This thread was created at player request to have a unified place to make suggestions for help file improvements. This includes fixing/updating/expanding existing files, as well as making new ones.
Everything posted here is subject to review by the administration before being added, etc etc.
Caravan Crop: 75 credits
- Moves your caravan 25% faster.
It would be nice if HELP HUNTING GROUNDS would mention the AREAS command existing as a means to find suitable bashing areas for a person of one's level so I don't have to look dumb next time I forget about it.
Both of these done.
I do see that the shopkeeper command has been added to the list of commands when SHOP is typed, but since there is a fee involved and shopkeepers can be customized with credits or a token it would be great to see that information in 6.11 or a sub-category. Similarly there was a note about being able to script them, so listing how that is done - if currently available - would be helpful. The humgii information is also not there, and how to purchase said humgii/gremlin/whatever does not appear when SHOP is typed.
Removed references to those help files from their respective indices.
Information added to HELP RUNELORE. The only way to get that syntax to pop up is a really weird edge case. I'll consider making that clearer when I'm back to my office.
Arm yourself with the biggest battleaxe you can find, type in AB REAVE. Profit.