I just rolled this character a few days ago. Pretty new to Imperian, though I've played Achaea for about 15 years. I'm Aktillum over there, so if any of you know me, feel free to hit me up here and help me with combat theory and all that stuff. I'm currently Druid class.
I'm not sure how many active fighters magick is employing at the moment - they seem to be a bit on the downswing right now - but I'm sure you can find any help you need in-game with enough looking (and I'm sure they'll be happy to have renewed interest). Druid is a very solid profession with great group utility and area control, and has definitely been one of the most popular professions in that circle as a result. Druid was the target of some balancing adjustments in the last few months and I'm not sure they've been fully assessed yet.
If you have trouble finding resources, feel free to ask around other circles too, or on the forums.
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”