a crystal cylinder------------------------------When in the same room as an ally, you may SIPHON [TO|FROM] <player>. This will cause 5% of theirhealth to siphon from them to you, or visa versa. It will stop if either of you leave the room ofthe other player when it ticks again. It will not be effected by movement if one player is followingthe other. When trying to siphon FROM another player, they must have allied you. It will transfer5000 health before breaking.
a faded green capsule------------------------------EAT CAPSULE will temporarily sets all your skills to Transcendent for 24 hours. Nice for trying outa new profession.
a mentor's scroll------------------------------You can READ SCROLL TO <player> whose level is lower than yours and, if they ACCEPT, they will gainyour unmodified base health and mana for 24 hours. Their other stats will be unchanged. Will work 5times.