as his skin is overtaken by pus-filled sores that burn and blacken around the edges to reveal portions of his skeletal frame, chunks of his hair and flesh melting away like butter.
I'll be in my room scrubbing that terrifying image out of my brain
Also, please find a way to make the word slough fit in some of the gory behaviors? It was in the text for some old Summoner skill that I loved back when I first made a Summoner alt years ago.
Blood and gore flying, you repeatedly stab a rabid ghoul with a scourgebone daegger.
That said, because it is configurable, and optional, it's probably OK to give them some length to allow for more expression. Perhaps some rule of thumbs like: if it is the class' main attack, keep it shorter, otherwise it can be up to 180? chars. IDK, I just turn em all off.
bmatch @bmatch set msg1 Flexing your wicked talons, you savagely rake $=(target$) across the face leaving only shredded traces of $(his$) complexion from which hang slivers of gore-soaked tissue.
bmatch @bmatch set msg2 Flexing $(his$) wicked talons, $=(caster$) savagely rakes you across the face leaving only shredded traces of your complexion from which hang slivers of gore-soaked tissue.
bmatch @bmatch set msg3 Flexing $(his$) wicked talons, $=(caster$) savagely rakes $=(target$) across the face leaving only shredded traces of $(lhis$) complexion from which hang slivers of gore-soaked tissue.
As a mortal, I loved behaviour messages and collected quite a variety. After fixing up some typos in them recently, I was inspired to spice up a few of them instead of just fixing the occasional errant comma or apostrophe. Then I found this thread and got even more enthusiastic about it!
However, I was wondering if the current playerbase generally ignores them (either by way of gagging everything in their client and/or CONFIG BEHAVIOURS OFF) or if there would be a desire to see more verbose and detailed behaviour messages.
I know people do gag them, but I think some more personal flavour would be very much needed in Imperian at this time. I think that if they all get released too soon, people will just buy them and move on. But it could be interesting to have them continuously released.
As an aside, I can write & would love to be able to write some up if it's needed.