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Imperian Meet / Reunion - Half Tough Mudder May 2017 / Philadelphia

JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
Imperian Meet / Reunion - Half Tough Mudder May 2017 / Philadelphia

@Ultrix and I have made plans to complete the half Tough Mudder run over the weekend of May 19-21, 2017 outside of beautiful Philadelphia, Pennyslvania ( This team event is 5 miles long with 14 obstacle courses along the path. Instead of recruiting 'real people that we actually know', we thought it would be far more fun to turn it into an Imperian meet up / reunion tour for anyone interested in training to go.

We would ideally be looking for 3-4 people to join us, which would give us a team of 5-6 in total. We're eight months away from the race, so if you're interested you should still have plenty of time to train.

  1. You get to run through mud and climb over stuff.
  2. You would get to hang out with Juran and Ultrix.
  3. We would have plenty of time for dinner, talking, and other such things when not racing
  1. You would probably miss at least one shardfall while the race is going on.
If you are interested, message @Juran in game or on the forums. I'll put together a list, and we'll try to get this thing going! Ultrix and I are both super excited, and you should be too.


  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Man. I would love to do that. Never been to Philly either.
  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    That's actually pretty close to me. I'd definitely like to make time for it.
  • UltrixUltrix Member Posts: 288 ✭✭✭
    Okay! I have gotten some inquiries from people, mostly of the "I'd be interested but I have no idea where I'd even start training for something this awesome, because my hobbies are video games" sort.

    FEAR NOT. We're eight months out. That is PLENTY of time to train. (Also, we're not going for any world records here. Our goal is simply that everyone finishes the course. Finishing totally counts as a win!)

    So to help motivate people along, I wanted to post a few links that might help you all get started with training.

    Step 1: If you don't already run, you should start running. You'll need a cardio base for this, even if we're only doing the half version. My recommendation is the Couch-to-5k program (C25K:, which is meant for beginners and will get you moving to a 5k in 9 weeks. TOTALLY DOABLE, PEOPLE! See below:

    Step 2: If you already have a decent cardio base, then it's just a matter of getting the strength training needed for the obstacles. I personally haven't figured out all the details of step 2 yet as this is the part I have to work on the most, but this guide has a pretty good summary of what you should aim to do for your training and how you can achieve that with bodyweight exercises.

    If you're interested and need help with training, feel free to PM/message @Ultrix or @Juran and we'd be happy to help the best we can.
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    Remind me when we get closer.
  • CelestineCelestine Member Posts: 244 ✭✭✭
    I wonder if I could make that happen in five months, being that I'm due in January. I'd love to run around, jump over things, and crawl through the mud again - just like my Army days. I'll keep this in the back of my mind! :)
  • KiskanKiskan Member Posts: 161 ✭✭
    Hmm, a couple friends of mine have been begging me to meet them in Philly for a few years now. Also there are HORSES nearby. I love running and I don't mind mud, but I don't like mud that other people have touched. There is a possibility that I will come bug everyone though.
  • UltrixUltrix Member Posts: 288 ✭✭✭
    Kiskan said:

    Hmm, a couple friends of mine have been begging me to meet them in Philly for a few years now. Also there are HORSES nearby. I love running and I don't mind mud, but I don't like mud that other people have touched. There is a possibility that I will come bug everyone though.

    So while I do not believe there are any horse-related obstacle events in the tough mudder itself, the course location is less than an hour away from horse-and-buggy land (aka Lancaster, PA) so I am sure that you can find some horses (with buggies, and possibly some Amish folks).
  • MaegohrMaegohr Member Posts: 14
    Ultrix said:

    Kiskan said:

    Hmm, a couple friends of mine have been begging me to meet them in Philly for a few years now. Also there are HORSES nearby. I love running and I don't mind mud, but I don't like mud that other people have touched. There is a possibility that I will come bug everyone though.

    So while I do not believe there are any horse-related obstacle events in the tough mudder itself, the course location is less than an hour away from horse-and-buggy land (aka Lancaster, PA) so I am sure that you can find some horses (with buggies, and possibly some Amish folks).
    When I was younger and traveling through part of NE Ohio, we stopped at I think a Kroger that had a few hitching posts around the side. Had no idea modern day hitching posts were a thing, until that moment. I had also never realized how much horses poop.
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