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Wild Hunt RP

SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
Following the fad of multiple other cults forming RP threads, I figure I'd show off a small event that Zarah concocted for us that followed a cult gathering - she had been hinting at wanting an icewyrm, so we went off and stalked one down in the Redcap Caverns. This is what happened:

You have emoted: Sarrius leans forward to inspect the massive wyrm, his eyes
wide with amazement. His fingers slacken on the hilt of his blade, obviously
taken in by the majesty of the creature.

You say, "He's a big 'un, eh?"

Zarah takes a small step closer to the gigantic icewyrm and carefully puts her
weapons away in plain sight of the animal.

Zarah clears her throat slightly, and lets her words ring out boldly.

With a serpentine sway, Zsavrai peers out from behind you, pupils dilating
unnaturally as she listens.

Zarah says, "Great beast! I call to you this day."

Kayvaan motions with his spear, causing his wyrm to breath an icy mist in front
of the gathered hunters and create a small half-wall for use as cover, "Stay
behind it, brethren." he snarls.

Zarah says, "To join with me and with the Hunt.."

Zarah says, "To be my companion in the blood-rich fray."

The glacial icewyrm tilts its head slightly, appearing interested in this shiny

Lalitana whispers something to her wolf, which backs up several paces from the
enormous wyrm with a low whine.

With a quiet giggle, Zsavrai says, "Blood-rich fray..."

At the icewyrms movement, Zarah stands up straighter and lets her voice echo
loudly throughout the caverns.

Zarah says, "To oceans black and depths with fury."

Zarah says, "Collecting rats and those who scurry."

Zarah says, "To mountains high and caverns damp."

Zarah says, "Seeking out ogres and orcs to tramp."

Zarah says, "To plains and valleys, lakes and hills."

Zarah says, "For demons and undead to showcase our skills."

Zarah says, "To cities and councils, for glory and gain."

Zarah says, "Draining the blood of the Arcane!"

You have emoted: Sarrius smiles softly, leaning in to listen to the entity speak to the wyrm.

The icewyrm blinks its eyes at these strange utterances, yet leans down towards
Zarah feeling a slight connection, a heartfelt pull.

The tiny Zarah begins to whisper to the wyrm, making small gestures as she
speaks only to it.

As the giant hears her secret plea, the beast lowers itself onto the ground of
the cavern. Closing its enormous eyes, it acquiesces to the entities plea.

Zarah gently climbs onto the enormous beast, struggling just slightly, and
takes her place between its wings.

Zarah grins mischievously at you.

Brishi Zaridiux says, "It did accept, at the least."

A faint growl in his voice, Darin says to Zarah, "Color me impressed."

Zsavrai says, "Of course it did."

You see Zarah yell, "To me, great beast! To stalk the prey."

You see Zarah yell, "With stealth and style, without delay!"

The great wyrm rises up with Zarah upon its back, and flaps its wings once,
sending those gathered off their feet.

"Oof!" Darin exclaims, grimacing.

Zarah's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

Zsavrai hits the ground beneath her with a grunt, smoothing a lace-edged
viridian chiffon skirt as she swings back up to her feet nimbly.

Kayvaan swears under his breath as he falls and his leg is crushed by his
toppling mount.

Kayvaan kicks at his wyrm until it gets off of him and stands back up, "I'm
fine." he grunts.

Zarah says, "That went rather well, I think."

A savage gray wolf whines and scrambles for purchase on the ice before toppling
over, sending Lalitana sliding into a wall.

You have emoted: Struggling up to his feet again with his broadsword for
leverage, Sarrius shakes his head free of any lingering disorientation.

Zsavrai says, "You weren't eaten. That always marks a delightful end."

Zarah says to you, "I spoke to him words of the Night, words of Life, and words
of War. I spoke to him of Their sacrifice, and how we must go on once more."

Clashing his broadsword and shield together in a din of approval, you exclaim,
"So be it! For the Hunt! Long live Zarah! Long live Glaurik! May they ride for
many years to come!"

Climbing back onto his wyrm, Kayvaan takes up his spear and shield, "For the
Hunt!" he echoes, smashing his weapon and shield together.

Kayvaan Zharn says to Zarah, "Looks like you'll be needing a spear after all,

Zarah says, "I do have some ideas with which to go fetch one, yes."

Zarah says, "I shall call him Glaurik, and he shall be the first for the

Glaurik, the Glacial, snorts his approval, though more gently this time seeing
how easily he last dislodged the Hunters.

Zsavrai scrapes skin from her forearm, casting a splatter of blood almost as if
in approving offering, quietly repeating your words.

Zarah says, "Another day I think, to go in search of wood most demonic in
nature to conquer as our own."

Zsavrai says, "Demonic...wood?"

Zarah says, "Aye, do you know of what I speak?"

A faint growl in his voice, Darin says, "The Leechwood.."

Kayvaan Zharn says to Zarah, "The Al'drym woods fit your description, Sister.
My kin have sent many stalkers into that blighted place."

Zsavrai places bloodied fingers to her temples, letting her eyes close.

Zarah's eyes alight with amused excitement.

Kayvaan Zharn says to Zarah, "I can guide you to the forest, Sister- but not
within it. There are foul mists that confound even the most experienced of the
Idrasi and Brotherhood's hunters."

Zarah says, "Perhaps one can be called out from the mists, but how to
accomplish this.. we shall all have to think on."

You say, "I have experience in that dark place."

You say, "I shall plot a hunt deep in to the Al'drym - where we shall conquer
its horrors as our first Wild Hunt!"

For those curious what big Glaurik looks like:

The enormity of this ethereally scaled icewyrm makes it a giant above all
others. Casting a slight sheen off any light, Glaurik's scales serve to
disorient any prey which might oppose him. His deep-set eyes gleam with a dark
sapphire color, impossibly discernible from jet black to any impatient
onlooker. Two large slits sit upon his malleable jaw, acting to find the scent
of even the most elusive prey. Four rows of jagged, needle-like teeth are set
within each other and are tilted at various angles to puncture and rip the
flesh of any creature unlucky enough to be caught within his maw. Brilliantly
white wings flare out from his back, made from thousands of tiny scales that
feel like the softest leather when touched. Each wing is lined with translucent
claws, which when Glaurik folds his wings over his head, can appear to look
just like a collection of stalactites and stalagmites. Atop his head, two
mammoth horns have grown together into one large boney mass which protrudes
upwards and falls in descending spikes like icicles, continuing down his neck
to end at his wings. His gigantic feet display three wicked claws each, which
dig into the ground as he walks.
Glaurik, the Glacial almost glows with nearly god-like power.
It weighs about 562 pounds.
It is loyal to Zarah.
You see nothing in it.

<div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>


  • ZarahZarah Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2012
    Six more to go, and they only get more exciting from here! The weapons acquisitions will rock as well. Thanks for being awesome Cult of the Wild Hunt!
  • IluvIluv Member Posts: 703 ✭✭✭✭
    You left out the part where I accidently stumble into your room of 5 Anti-Magickers and go whoops :P
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Iluv said:
    You left out the part where I accidently stumble into your room of 5 Anti-Magickers and go whoops :P
    I did, sadly. :(
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • CadeyrnCadeyrn Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
    Sad I missed it.
  • SarciossisSarciossis Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭
    I'm actually liking this more than the other Cults, except Fire because I think it has a nice niche to roll with. Well done to everyone involved.
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    We're just getting started. Yesterday was a little rough and some people were skittish, but it's looking very fun. I'm trying to give everybody fuel to find their niche inside the cult.. there's plenty of ways to do so as I add more culthelps. If you ever come AM, you're welcome to check us out. :P
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • AlarickAlarick Member Posts: 22
    I'm actually liking this more than the other Cults, except Fire because I think it has a nice niche to roll with. Well done to everyone involved.
  • SarciossisSarciossis Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭
    I said cults, not cult charters. :P
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    Zarah said:
    Six more to go, and they only get more exciting from here! The weapons acquisitions will rock as well. Thanks for being awesome Cult of the Wild Hunt!
     @Zarah Don't forget, we have to find a rather large diamond too!
  • ZarahZarah Member Posts: 4

    Delrayne said:
    Zarah said:
    Six more to go, and they only get more exciting from here! The weapons acquisitions will rock as well. Thanks for being awesome Cult of the Wild Hunt!
     @Zarah Don't forget, we have to find a rather large diamond too!
    Most definitely!
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    My ceremonial induction into the Wild Hunt, certain things have been altered to keep locations and such more private, though it was definitely a fun event. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "As a hunter of the earlier Third Age, I was blessed with the opportunity to blaze the trails of Aetherius."

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "I was taught many things. One of them is that the wilds will protect you if you provide a burning offering. The land will rise up to protect you."

    White prisms of light suddenly burst from five stars in the northern firmament before each of them darkens into near obscurity.

    Zsavrai curls bleeding fingers around an aged Kohdon deathknight doll, flexing them as she listens to Sarrius.

    Selah leans casually on Zsavrai as she listens.

    Sarrius turns his back to those assembled, his left hand resting upon the smooth surface of the crude altar of the Wild Hunt.

    Zsavrai Ielasyl looks undecided and says, "Fire? I dislike fire. It makes my skin smell unpleasant..."

    Quietly, Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Darin - you know of our ways. I will spare you the long explanation of our pillars and our animals."

    You nod slowly.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Tell us all which of our seven you feel the closest to."

    Darin pats his icewyrm in a friendly manner before boldly declaring, "The Raven."

    Sarrius turns back, his eyes resting squarely upon you. A grin fills his face, before he begins to rummage in an intricately tooled leather coat.

    Producing a simple wooden bowl from the folds of his coat, Sarrius sprinkles a selection of crushed herbs in to it. Taking tinder to them, the bowl begins to gently issue smoke.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "The wilds are capable of turning back any darkness, any beast, any horror. A legion of undead or demons could march upon the sacred places protected by the Huntress, and they would still fail."

    A soft whisper begins to emanate from the wilderness, drifting in from the surrounding woods of the area.

    The bowl of herbs begins to issue a haze of blue-grey smoke, the wisps and tendrils of heady herbal scents swirling and forming in to a curtain that shrouds the entire area.

    Selah closes her eyes and inhales.

    You sniff the air, gathering what you can of the scents swirling about.

    Zsavrai's head falls to the side in a limp, dead movement, pupils dilating as she scents the air.

    Excitedly, Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Yes! Breathe deep! All of you, do so! Feel the raw power of the Hunt begin to take you!"

    The whispers grow more insistent, the smoke swirling around you. The heady scent of wormwood and primrose begins to fill the air, smothering all other scents. Primal figures begin to swirl within the haze, dancing about the area in front of your vision.

    Selah licks her lips.

    Your ears prick up in response to the sounds around you.

    Whirling high in to the sky, the smoke streaks downward - strands whipped away by the wind to sculpt it in to the hazy image of a raven. Issuing a shrill cry, the raven swoops about before dispersing in to simple fumes.

    The howl of a distant wolf momentarily silences the crickets.

    Darin snaps his head up in direction of the wolf.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "The raven - tricky, adaptable, and intelligent. It provides us inspiration to seek the talent to overcome anything with our ingenuity and our personal talents. As well, the Raven represents mysticism - and spiritual mysticism brings a strength of spirit that no magick can match."

    A breeze whips through, ripping away the veil of herbal smoke to reveal the stone altar of the Wild Hunt.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says to you, "The smoke recedes. You are part of the Hunt the moment you speak your vow to it. You are part of the Wild Hunt forever when you provide an offering of your blood."

    Darin walks over to the altar and places his paw on it's side, feeling the etchings of Hunters past along it's surface. "The Huntress will guide my spear. The Raven my wit and spirit. No magicks will influence this place, or my soul." Drawing his spear to his palm, he grips the sharp blade tightly in his palm, blood spilling out around his paw. "By my blood I swear this oath."

    Darin holds his hand over the altar as blood trickles in the basin. Joining the others that have come before him.

    The whispers suddenly turn in to a roar of approval, resounding from every corner of the wilds as you swears your oath.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt exclaims, "It is done, then! Darin rides on the Wild Hunt, his spear guided by the hand of the Huntress Herself!"
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Today was the day Zarah ascended to Isra. It was a pretty cool event - hats off to @Zarah / @Isra for making this cool, along with @Lalitana for helping me write up a lot of things we had to, to make this really cool. Thanks to everybody who came, and especially to Anti-Magick who were not exasperated with us for skipping a shardfall! The log is from Lalitana's point of view, because my logging function is broken and I knew combat spam was incoming.

    For some background, we had been dropping hints and roleplaying the idea that a creature was looking to take the hill that the altar rests on as a nesting ground. Zarah decided to show up and announce some news.


    Silver and black beneath a brilliant white shell, herald the radiant human-like
    form of the entity Zarah.

    You say to Zarah, "Hello!"

    Sebaste Stark says to Zarah, "Hello!"

    Zarah says, "Greetings!"

    Wolf Huntress, Seraphyne Aslyana says to Zarah, "Hello."

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt asks Zarah, "You've been as busy as
    us, I hope?"

    Zarah says, "Aye, I have been tracking the beast, trying to find out what it

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt asks, "Have you found anything out,

    Zarah says, "It seems to be very interested in the smells of the altar, the
    sacrificial blood and smoke from the rituals."

    Zarah says, "I feel it is close. Shall we go seek it out?"

    (Cult): Sarrius says, "Hunters! We have a beast to track. Assemble at the

    (The Wild Hunt assembles promptly and follows Sarrius, who proceeds to lead them to the altar.)

    Zarah says, "I found it, taking up residence just up the hill."

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt asks Zarah, "So.. as I thought. It
    wishes to roost there, you think?"

    Zarah says, "Yes. It has become bolder, wishing to take what is ours."

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Not on our watch."

    Zarah says, "There is a boulder there we can hide behind, to see how it moves
    about before we attack."

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt smiles and says to Zarah, "A wise
    plan. You've learned well."

    (A brief argument ensues, mostly Susser wanting to charge blindly and attack - which is pretty in character for her, admittedly.)

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "We will take cover by the rock.
    Do not leap out. We must assess our prey, first."

    Lalitana looks over the blade of her sitara for flaws. "Wisdom and the pack are needed when dealing with something that can breathe fire down
    upon us all."

    The mighty roar of a mythical wyvern fills the air, scattering flocks of birds
    and woodland creatures.

    Zarah says, "Alright, go quietly behind the boulder."

    Zarah motions everyone behind the large boulder and begins to whisper to those

    Zarah says, "It is large with great energies and stamina. I believe the key is
    to steadily send blows upon it so as not to tire ourselves too quickly."

    Sarrius quickly dives toward the boulder, rolling fluidly behind it to take
    cover at the edge. Slowly, he peeks out to glance at the creature.

    A massive, ebon-scaled wyvern raises its head towards the sounds of shuffling
    feet and words upon the wind.

    Seraphyne slinks quitely into place behind the boulder, tail flicking back and
    forth with anticipation.

    Lalitana places a calming hand upon the shoulder of her wolf,
    which whines but settles back behind the boulder.

    Keeping his voice low, Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Aye.. it
    is mighty. We must be wary. If it grows too strong for you, you know that
    survival is our first priority. If you must, shield yourself."

    Sebaste tightens his grip around his mace as he waits behind the boulder.

    Jacee moves carefully behind the boulder, peeking around to peer at the

    Zarah says, "I have seen fire and ice upon its breath, and it emanates a foul
    odor as well."

    Covered in thick, ebony scales that interlock like the best of chainmail, this
    wyvern is large enough to tower over even the tallest Xiur or cave troll. Rough
    protrusions jut out near the thick joints of this majestic, magickal beast,
    used to deter and even assail offenders. Dark brown webbing stretches over the
    points of articulation of both the front and hind legs. Large, black claws jut
    out from the end of each limb, providing implements with which to eviscerate
    unfortunate prey. Despite these limbs, the creature is otherwise serpentine
    with a tough, scaled body tapering off to become a thick, chitin-covered
    scorpion tail. The other end of the body forms into a draconic head, two large
    fangs protruding out of the maw ahead of any of the other sharp points within.
    Atop the creature's back are two gargantuan wings, thin bone structure filling
    out the edges to hold up webbing to allow the beast access to the skies of
    A massive, ebon-scaled wyvern exudes an aura of overwhelming power.
    It weighs about 937 pounds.
    You see nothing in it.

    Suddenly, the wyvern turns and spits a breath of pure ice at the boulder. You
    watch in horror as poor Glaurik, too big to fully hide behind the rock, is
    frozen solid before your eyes.

    You see Zarah yell, "Glaurik! No!"

    (The rest of the Hunt, similarly, mourns Glaurik's inability to hide.)

    You see Zarah yell, "Hunters, attack!"

    The sounds of a thrilling hunt echo across Aetherius, originating from the
    Graytrem Hills.

    (Bashing spam ensues as we battle a gigantic superwyvern! Zarah also leaps in
    to do some dirty work! Some attacks from both of them include:)

    Adjusting her grip upon her spear, Zarah jabs at the beast with such force that
    its scales shatter like bits of glass with each blow.

    After a sharp inhale, a ball of fire suddenly roars from the throat of a
    massive, ebon-scaled wyvern and explodes around Sarrius, leaving him with
    painful burns.

    Withdrawing a razor-edged axe from the ether, Zarah easily hefts its great
    weight and swings it overhead to sink it into the skull of the wyvern.

    With surprisingly high speed for its size, a massive, ebon-scaled wyvern whips
    its tail toward Seraphyne, sending her to the ground.

    Zarah casually tosses a razor-edged axe from one hand to the other, beckoning
    the wyvern ever closer, even as she prepares to strike the next blow.

    Taking a deep breath, a massive, ebon-scaled wyvern suddenly spews a massive
    cloud of frost toward Sarrius, temporarily altering his vision.

    With one smooth motion, Zarah unsheathes a shortsword and advances upon the
    wyvern, intent upon a close confrontation with the creature. The vibrant
    ringing sound of metal against scales fills the air as she weaves the blade,
    slicing the flesh of the wyvern down to the bone.

    A massive, ebon-scaled wyvern rears its head back, wrapping its sinuous neck
    close to its body before lurching forward to tear its teeth into your flesh.

    Zarah takes several steps back before firing off a volley of barbed, silver
    arrows at the head of the wyvern.

    A cloud of poisonous gas suddenly leaks from the open maw of a massive,
    ebon-scaled wyvern, choking and sickening you.

    (Bashing spam begins to slow down, people are growing tired, and the wyvern is dying!)

    Smoke rises from the Graytrem Hills, gathering to form thick clouds above a
    solitary hilltop.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt exclaims to Zarah, "The throat! Take
    the throat!"

    Drawing back her javelin for a final blow, Zarah shoves the weapon deep into
    the wyvern's throat. Black blood begins to gush from the wound made by her
    weapon, causing the wyvern to roar in pain. She twists her weapon deeper within
    the flesh of the beast until the point pierces through the other side of the
    beast's neck.

    As the javelin smashes through the wyvern's neck, only the sound of gurgling
    blood echoes across the hills as the beast tries to extract itself from the
    impaling weapon. However, Zarah's grip and determination proves too strong for
    the beast, which begins to thrash wildly in the beginning of its death throes.

    Letting go of the javelin, Zarah quickly pulls out her hornbow, setting in
    seven arrows one after the other, to fly into the skull of the great beat. The
    wyvern begins to sag, its otherwise rigid tail growing limp as it sinks to the
    ground in defeat, its life finally snuffed out by the combined efforts of the
    Wild Hunt and the final arrow of the entity, Zarah.

    The roar of a mighty beast being slain fills the air in the Graytrem Hills,
    sweeping across all of Aetherius. As the roar finally fades from hearing, the
    silence following it is deafening.

    Zarah says, "Well done Hunters! Our first victory against a looming threat.
    Lets take it to the altar and let its blood announce our triumph!"

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Some of you grab the legs. Let
    us drag it down to the altar."

    Sarrius settles down and begins to drag the creature by one of the wings, his
    grip tired but still strong.

    Seraphyne grabs a leg to assist.

    Zarah begins to shove the corpse of a massive, ebon-scaled wyvern towards the

    Castiel grabs the tail and pulls with all his might.

    Sebaste grabs a leg and helps to drag.

    Aros reaches down, grabbing at the beast's leg.

    Jacee moves quickly to wrap her arms around a leg.

    Icarius pushes on the back of the beast, lending his strength.

    Lalitana grabs the other wing and drags it forward, one hand
    daintily keeping her sari out of the way.

    Susser gets in above the corpse and pushes.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt exclaims, "Heave!"

    Finally, after much struggle to move the great beast, the corpse of a massive,
    ebon-scaled wyvern slides off down the hill.

    (We move back to the altar)

    Zarah says, "This day, we fought together to end a foe. One who would take this
    place, our sacred place consecrated with the blood of the Hunt, and make it
    something less than it is meant to be."

    Zarah shoves the head of a massive, ebon-scaled wyvern upon the altar, smearing
    its blood amongst that fresh and stained offered to the Huntress.

    Sarrius leans against the altar tiredly, breathing in and out as he listens to

    Jacee inhales deeply, brushing her hair from her face as she watches.

    Zarah breaths heavily, looking out at the tired Hunters.

    Seraphyne hops onto a nearby rock, seeming energized by the hunt, and takes a

    A helix of silver energy suddenly courses into the air, centered on a solitary
    stone structure in the Graytrem Hills.

    Lalitana wipes the blade of her sitara with a cloth to clean
    the wyvern's corrosive blood, before dropping the cloth and nearly the sitara
    as well. "What is that...?

    The helix of energy hits Zarah squarely in the chest, attempting to pitch her
    backwards, though she grips the altar with all of her strength.

    Sarrius shifts his gaze for a moment, panic and concern in his eyes as he
    watches the energy course toward Zarah.

    The bright silver light only intensifies as it bores into Zarahs tiny, barely
    formed figure. Slowly, her features begin to change, to sharpen and intensify.

    The form of the Huntress awakes from within Zarah, transforming her brilliant
    shiny skin-like covering into soft alabaster skin and her figure into a solid,
    muscular body.

    Castiel gasps and you hear a clatter as his shield and spear fall to the ground
    at his feet.

    She is a radiant Ascendari. Standing barely over five and a half feet tall,
    Isra exudes a confident aura which is matched by her lean and well-toned body.
    Her skin is as soft as a feather, and is quite pale except for the faint blush
    permanently etched upon her cheeks. Chiseled features adorn her flawless
    visage, though seem to be gracefully rounded in various places in order to
    soften her appearance. Brilliant, round sapphire eyes capture all that is
    around the Huntress, often darting to one place or another even when Isra
    herself stands still. Luscious curls of earth and fire drop down her back, and
    frame her face with the effects of a waterfall of locks cascading below each
    ear. Her ears are slightly enlarged, ending in a rounded point which barely
    sticks out of her mass of hair. Her arms and hands, though small, show a
    well-developed muscular structure which has been honed by the Hunt of many
    beasts with a multitude of weaponry. She is wearing a sleeveless, sage green
    tunic, light-colored tan leather leggings, sturdy boots of softened, brown
    leather, a brown leather scabbard, an intricately woven leather quiver, and a
    silver circlet embellished with emerald and sapphire.

    Blinking once or twice, the round sapphire eyes of Isra sweep those gathered,
    and a smile cracks upon her pink lips.

    Every wild corner of the world begins to thrum with newly awakened power; the
    predators of the world gaining power as Isra, the Wild Huntress ascends to
    watch over the Wild Hunt.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress smiles and says, "My Hunters."

    Isra looks about with pride at each gathered.

    After that, we did some typical hunter activites that aren't very RP intensive - and discussed some plans for the future goals of the cult. We skinned the wyvern and we'll place it in whatever temple we might get, one of these days.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Man, people told me Monster Hunter wouldn't work for a MUD, that it needed graphics, but I think it looks pretty solid here.

    I'm kidding, nice stuff!
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bathan said:
    Man, people told me Monster Hunter wouldn't work for a MUD, that it needed graphics, but I think it looks pretty solid here.

    I'm kidding, nice stuff!
    I turned on the 'hunting a rathalos' song before we fought him.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sarrius said:

    Bathan said:
    Man, people told me Monster Hunter wouldn't work for a MUD, that it needed graphics, but I think it looks pretty solid here.

    I'm kidding, nice stuff!
    I turned on the 'hunting a rathalos' song before we fought him.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • SarciossisSarciossis Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭
    Sarc's Initiation to the Sect. I <3@Isra


    Hillside slope.
    Occasional drops of rain fall to the ground from a sky grey with pregnant clouds. You are scrambling up the steep sides of a great mound, which rises sharply into the side of the Areish mountains. The hillside is stony and largely devoid of the green sward which marks the characteristic lushness of the valleys and some of the smaller hills which are visible about the periphery. The hillside is strewn with a number of large boulders, and here and there a lone pine rises from the windswept wilderness. A crude altar rests here, carved from a tremendous rock bursting from the hillside. A pale white anaconda slithers along the ground here. An ethereal blue light fades in and out here, faintly resembling a Seraph. Isra, the Wild Huntress stands here, surrounded by a corona of wild energy from the Hunt. Sebaste Stark-Chytovil is here, grinning mischievously. He wields an onyx mace enwreathed in flames in his left hand and a heavy pewter kite shield in his right. The ever-shifting visage of Seraphyne, Aspect of Moradeim, is here. The ever-shifting visage of Sarrius, Aspect of Moradeim, is here. He wields a nine-ringed broadsword in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right.
    You see exits leading up, down, and in (open door).

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt asks you, "Have you had time to read the sect scrolls?"

    You say to Sarrius, "I have."

    A group of eerie, shrill calls sound in your ear as a flock of ravens swirl about, coalescing to reveal the presence of Isra.

    Sarrius smiles softly.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "My apologies."

    Isra's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

    You bow respectfully to Isra.

    Sebaste's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.

    Sebaste inclines his head toward Isra respectfully.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt asks you, "Excellent. And what is it that you feel you identify most with?"

    Sarrius grins mischievously at Isra.

    Sebaste Stark-Chytovil says, "Welcome back, Huntress."

    Isra, the Wild Huntress smiles and says, "Thank you."

    Sebaste's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.

    You say, "Well, after an enlightening conversation with the Huntress, I believe the Owl. Wisdom, as it were."

    Sarrius nods slowly.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt asks, "The Owl, eh?"

    Isra beams broadly.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress smiles with a wink and says to you, "Wise choice."

    The air grows moist as occasional drops of rain fall from the sky.

    Sebaste grins mischievously.

    Sarrius nods slowly.

    Producing a simple wooden bowl from the folds of his coat, Sarrius sprinkles a selection of crushed herbs in to it. Taking tinder to them, the bowl begins to gently issue smoke.

    Sarrius turns his back to the few assembled hunters, his eyes falling upon the smooth surface of the altar.

    You have emoted: Sarciossis sniffs the air, and chitters softly as the smoke rises from the altar.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "As we grow, I feel the world around us begin to reapproach balance. So many of us that come to our ranks, this past year, have been those that have forsaken the way of magick or the demonic."

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Our land, while dying, experiences a brief resurgence of life each time somebody has the wisdom to sacrifice such a lifestyle in favor of something more powerful."

    You click.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Despite this, however, there are still beings who would stand in our way. There are still those that defile our sacred hunting grounds."

    A soft whisper begins to emanate from the wilderness, drifting in from the surrounding woods in the Graytrem Hills.

    With great sorrow, Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Still.."

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Still, horrors lurk in our land. This is our purpose. It might be our purpose for all eternity."

    The bowl of herbs begins to issue a haze of blue-grey smoke, the wisps and tendrils of heady herbal scents swirling and forming in to a curtain that shrouds the entire slope.

    The whispers grow more insistent, the smoke swirling around you. The heady scent of wormwood and primrose begins to fill the air, smothering all other scents. Primal figures begin to swirl within the haze, dancing about the hillside slope in front of your vision.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Breathe deep, hunters. Enjoy the offering of the wild, the purification born from the smoke of the herbs of insight."

    The smoke thickens considerably, casting a shade similar to the dead of night. A hoot issues from the thick fumes, the silhouette of an owl filling the fumes before melting in to formless shadow once more.

    Sebaste inhales a deep breath as he closes his eyes.

    Isra closes her eyes and lets the smells of ancient myth and reality swirl about her.

    Sarciossis inhales slowly, allowing the haze and smoke to drift into his lungs, and closes his eyes to the visions around him - attempting to take in the sounds of the woodland.

    Gesturing grandly, Sarrius continues on: "The Owl is our native spirit of wisdom. It is a creature whose very nature is that of wise decisions. Hunt at night. Stay away from larger predators. Hunt swiftly and silently, and kill those that separate themselves from the safety of numbers. Wisdom is the ability to retain and process something that we have learned.. the knowledge that expands our strength of character instead of just our mind.

    The drizzle stops entirely, leaving only heavy cloud cover.

    "With all of this in mind.." Sarrius murmurs, his hands ushering the owl-like shapes to flutter out of the smoke.

    A breeze whips across the top of the hill, ripping away the veil of herbal smoke to reveal the stone altar of the Wild Hunt.

    A single meteorite blazes across the dark of night, an ablation of the atmosphere rendering the meteorite into cosmic dust.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "Swear your personal oath, Sarciossis. To all of us, to the Hunt, to the Huntress, to the Owl. Give the altar your blood."

    You have emoted: Sarciossis opens his eyes, their cold, grey hues casting upon the altar of the Wild Hunt. He steps forward, and draws his dagger from the pack at his hip.

    You secure your previously wielded item and instantly draw a long, sharp dagger into your left hand.
    A low rumbling fills the air briefly as a series of tremors shake the ground below you.

    You have emoted: Sarciossis draw his dagger across the skin, splitting blood into the altar, crushing his fist around it's cold edge.

    Sarrius nods, his head cocked to listen to the oath. His hand settles upon the edge of the altar, eyes watching the stone drink in the blood greedily.

    Isra quietly places her hand upon the altar, feeling the warmth of the blood freshly spilt.

    You say, "I pledge myself to the Wild Hunt, and to the Huntress that guides us. I seek Wisdom to walk this Path, and the Owl to guide me."

    The whispers suddenly turn in to a roar of approval, resounding from every corner of the wilds as you's oath is sworn.

    Sebaste beams broadly.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt exclaims, "So it shall be! May you have the wisdom required to learn how to outsmart the most unnatural of prey, and may you learn exactly what is to be lost if we fail! Sarciossis rides with us on the Wild Hunt, glaive and bow ready to strike true!"

    (Sect): Sarrius says, "Sarciossis rides with us on the Wild Hunt, glaive and bow ready to strike true!"

    Sarrius has promoted you to rank 2 in your sect!

    Sebaste Stark-Chytovil says, "Welcome to the Hunt!"

    Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.

    Wolf Huntress, Seraphyne Aslyana says, "Welcome."

    Sebaste's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.

    You nod your head politely.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "So shall it be. It is an honor to have you join my Hunters, to have your glaive in our pack. Blessed be the Owl, and blessed be your Hunt from this day forth!"

    You have emoted: Sarciossis wipes his dagger across the rough edge of his cloak, before depositing it back into his pack. He withdraws some cloth from his pack, and sets to binding the wound along the palm of his hand.

    Sarrius pats you in a friendly manner.

    You say, "Thank you, Huntress, and all of you gathered here. It is good to welcomed again."

    Isra's mouth turns up as her face breaks into a smile.

    Sarrius Chytovil, High Blade of the Hunt says, "You ride with the Hunt, now. There is no such thing as being unwelcome."

    You put a long, sharp dagger into a sable-brown lambskin suede pack.

    Occasional raindrops fall on your head as the drizzle continues.

    Sebaste's mouth turns up as his face breaks into a smile.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says to Sarrius, "He is a great edition, proving his worth many a time this day."

    Isra nods sagely.
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2013
    After a long search and rescue, @Isra finally found her Raven companion.

    You greet Rekhan Bonecaster with a sincere smile.
    Rekhan Bonecaster says, "Well met, friend."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Rekhan Bonecaster, "Meet Akos, Raven of the Hunt."

    You nod your acknowledgement of Akos, Raven of the Hunt.

    Rekhan Bonecaster nods slightly at Akos.

    Rekhan Bonecaster says, "Unusual looking, isn't he?"

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Rekhan Bonecaster, "Yeah, but he can't help it. Cursed by troll wytch."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Rekhan Bonecaster, "We are hoping his normal molting cycle will disrupt it, what do you think?"

    You pet Akos, Raven of the Hunt ingratiatingly.
    Akos, Raven of the Hunt lifts his body towards your hand, reveling in the attention.

    Rekhan Bonecaster says, "One can never tell with birds. And it depends upon how determined the wytch."

    Rekhan Bonecaster says, "He does seem to like you."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Well, she isn't very determined anymore. Her life was snuffed out by three silver arrows to the head."

    The firmament grows darker as the clouds begin to smother the light.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Rekhan Bonecaster, "I am the Ravenbound of the Wild Hunt. It's natural for he and I to have an affinity to one another."

    Rekhan Bonecaster chuckles long and heartily.

    Rekhan Bonecaster says, "One bound to the raven."

    Rekhan Bonecaster nods sagely.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Exactly."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "It's ok. Rekhan has been with the Pines forever it seems. He and his family have given aide on countless occasions."

    You pet Akos, Raven of the Hunt ingratiatingly.
    Akos, Raven of the Hunt lifts his body towards your hand, reveling in the attention.

    The evening sun begins to cast long shadows across the darkening land.

    You whisper to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "Perhaps an offering of meat, as is the custom here. He might take more of an interest to our situation."

    The deep red moon pulsates as it fades slowly into the clouds.

    Muttering to himself grimly, a Lycaean village elder wanders in from the north.

    You whisper to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "Not ready for such a gesture yet? That's fine. It'll come with time. Not everyone is like the wytch. You'll become more trusting of those around."

    You wink at Akos, Raven of the Hunt.
    Akos preens with self-importance, a twinkle present in his midnight eyes.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Rekhan Bonecaster, "He really is magnificent, even if shy around new people."

    A distant shriek, tinged with madness, echoes faintly through the forest.

    Your ears prick up in response to the sounds around you.

    Rekhan Bonecaster says, "Aye, perhaps he's embarrassed of his looks."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Perhaps, probably a bit to do with the treatment his previous...I dare say owner...gave him."

    The shadows lengthen, daylight wanes, and the sun falls deeper to the horizon.

    Rekhan Bonecaster nods his head.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Rekhan Bonecaster, "Would you like to pet him?"

    Rekhan Bonecaster says, "I suppose I could do that."

    Rekhan Bonecaster points out a finger and tentatively rubs Akos' back.

    Akos stands perfectly still, unsure of the stranger.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "See there, nothing to be worried about."

    You wink at Akos, Raven of the Hunt.
    Akos preens with self-importance, a twinkle present in his midnight eyes.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "Besides, anyone who raises a hand in violence towards you has to deal with me."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "And that includes those who call Ithaqua their home."

    Rekhan Bonecaster says, "Mighty words, that."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Rekhan Bonecaster, "I am charged with his protection during the molting process, and I will not falter in it."

    Rekhan Bonecaster says, "Alright, I shall let you get back to your adventures. Nice speaking with you."

    Rekhan Bonecaster nods his head.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Rekhan Bonecaster, "And you."

    Rekhan Bonecaster turns around and busies himself at a new task.

    Thanks for the awesome fun @Isra
  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    Thanks to @Volpe for providing some timely moonwort so that @Isra and I could do a bit more RPing.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "My goodness.. there was a veritable feast back there."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "One with just the moonwort first or shall we try it
    with the mandrake as well?"

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Aye, we generally keep it pretty stocked up."
    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "Hmm.. you decide. My knowledge of healing is frightfully
    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "We'll try just the moonwort first. It cures all
    afflictions that can be cured by herbs."

    Isra nods slowly.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "How quickly does it work?"

    You have emoted: Darin takes a moonwort in his hand and crushes it over a piece of roasted
    meat. The juices from the wort soaking into the roasted shank. Separating smaller bits of
    the wort, he digs them into the meat, so as to be consumed when the meat is eaten as well.
    Balance Taken: 1.00s
    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Should be instantaneous."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "At least it is for us."
    Isra nods her head.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "Don't worry, I won't let
    anything happen to you."

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "You be good and don't spit it
    Akos turns his head to the side and looks skeptically at you.

    You have emoted: Darin holds the piece of meat out in front of Akos, Raven of the Hunt,
    letting him catch the scent and become familiar with his meal.
    Balance Taken: 1.00s

    You give a shank of roasted meat to Akos, Raven of the Hunt.
    Akos, Raven of the Hunt lifts his head up and gulps down a shank of roasted meat, preening
    happily at his meal.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "See that wasn't so bad."

    Isra smiles softly.

    Isra looks anxiously at Akos, trying to see a marked change in him.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "Much better than those
    blasted pellets at least."

    H:390(100%) M:372(88%) X:93.46 <eb><db> (B:0) l akos
    An elegant midnight sheen graces the feathers of this bold bird, a brilliant blue, green,
    and purple veining apparent depending on how the light shines upon the hunter. Larger than
    other ravens, Akos stands out with his blood-red belly which flashes as he darts across
    the skies. His tail feathers are rather unique, rather than protruding outwards at a point,
     they fan out to showcase the beauty of the tail. Each fanned feather is separated from
    the other, the sides nearly touching his wings. Akos' wings end in a fan of feathers,
    which look almost like five fingers at the tip, stretching to grasp the breeze. His
    sharply tipped feet and legs are deep gray in color, barely a shade away from black. Large
    black eyes blend into Akos' head, though a slight tinge of silver can be seen in them if
    you look closely.
    Akos, Raven of the Hunt almost glows with nearly god-like power.

    Akos hops along your arm, looking about for more food.

    Isra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.

    "Heh heh heh," you chuckle.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "More?"

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Very well."

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "Let's try just some mandrake now."

    You nod your head.
    Poking his beak gently into your forearm, Akos crows in expectation.

    You have emoted: Darin crushes up the mandrake root in the same fashion, though no juice
    is expelled from the dry root. A fine coat of powder seasons the meat instead. Tearing off
    some smaller chunks of the root, Darin digs them into the meat as well.
    Balance Taken: 1.00s

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "Demanding little thing you're becoming. I think Darin might
    have spoiled you."

    Isra's eyes sparkle with amusement.

    "Heh heh heh," you chuckle.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Only a little."

    You wink at Akos, Raven of the Hunt.
    Akos preens with self-importance, a twinkle present in his midnight eyes.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "This might taste a bit

    You give a shank of roasted meat to Akos, Raven of the Hunt.
    Akos, Raven of the Hunt lifts his head up and gulps down a shank of roasted meat, preening
    happily at his meal.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Isra, "I always felt mandrake to be a bit chalky
    going down."

    Akos chokes a little and bobs his head about looking for a drink.

    You have emoted: Darin offers a bucket of water to Akos to drink out of.
    Balance Taken: 1.00s

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "I told you it would taste

    Quickly drinking a bit of the offered water, Akos wiggles his head about as if still
    recalling the taste of the root.

    Isra pats Akos, Raven of the Hunt in a friendly manner.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "He seems to be a little more like himself."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "We should be seeing some sign of change by now."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Aye, he is bit more socially attentive."
    Looking about almost self-consciously, Akos walks to your shoulder and settles in. As he
    does, a single feather falls towards the ground.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Isra, "Did you see that!"

    Isra beams broadly.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "I did!"

    You have emoted: Darin picks up the blue tinted feather from the ground, waving it proudly.
    Balance Taken: 1.00s
    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "See! I told you we'd get
    you back in fighting shape!"

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "Perhaps the binding was also what was binding his molting
    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "It appears so."

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "He should be fine after the molting, don't you think?"

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "We'll have to check his plumage as it comes in, but
    assuming it's normal...Yes. he should be fine."
    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "I wonder if it will grow in the same way or return to his
    midnight feathers."

    Isra ponders the situation.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "I'm not sure. I would suspect if his plumage stays
    the same that the magicks still have some hold on him."
    Akos nips at your shoulder cheekily.

    Isra grins mischievously at Akos, Raven of the Hunt.
    Akos preens with self-importance, a twinkle present in his midnight eyes.
    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "But that isn't to say that the ordeal hasn't
    permanently altered his plumage in some way."
    You chuckle long and heartily at Akos, Raven of the Hunt.
    Akos, Raven of the Hunt teeters from side to side, seeming quite pleased with himself.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "Pleased with yourself are

    Isra nods sagely.

    Akos tilts his head and proceeds to straighten up and walk with his chest puffed out.

    "Heh heh heh," you chuckle.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Isra, "He's definitely feeling better."
    Isra, the Wild Huntress laughingly says, "Aye, somethings tells me you're going to have
    your hands full during this molting."

    "Heh heh heh," you chuckle.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "Something.. somethings.. yeah."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Isra, "He and I have fun together. I don't mind in
    the least."

    Isra grins mischievously.
    Isra grins and nods.
    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Do you think we should continue adding in the
    moonwort and mandrake to his meals?"

    Isra ponders the situation.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "I'll leave that up to you. Perhaps if you see his feathers
    coming in oddly, feed him more then."

    You nod your head.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "I'll keep a close eye on them."
    Isra nods her head.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "Well, I must be going off to feed Glaurik."

    Isra grins mischievously.

    "Heh heh heh," you chuckle.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "You two shall be alright?"

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Plenty of meat around here if you want to carry him

    Isra, the Wild Huntress smiles with a wink and says, "We're working on pouncing."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Aye we shall. I'm going to be sending him back to
    the lodge soon anyhow."

    Isra nods her head.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Pouncing, always fun."

    Isra gives a trillingly melodic laugh.

    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "Especially when he's quite clumsy at it."

    Isra's eyes sparkle with amusement.
    A faint growl in his voice, you say, "Well, at his size...pouncing isn't really that much
    of an advantage."

    You chuckle long and heartily.
    Isra grins and nods.
    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "Alright, if you should need anything or see something
    alarming let me know."

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Akos, Raven of the Hunt, "Alright buddy, time for
    you to head home. I'll check in on you soon."
    Pointing his head towards the skies, Akos, Raven of the Hunt takes off into the distance.

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Isra, "I will."
    Isra, the Wild Huntress says, "Hunt well!"

    A faint growl in his voice, you say to Isra, "And you!"

    Isra waves goodbye.

    Isra smiles softly, nodding at you.

    You wave goodbye at Isra with your tail.
    Holding her palm forth, a single raven lands in the hand of Isra. Soon, an entire flock
    swarms upon her, before vanishing to leave no trace of her presence.
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