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Theophilus' First Summoning

IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
Tenebrous Sanctum.
A granite statue of the Red Maiden, Her sinuous, radiant form appearing to dance within living flames carved from the stone, dominates the room. A striped aardvark sniffs the ground in search of burrowing insects. Small traces of light reflect upon the surface of the obsidian armour of a Deathknight's hound. The undead form of Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn is here. He wields a personal journal in his left hand and a buckler of necromantic bone in his right. Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine is here, grinning mischievously.
You see exits leading north, east, and south.

In quiet undertones, you say to Jordiach, "Do you know the phrase?"

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "Ut kurah nooks-bikshil corus."

Jordiach grumbles angrily.

In quiet undertones, you say, "Ut Kurah Nokh-Bikshil Corus."

Upon your utterance of the binding incantation, the runes around the door begin to emit a soft azure light. As the glow grows brighter and brighter, it encompasses the entirety of the door and deep scarlet blood beings to seep from its cracks. The passage turns an ethereal azure hue and you are drawn through.
Starlit Ritual Room.
A platinum star covered with runes is attached to the door. A small silvery stone is here, surrounded in haze. This is a summoning room. 
There are no obvious exits.

(Jordiach) enters from ETHER.
She is followed by a striped aardvark and an obsidian-plated hound.
A soft azure light heralds the arrival of Jordiach from the ether.

(Adril) enters from ETHER.
A soft azure light heralds the arrival of Adril from the ether.

Starlit Ritual Room.
A platinum star covered with runes is attached to the door. A small silvery stone is here, surrounded in haze. A striped aardvark sniffs the ground in search of burrowing insects. Small traces of light reflect upon the surface of the obsidian armour of a Deathknight's hound. The undead form of Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn is here. He wields a personal journal in his left hand and a buckler of necromantic bone in his right. Adril Eldunari is here, waves weaving in intricate patterns around him. He is holding a truesilver shield in his left hand. Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine is here. This is a summoning room. 
There are no obvious exits.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "Excellent. So, we are to summon Golgotha."

A demonic brand of entwined serpents begins to burn against your flesh as the snakes wrap their tails about your arm.

You tilt your head and listen intently.

Dilated pupils gaze about his surroundings before his gaze affixes upon the floor. Theophilus smiles softly in anticipation.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Theophilus, "We will summon Golgotha, just so you can see how it the traditional summoning ritual goes."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to Jordiach, "Shall I do anything apart from stand as an observor?"

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Theophilus, "Uh... if someone goes wrong, fight?"

You have emoted: Iniar places his wrinkled hand over a blackened grimoire and mutters in a harsh tongue, incanting some mystic phrase.

Theophilus quickdraws a nightmare themed broadsword and a buckler of necromantic bone.

Theophilus tightens his grip upon a nightmare themed broadsword as his countenance hardens.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "To ardrl will you chant?"

Jordiach wrinkles her nose disfavourably.

Adril nods his head.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to you, "And will you cut?"

You nod slowly.

Jordiach suddenly looks incredibly relaxed.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "Please remember to relax your learned reflexes."

Theophilus shifts his glance toward you before muttering, "How did I know you would eagerly volunteer for the portion of spilling blood?" he intones in a teasing manner.

You chuckle long and heartily.

Rasping, you say, "I am always ready to spill life."

Rasping, you say, "Be it mine or others."

Jordiach's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

Theophilus's eyes sparkle with amusement at you.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "I will scrawl, we will be going for entrapment, not enslavement."

You give Jordiach a slow nod.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "Are we ready?"

Rasping, you say, "I am."

Adril nods his head.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "Then let us bring on Golgotha!"

Standing in upright posture, Theophilus tenses his muscles visibly as he prepares to observe the summoning. He nods curtly to signify his readiness as his pupils dilate quite a bit.

Carefully Jordiach gathers some ink and begins scrawling a large circle on the ground.

Having completed the main circle, Jordiach begins to enscribe a large inverted star within it.

Sweating from the effort, Jordiach begins meticulously writing the sealing runes for the pentagram.

Jordiach checks the pentagram one final time for error, before finishing the work.

Adril Eldunari chants, "Dia ad adaodaun golgotha."
As Adril chants, intense heat fills the room.

Red fire flashes from the pentagram, filling the room with thick smoke. Screams of anguish echo across the stone walls.

You grit your teeth as you slice open your palm, squeezing a fist to permit the thick liquid to drip onto the pentagram and infuse it with power.

Adril Eldunari chants, "Agus dunach ort golgotha."
As Adril chants, a portal of fire appears within the pentagram.

Intense heat spews across the room as the portal of fire flashes and Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord emerges from within.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, in Hanyou, "Here we are."

Theophilus locks his gaze upon Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord with mild interest.

Adril watches Golgotha carefully.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord, in Hanyou, "Quiet today..."

In quiet undertones, you say to Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord, "We meet again, Jy'Barrak."

As Theophilus continues to appraise Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord, he tilts his head to one side before saying, "I must admit, you are an impressive sight to behold. I can see why you are the Emperor." Theophilus brushes the robes of the Imperator before saying, "You and I are alike in some manners, it seems," as his eyes twinkle with amusement.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Theophilus, "It's pretty simple to get them here."

Jordiach's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

Theophilus adjusts the crown of the Imperator atop his head before saying to Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord, "You do need a crown to be a true, Emperor. Perhaps I may bring you a few bones and bits of flesh from which to fashion one."

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "When you have an excellent team."

Adril Eldunari says, "Was much easier this time then doing it alone, that is for sure."

Theophilus shifts his gaze to Jordiach and says, "Indeed, it is. I wonder if there are others of the Pit who are much more formidable and difficult to summon--more difficult to restrain in the pentagram.

In quiet undertones, you say, "The shapeshifter is one."

You smile wryly, quite clearly amused.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "If you'd like, we can bring him."

In quiet undertones, you say, "He's a trickster."

Jordiach grins mischievously.

Thoughtfully, Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says, "I have spent some time in the library and I have read of one perhaps more powerful than the Demon Emperor. I spoke with Esmyrsia about it...she shed some light, or perhaps darkness, upon the matter as I left the conversation a bit confused."

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "An entrapment is different from a enslavement. Enslavements are a bit more work. They fight that."

You tilt your head and listen intently.

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to you, "One seeks to draw Esmyrsia back to the Pit. I do not know his name, nor the extend of his powers, but I have been eagerly awaiting his attempt strike. I have recruited Jordiach here to assist me in summoning him so that we may speak."

Comprehension flashes across your face.

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says, "The ritual may be altered slightly to summon him. Celosyi is willing to assist us in accomplishing this."

Steel in his voice, you say, "What do you know so far?"

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord, "Would you like to go home?"

Theophilus peers back at Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord before saying quietly, "Not as much as I would like to know. I suppose time will bear more knowledge." Theophilus shifts his gaze back to Jordiach and says, "Banish him."

With a snarl Jordiach ends the summoning, casting Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord back to the demon plane.

You have emoted: Iniar twirls a Tarot card on its point on his index finger - without warning, it bursts into flames.

Relaxing a bit, Theophilus grins and says, "Quite a sight to behold..."

You nod slowly.

In partial jest and partial seriousness, Theophilus says, "It makes me wish I could call myself a Noctusari in some ways."

In quiet undertones, you say, "It would not be unthinkable."

Theophilus's eyes sparkle with amusement at you.

You shrug helplessly at Theophilus.

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to you, "I am sure."

Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile.

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to you, "One must be well-rounded, yes?"

Jordiach grins mischievously.

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to you, "City nobility was a stepping stone to becoming such."

Staring at the spot that Golgotha was, Adril quietly replies, "Summoning and enslaving them, a good test of your strength".

In quiet undertones, you say, "Not corpuscular, no."

The soft hum of Esmyrsia's voice whispers in your ear, as if calling for more blood.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "To aril it can go severely wrong though... I lost my eye to Nin'Kharsag."

Jordiach grumbles angrily.

Adril Eldunari says to Jordiach, "Aye. I did my summons alone, fought a few of the demons due to inexperience."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to Adril, "It seems master Summoners reawaken to reteach the Archaic means of ritualism... means lost over time due to slumber."

Amoriel, Mikah, Mykael entered from ETHER.

Adril inclines his head respectfully.

Mykael holds a single finger up to his lips, as he leaves the two.

Rasping, you say, "There is no other like a Master Summoner."

Mykael touches a platinum star.

When touched, the runes etched upon the star begin to emit a soft azure light. As the glow grows brighter and brighter, it encompasses the entirety of the star and a deep scarlet blood begins to seep from the runes, and Mykael is drawn through.

Adril tilts his head curiously at you.

Rasping, you say, "A true leader, in warfare, in politics, in intellect... This is why I am here with my Brethren and my Family."

Mikah utters a short incantation, his body slowly fading from sight. Only his laboured breathing warns you of his presence, and in seconds even this grows muffled and silent.

Adril Eldunari asks, "Master summoner?"

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "This City could use a good dose of ritualism again. At risk of sounding like an crone...."

Theophilus gives Jordiach a wry smile, his eyes lighting up deviously.

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to Jordiach, "I agree wholeheartedly."

In quiet undertones, you say, "Hecate is such, and witness her power..."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to Jordiach, "We had a ritual of unity recently, but nothing to do with the Pit."

Adril mutters discontentedly.

The Tainted Lily, Lady Amoriel Iscariot, Pit Warden says to Jordiach, "I used to lead rituals but no one wanted to attend.."

Amoriel creases her brow in a frown.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Amoriel, "That is a pity."

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "To mykael do you remember? How people would go insane, summon demons, and just... prod them until everything exploded?"

Jordiach creases her brow in a frown.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "I should pay better attention."

Theophilus grins mischievously at Jordiach.

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to Jordiach, "He is just getting his bearings, I am sure. Or reflecting in nostalgia upon Death."

You chuckle long and heartily.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Theophilus, "I'm so used to being blind that sometimes I forget to open my eyes."

The Tainted Lily, Lady Amoriel Iscariot, Pit Warden says, "Say I remember people dying to demons.. a lot growing up.."

Mikah nods sagely.

Jordiach grins mischievously.

The Tainted Lily, Lady Amoriel Iscariot, Pit Warden says, "Was entertaining.."

Adril Eldunari says, "Death in general is entertaining."

The Tainted Lily, Lady Amoriel Iscariot, Pit Warden says, "I mean I myself had my heart cut out by my mentor for educational purposes."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn smiles impishly and says to Adril, "Were you awake when Lord Thanatos yet lived? -- not to say He still does not."

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "Who was it... there was one crazy person who tried to melt the slime king, Nin'Kharsag..."

Theophilus's eyes sparkle with amusement.

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says, "To Leisane?"

Jordiach gives a trillingly melodic laugh.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "Yes, that f-----r."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn smiles and says, "How did I guess."

Adril Eldunari says to Theophilus, "No, but I plan to ask Lord Zenigra to teach me his ways."

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says, "He melted him down and pour it all over my face. I lost my eyes that day."

Adril Eldunari says, "The Lord may be gone, but his teaches can continue to live on."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to Adril, "There are many who have knowledge and wisdom concerning rituals. They just never find proteges eager to learn... individuals who thirst for satiation regarding such."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to Jordiach, "I should like to hear more of your stories at a later time. Quite interesting."

The Tainted Lily, Lady Amoriel Iscariot, Pit Warden says, "Like myself. I Used to lead the Cabal of the Malignists .."

"Oh?" Theophilus exclaims quizzically at Amoriel.

The Tainted Lily, Lady Amoriel Iscariot, Pit Warden says to Theophilus, "Aye, Rituals were my -thing-."

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Theophilus, "I am filled with them. I came to the Noctusari via kidnapping. We'll grab a drink some time and I'll tell you all the tales."

Adril Eldunari says to Amoriel, "I asked a woman if she would be mine, then offered her my heart, which she took, literally."

Jordiach laughs melodically at Adril.

Adril Eldunari says, "Good times."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says, "I plan on leading an excursion to destroy Schrov'ik one last time and then return to a feast of sorts prepared by servants during our absence from the city. Perhaps next month we can discuss these stories of olde. They are quite fascinating, and useful for determining future direction."

Obviously pleased, Theophilus glances at Jordiach and says, "Thank you for that, Jordiach. Your service is appreciated."

The Tainted Lily, Lady Amoriel Iscariot, Pit Warden says to Adril, "Did she eat the heart? IF not then it was a waste."

Adril Eldunari says, "She did."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says, "I must return to the throneroom to ponder. I have a feeling a ritual of similar sorts will occur soon, though much more difficult to accomplish. I must prepare."

Adril Eldunari says, "In front of her parents."

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Theophilus, "Anytime. This is the most alive I've felt this City in a while."

Adril points accusingly at Theophilus.

Amoriel nods curtly.

Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Theophilus, "Should I escort you out?"

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to Jordiach, "You are not the first to say that, and I am glad to hear it."

Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to Jordiach, "Please do."

With a flourish of her arm, Jordiach bows deeply.

Jordiach touches a platinum star.

Amoriel and Theophilus leave to the ether following Jordiach.
They are followed by a striped aardvark and an obsidian-plated hound.
When touched, the runes etched upon the star begin to emit a soft azure light. As the glow grows brighter and brighter, it encompasses the entirety of the star and a deep scarlet blood begins to seep from the runes, and Jordiach is drawn through.
wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure


  • TheophilusTheophilus Member Posts: 784 ✭✭✭✭
    Jordiach Elandor, Eye of the Sanguine says to Theophilus, "Anytime. This is the most alive I've felt this City in a while."

    Love this.
    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
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