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Improving Imperian



  • GaltGalt Member, Beta Testers Posts: 305 ✭✭✭
    I've had no big problems with posters, though sometimes they mess up for others? 

    Like I've had some set up since day one...
  • DimitriDimitri Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
    Pha said:
    Dimitri said:
    Arakis said:
    Posters are majorly broken at the moment. And maybe it's just personal experiences but I've noticed that almost every promotional item that's been coming out this year has had bugs. Maybe they could create some sort of system for promotional item testing before release? Especially items that relate to combat. We have players test classes before they release why not create the same sort of thing for new artifacts and items?
    With how powerful some of those promo items can be, i'm wary that someone might go 'oh this is a neat little bug' and then just not say anything with a particular item and stupidly abuse it until someone catches them and shrubs them for it. That could be the reasoning behind it, or simply because they don't want people to know what's coming before it happens.
    How does releasing promotion items that don't even half way function compare? It's been several weeks and all you can do with a poster is hang it.
    Have you tried throwing a lit bomb through one?
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dimitri said:
    Pha said:
    Dimitri said:
    Arakis said:
    Posters are majorly broken at the moment. And maybe it's just personal experiences but I've noticed that almost every promotional item that's been coming out this year has had bugs. Maybe they could create some sort of system for promotional item testing before release? Especially items that relate to combat. We have players test classes before they release why not create the same sort of thing for new artifacts and items?
    With how powerful some of those promo items can be, i'm wary that someone might go 'oh this is a neat little bug' and then just not say anything with a particular item and stupidly abuse it until someone catches them and shrubs them for it. That could be the reasoning behind it, or simply because they don't want people to know what's coming before it happens.
    How does releasing promotion items that don't even half way function compare? It's been several weeks and all you can do with a poster is hang it.
    Have you tried throwing a lit bomb through one?
    Oh, we Harry Potter now!
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • DimitriDimitri Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
    I threw a finger trap through Sroath's poster once. I contemplated a bomb, but Sroath wasn't online for me to see if that worked or not.
  • WyllWyll Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭
    Poster issues should be bugged and if not taken care of, you can bring it up on #BugDay. We've had one every month so far, but I think this month has skipped over? It usually happens on the week of the stream.

    I tried to hang it at the pit to hear matches while standing at home, but it didn't pick up NPC says, so I thought it was intentional. I guess it is not picking up any says in the room?
    You say, "Oh crap."
    You say, "My bottle is empty."
    Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
    Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
  • DimitriDimitri Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
    If you were trying to pick up the announcer, i don't think he actually counts as a 'say'. Not unusual for mobs to be ignored for things like that.
  • PepehiPepehi Member Posts: 9
    Pha said:
    Dimitri said:
    Arakis said:
    Posters are majorly broken at the moment. And maybe it's just personal experiences but I've noticed that almost every promotional item that's been coming out this year has had bugs. Maybe they could create some sort of system for promotional item testing before release? Especially items that relate to combat. We have players test classes before they release why not create the same sort of thing for new artifacts and items?
    With how powerful some of those promo items can be, i'm wary that someone might go 'oh this is a neat little bug' and then just not say anything with a particular item and stupidly abuse it until someone catches them and shrubs them for it. That could be the reasoning behind it, or simply because they don't want people to know what's coming before it happens.
    How does releasing promotion items that don't even half way function compare? It's been several weeks and all you can do with a poster is hang it.

    It could be worse. Lusternia once released colour-coded racial pins that gave the wearer the emotes of that race, including dwarf racial emotes. Dwarves didn't have any racial emotes at the time.

    IDEA: Unless I've just missed it, being able to STOP a channeled action, including timed instakill. If you want to stop a channel but can't leave the room, what else should you do?

  • NarujNaruj Member, Beta Testers Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
    You grabbed my hand and we fell into it
    Like a daydream.. or a fever
  • OystirOystir Member Posts: 454 ✭✭✭
    Pepehi said:
    Pha said:
    Dimitri said:
    Arakis said:
    Posters are majorly broken at the moment. And maybe it's just personal experiences but I've noticed that almost every promotional item that's been coming out this year has had bugs. Maybe they could create some sort of system for promotional item testing before release? Especially items that relate to combat. We have players test classes before they release why not create the same sort of thing for new artifacts and items?
    With how powerful some of those promo items can be, i'm wary that someone might go 'oh this is a neat little bug' and then just not say anything with a particular item and stupidly abuse it until someone catches them and shrubs them for it. That could be the reasoning behind it, or simply because they don't want people to know what's coming before it happens.
    How does releasing promotion items that don't even half way function compare? It's been several weeks and all you can do with a poster is hang it.

    It could be worse. Lusternia once released colour-coded racial pins that gave the wearer the emotes of that race, including dwarf racial emotes. Dwarves didn't have any racial emotes at the time.

    IDEA: Unless I've just missed it, being able to STOP a channeled action, including timed instakill. If you want to stop a channel but can't leave the room, what else should you do?

    DIVE is better, since it can be used offbal. 
     You say, "This is much harder than just being a normal person."
  • FanglorFanglor Member Posts: 205 ✭✭✭
    It'd never happen, but it'd be dope if we could have multiple marriage partners...but it'd probably be a mess in the code. 
  • AodanAodan Member Posts: 192 ✭✭✭
    this may have been suggested before, but I would love to have a viewing room in every arena so that people can watch matches going on
  • FanglorFanglor Member Posts: 205 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Aodan said:
    this may have been suggested before, but I would love to have a viewing room in every arena so that people can watch matches going on
    I know other games have tried it, but in the end unless they mute the room, it can lead to cheating. Or for a more accurate word...kibitzing?
  • AodanAodan Member Posts: 192 ✭✭✭
    Fanglor said:
    Aodan said:
    this may have been suggested before, but I would love to have a viewing room in every arena so that people can watch matches going on
    I know other games have tried it, but in the end unless they mute the room, it can lead to cheating. Or for a more accurate word...kibitzing?
    ah yeah. well thats part of the thing I guess. in my old MUD Akanbar it used to be like that were you could see, and I would coach people while fighting. but honestly I would be okay with a muted room, just so people can witness and learn.
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Combat in Imperian is pretty complex. Allowing it to be viewed remotely has led to problems with lag in the past, which is why arenas haven't had viewing rooms in quite some time. It's something we could potentially try again, but it isn't trivial, so it probably won't happen any time soon.
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  • JustusJustus Member Posts: 38 ✭✭✭
    The lag was quite significant during some of our battles last night. Is that just par for the course when you have large scale combat taking place? 
  • DimitriDimitri Member Posts: 338 ✭✭✭
    i figured that had something to do with initial post event 'phase one complete' updates being made behind the scenes as i saw a similar lag spike/hang time just before the event kicked off.
  • ArakisArakis Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭
    Approvers are in serious need of an overhaul. Designs are sitting longer than ever. I understand our player base is smaller than Achaea's (and has been shrinking over the years), and that same day approval is too much to expect. waiting over a on designs though is increasingly infuriating, especially when you have something time sensitive like an engagement ring or an anniversary gift. There's plenty of ways to fix the problem, increase the incentive for approvers, accept a higher rate of approver applicants, make immortal approvals count for 2 instead of 1 approval/rejection, purge inactive approvers, scale compensation for approving based on activity. Something needs to be done, having all the trade skills is a 1500 credit investment and its returns are diminishing. Lowering the number of daily submissions permitted didn't speed the process, more staff or more volunteers are needed. No one likes to hear complaints but the fact is that this is an issue that's been bothering me for years, and it's only getting worse.

  • FanglorFanglor Member Posts: 205 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    still wishing we had a viable gold dump in the form of something cool. I miss my aethership already -.- 

    Even if it wasn't mechanically enhancing and just aesthetic...I don't want gold drop rate to diminish, I just want something to work for...elsewise I'm not doing anything with my life

  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Divine approvals and rejections are worth 3 - they instantly approve or reject a design; they're deliberately used sparingly, and only when designs are either escalated or have been in queue more than 7 days.

    We're in the process of bringing on more approvers. Inactive approvers are removed periodically, but doing so doesn't increase the rate of approvals; we do it because inactive approvers tend to have their effectiveness diminish when they return, so we require them to be back and designing for a bit before they can approve again.
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  • MyriilMyriil Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2017
    I know I am new but one thing I noticed during Rhaladins Shot Hunt.

    When you use the HUNTSCORE command, your position is listed with your points, however no one elses points are listed so you don't know whether you're 1 shot or 100000 shots behind the person above you.

    Would be pretty cool to have each participants point value listed next to them.

    However this is just a little thing and the event was still amazing!
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Huntgame scores are deliberately hidden - only entites can see them (and they typically announce them from time to time in shouts). Being able to see overall rankings (not just your own score) is a fairly recent change, in fact - until recently you could only see how many points you have, and got no other information about the rankings at all.
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  • OwynOwyn Member Posts: 190 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Players have made it very clear they want more divine interaction in Imperian. We are working on
    making this happen. We currently have 6 new entities which will start joining cults and sects over
    the next couple of weeks. We will be looking to take a few more over the next couple of months.
    We've had feedback from players on how they would like to see increased entity influence over what
    happens in the game world. We will be making some changes to the entity system over the next few
    months to allow for this. This will probably mean entities will be able to directly influence your
    actions more, but this seems to be what players are looking for. We will be getting more feedback
    about this over the next few weeks.

    This is a very divisive issue. It may be the case for AM and Demonic that they want this, and it is the case for six (yes, a whopping six) people in Magick. But seriously. Just how loudly and obnoxiously must we scream that we want nothing to do with entities and furthermore giving them powers to influence us is an explicatively terrible idea. Kinsarmar DOES NOT WANT entities. @Justus doesn't, @Jannette doesn't, @Jules doesn't, @Morgaze doesn't, @Arina doesn't, @Alvetta doesn't, I do not. What more do we need to say??? We're tired of this bad hail mary. They're not the gods; the gods are dead. Please be done with this in Kinsarmar. I've already gotten into personal spats with @Rhaladin and several of your entities have already gotten in trouble for abusing the powers they already have.

    If everyone else wants them, fine. Let them have them. Just leave us out.

    EDIT: You know what I'm all for, that everyone in Kins would get behind? NPC play. Why people are so caught up on the idea that it must be this stupid divine thing they can suck up to, I have not a darn clue. NPC roleplay is dope. Please do more of that.
  • AodanAodan Member Posts: 192 ✭✭✭
    Owyn said:

    EDIT: You know what I'm all for, that everyone in Kins would get behind? NPC play. Why people are so caught up on the idea that it must be this stupid divine thing they can suck up to, I have not a darn clue. NPC roleplay is dope. Please do more of that.
    I just want to through my 2 cents in with this. NPC RP is some of the best I've experienced, and I've experienced it more so outside of imperian in a smaller MUD. I played the suck up to X god in the same MUD, but I must say I loved the NPC RP more than anything else. Even the tiny things.
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Feedback noted. @Owyn

    You too @Aodan

  • AnetteAnette Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    I feel like the entities thing is basically trying to be Gods anyways, they fill the same niche.

    That niche died IRL years ago.  The players it appealed to are mostly gone off to Aetolia et al or Armageddon.  The few of us remaining to whom it does appeal don't have the numbers to make it work within the cults system (I basically had to lie cheat and steal to get enough for Anettes attempt at a cult and most of those players are gone now.)

    Part of the problem with that system is I can get together enough players for that but if I don't have an entity when the iron's hot in the fire, people are going to leave fairly quickly to other pastures since there's basically sweet F-A else for RP going on except for some isolated and frankly insular pockets.
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The iron is hot in the fire right now and you have six entities to choose from. Engage with one.

    The only reason some of these players resist entities as a concept is because one or two of their outspoken players encourages them to. I don't think any public measuring or a list of players as to who is opposed to the system is a genuine one. It is clear some people are intimidated or feel the need to placate a person that keeps their circle militarily viable.

    I think that the only reason the entity system doesn't 'work' in their eyes is because they are unwilling to give it a shot. In truth, I think their approach does damage to the game. The six entities we have are volunteers that agreed to give their time to this game. All of the players in the above list have expressed concerns of activity, assuredly. I think it out them as choosy beggars that they refuse to acknowledge the desire of volunteers to help their game live again just because they hate the packaging (entities and divine figures.)

    I think that be you @Owyn or be you @Jannette, your reason for resisting entities is merely an excuse to reject narratives not entirely in your control. They are only not Gods in name, and they have been mechanically neutered due to the rightful complaints people in your position had before. Now that all of that is handled, we have reduced ourselves strictly to complaining about the label on the can. I find it petty and telling of the quality of character or roleplay that comes from those people. No offense to any of you, but I have never really been one to conceal my opinion since nobody has an issue being forward with one about me.

    It is a detriment to the game's health to actively reject people who want to contribute positively to your roleplay environment. The nature of the anti-entity roleplay comes down to being a **** to people who you know can't fight back. That's not cool and we all know it. 
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • OwynOwyn Member Posts: 190 ✭✭✭
    @Sarrius this "ability to influence you" does not sound much like a neutering of ability. And in fact, have you yourself not also PERSONALLY already had problems with them? They have: teleported themselves into houses and travelblock rooms for no cause. They have: muted people from across the world, repeatedly, because they can. They have: declared rooms peace rooms until backup could arrive and then unpeaced it to get the conflict-driving personnel in said room killed. They have: already suggested a council of rulers between 2 sovereign citystates, with themselves of course as "neutral" go-betweens. They have: already attempted to patron orgs.

    Our concerns are valid, and it isn't just a mass of people trying to "placate Owyn." Kinsarmar, militarily, would stand up just fine without me. They have: Alvetta, Pellerin, Justus, Galt, Jules, Tyden. Seriously, they do not fear me so much that they will just "say anything" to please Owyn. It's not about resisting a story. It's not about hating on volunteers; I love the idea of volunteers. You've never once heard me rant about @Eoghan or @Dec being there to help people. EVER. And you never will. What you will hear me rant about is failed ideas being pushed again, and again, and again that are all prone to the same exact problems we've always had with these types of positions.

    I'm all about having people help the game; have them inhabit npc's and other things. Have them NOT meddle in the affairs of the playerbase. I wouldn't be a **** if I didn't have to be, but seriously, enough of not being listened to is enough. And at this point, if what I HAVE to do to get heard is "flex my influence", then you're darn right I will. And I will very much make it a top priority to do so, because I think it is mechanically awful for a game that I love and enjoy.
  • WyllWyll Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭
    @Sarrius, initially I didn't like entities because I didn't like the idea of them being similar to Gods, but I did give them a chance and I have had fun RPing and chatting with pretty much all of them. I do appreciate the volunteers behind them 100%.

    @Owyn, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt on some of the issues you brought up with regards to abusing their powers. I have had one pop into my home once when I was afk, but I didn't take it as any differently than them popping up into any other random room I am standing in. I think it was an honest mistake and that they didn't realize it was a private home. They quickly apologized and left. An easy fix is to block them from coming into travel block rooms and private homes. I don't think any of them did it intentionally out of malice.

    And one did suggest a council to meditate between Kinsarmar and Celidon, but realize this was suggested right when Kinsarmar broke a treaty and decided to raid Celidon. Tensions were high between both organizations and the citizens of both were left feeling a bit confused because of close family ties and guild ties. It isn't out of line or even an abuse of power for an entity to offer to be the go between for both organizations to mediate. Nothing even came of it that should bother you, what it actually did was provide dialog and RP. And I believe that is the whole point of them being here is for RP. In that stage they were also largely learning about the world around them and I think they learned very quickly about Kinsarmar and Celidon's relationship or lack thereof.

    All in all, that's a really silly thing to complain about.
    You say, "Oh crap."
    You say, "My bottle is empty."
    Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
    Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
  • OwynOwyn Member Posts: 190 ✭✭✭
    @Wyll the examples I listed all happened. I'm glad that you did already clear up the trying to meddle in player politics; that was a big issue with the gods already. The other examples are not satisfactorily answered by "it's for teh RPz." I've already pointed out that RP is cool. Meddling isn't. This is a conflict-driven game. Your org has become literally irrelevant to the rest of the world precisely because you maintain an anti-conflict attitude. I would love to continue raiding Celidon until either a) they decided to start becoming involved in conflict or b) their org was destroyed. It's a very stagnant attitude. That's something even @Sarrius and I do not disagree on. So yes, why would Kinsarmar ever accept such ridiculous terms. It's nonsense, and an attempt to meddle. The travelblock room scenario has happened to more people than just you; not saying it was malicious.

    If Celidon wants an entity, by all means; I'm about it. Maybe it'll help drive Kinsarmar-Celidon conflict further.
  • WyllWyll Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭
    @Owyn, Celidon didn't accept those terms either. You act like people in Celidon care about appeasing Kinsarmar. We don't care. I've mentioned this in another thread, raiding has no real consequences so you can raid Celidon all day and it really wouldn't matter.

    We only even cared to get Sal back because we had newbies who were confused that the tutor disappeared suddenly(lol great mechanic admins) and we only cared to do it because Demonic and AM gave zero **** and helped us even though we're opposing circles in this 'conflict driven' game.

    You notice how you are complaining about Kinsarmar wanting no entities and nothing to do with them because of your play style while then turning around and taking a dump on Celidon because people in that organization want nothing to do with conflict(and be very clear, they don't want what you define as conflict)? That's really funny.

    Your reach of influence goes as far as the handful of people in your organization. The rest of the game exist in their own world because people log on to have their own fun. There is this stark difference between the 'PK is conflict' crowd and the 'leave us alone we want to exist how we want to exist in this world' crowd. One crowd doesn't have an impact on the other. I'm sure you can guess which one.

    If you don't like people to force a certain play style on you, then don't force it on others. if this was really really a 'conflict driven' game, then please remove everything that doesn't produce or drive conflict. But that's never going to happen, because for this mud to thrive it has to appeal to all types of players - socializers, explorers, griefers, and achievers.
    You say, "Oh crap."
    You say, "My bottle is empty."
    Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
    Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
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