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kestrel related question

LytaLyta Member Posts: 1
Hello everyone,
I apologize if this has been asked before, but I am very hnew to imperian.  First, just wantet o say how nice everyone has been!  I also really enjoy the detailed skills in my profession; I am learning about runeguard.  Anyway, I was hoping to understand the reasoning of why my kestrel (I love the training system for it by the way) isn't allowed/able to attack mobiles?  I was a bit disappointed, since I feel like I'm not able to enjoy having a companion/pet as much as I otherwise could.  Although I can definitely see in PVP that it would be very useful, but since I don't know how involved I will be in pvp, it feels a little sad that my awesome kestrel can't fight with me against the monsters I am spending all my time killing.  Anyway, would appreciate any thoughts, again just wanting to understand.  Thanks for a great game!


  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2015
    Most of the real "color" of your skills is reserved for PvP in IRE games in general.  That said, Imperian probably allows you to use more of your abilities in PvE than I've seen in the others.  I think it is partly because bashing isn't mean to be overly complex, which would require lots of coding for people who aren't ready to do that.  Achaea rolled out a PvE system awhile back that sought to make things more fun, without complicating them overly.  Some people loved it, some people felt overwhelmed - but as a bunch of player coders shared the bashing systems they developed, and the game's coders built in some features to make it more usable, I do think it mostly worked out.  But in short, PvE isn't IRE's focus.  I think I've also seen the argument that it would make you too efficient at bashing, although if it were integrated into your skills and overall efficiency were considered, it seems like it could be fine?  But for that to happen, our coders would have to spend more time on PvE, and the focus of the games is on the gorgeous PvP aspect (which always makes me wonder why most of IRE's games are so insistent on making people bash a LOT, but yeah).  Maybe you'll get a couple more takes on this.  
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