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Obelisk Attunement Skills

Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
edited October 2016 in New Ideas
I am in the process of reviewing all of the shard skills allowed for possessing the various obelisks. At this point I have identified several that are going to be changed. If you have suggestions for skills that would be interesting in those trees, please suggest them here. Efficiency will most likely see the most changes.

In addition, I am going to remove the SHARD ATTUNE skills. They remove the need to possess obelisks, which removes the need to fight over them, which defeats the whole purpose of the obelisks.

I would like to get away from skills that make existing skills better, and come up with some interesting new mechanics (easier said then done). I have ideas for a few of these, but I do not want to muddy the water with my thoughts.

Once again, keep it on topic.

Or death.


  • AnetteAnette Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    At the risk of terrible death for it being not 100% on topic, I'd like a system for viewing shard skills that isn't terribly confusing. Why not have them in something like AB? I find going through the CITY SHARD skills to figure out what shard skills I have available thing a huge pain and as a result I generally don't use them.
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ones that stand out as being problematic (with some ideas):

    Efficiency 3: obviously has to go, entirely breaks the system. You could potentially change it to allow the bonus energy (attainable with 100k gold put into the generator to boost to 125%) to be achieved at 3/4 the cost (so saves you 25k a day compared to other circles), but that's a reduction in gold outflow so probably not ideal. No real other ideas for this off the top of my head.

    No real ideas for aryana as I assume this obelisk will change (its fairly terrible atm), but:

    Aryana 1: pretty worthless, though it is in position 1 so eh.

    Aryana 3: no longer does anything.

    Moradeim 4: I actually think this is pretty useless. Red shards are in high enough demand now that I'd never burn a red shard on something that only works if someone's afk. No immediate ideas how you could make it more desirable without making it excessive however, monolith bypass is a very potent mechanic. I would personally say there is 0 reason this should take twice as long as focus moradeim normally does, it is a high investment ability as the red shard is consumed on initiation and you cannot really stockpile these now.

    Moradeim 5: Potential to be a huge tactical advantage, terrible in practice. Removing the red shard cost from this (replace with blue) and making it let people follow the moradeimer would instantly make moradeim a huge strategical edge. If it remained a red, the shard should really be consumed at successful completion, or this loses a ton of its value. The red being taken at initiation makes sense for bypass, but it really doesn't for silent. If they dodged it it was because you got unlucky, not because they reacted appropriately. But yes, if you could follow through this even now moradeim would massively jump up in desirability.

    Sukhder 4: I find this kind of meh, but I have no idea how taming actually works (don't judge me). It might be awesome?

    Sukhder 5: Change it so if you use a red shard for focus sukhder, it takes a red shard to counter stabilise said sukhder. Regular focus sukhder should still be counterable with a blue shard obviously, but a tier 5 power that costs a red shard but is countered by blue is kind of terrible.
  • UltrixUltrix Member Posts: 288 ✭✭✭
    Anette said:

    At the risk of terrible death for it being not 100% on topic, I'd like a system for viewing shard skills that isn't terribly confusing. Why not have them in something like AB? I find going through the CITY SHARD skills to figure out what shard skills I have available thing a huge pain and as a result I generally don't use them.

    I think this has to do with the fact that when obelisks/shard powers were first released, not all of the skills were public. In fact, to even see what the next power was, you had to be able to "unlock" it by satisfying the pre-requisities. This was part of the incentive - you researched to learn what the next skill was, and knowing what the next skill was gave you an advantage over other circles (putting aside the metagame, which I'm sure was strong as it always is.)

    But in this way, the skill system is set up entirely different from AB files. AB files you can view, regardless of whether you have the ability or not.

  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    @Anette and @Ultrix

    Changing up the display to be more like an ab list may happen. Especially as everyone has just about all the skills.
  • GjarrusGjarrus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 705 ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    The taming buff effectively gives 10% chance to succeed with taming skills below 100%. Persistent stuff doesn't seem to be affected positively by it (listen, standguard, swim, etc) since it works on the ORDER. Seems odd to be in Sukhder.

    Overall, I like the idea of making the attunement bonuses improve and enhance the focus ability at the cost of shards like they do for the moon-based obelisks. Gonna stick to attunement tree suggestions for those right now:

    Change the base FOCUS to a free action random cure on a longer cooldown (~2m+).
    Allow using a red shard to 1) shorten the cooldown considerably/bypass it, 2) specify the affliction cured, 3) share the impact with your allies, 4) transfer the affliction to a target, or 5) spend the cooldown on a preventative buff for an affliction that fades when the CD is back up.

    Focus Suhkder Blast - Shoots effect 1 room away, costs a red
    Focus Sukhder Beam - An improved disrupt that eliminates anything that would bar your progress in a direction save for doors.
    Focus Sukhder Beacon - Marks the target for what's effectively an anti-tuning fork. Possibly restrict to self use, but that's also less fun.
    L5 is fine

    Silent is okay.
    Focus Moradeim Blink - Travel time cut in half, costs a red
    Focus Moradeim Echo - Teleport to a room somewhere nearby the target instantly. Makes a big noise, costs a red.
    Focus Moradeim Swap - Change places with the target at the cost of a red.
    Can combine L2 and L4 (Bypass). To an ally should only cost a blue.

  • AnetteAnette Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Jeremy said:

    @Anette and @Ultrix

    Changing up the display to be more like an ab list may happen. Especially as everyone has just about all the skills.

    I would greatly appreciate it. It's one of the reasons I've found it hard to approach the system so it would help smooth adoption I'd think. I can't be the only one.

    I mostly agree with @septus in his assessment of different ones but I don't have deep knowledge to really know so I defer to those who have more experience.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    This is just a starting point. I will try to add additional feedback as the conversation develops.

    • Aryana Obelisk - turn FOCUS ARYANA into free Onyx to leave Dis with a command
    • Aryana Attunement 3 - halves the duration of the death malus
    • Aryana Attunement 5 - immunity to Inhume
    [Still no way to resurrect into a shardfall or obelisk attack]

    • Efficiency Attunement 3 - Greatly reduce the cost of refining.
      • Cities are already fighting a losing battle against Moradeim - Duplicate, this simply evens the field more.

    • Moradeim Obelisk - Halve the channel time of FOCUS MORADEIM and all related effects.
    • Moradeim Attunement 4 & 5 - Allow followers for SILENT and BYPASS.

    • Nature Obelisk - Halve the cooldown of Toadstool.
      Nature Obelisk - Dopplegangers / Hybrid races
      • 'Doppleganger' would give you access to all racial skills of the 'base' races while your circle holds Nature.
      • 'Hybrid races' would allow you to activate and use a second set of racial skills while your circle holds Nature.
    • Nature Attunement 3 - Celerity effect (+1 room/sec).
    • Nature Attunement 4 - 'Field Sutures', bandages actively clot like a second moss tattoo.
    • Nature Attunement 5 - The health regen from this skill should be quite a bit higher.

    True Sight:
    • True Sight Attunement 4 - remove the mana cost of trueassess entirely.

    • Sukhder Attunement 1 - remove the balance time on shard disrupt when using a red shard, halve the balance with a blue shard.
    • Sukhder Attunement 4 - allow focus sukhder to be done on a room in your local area for a red shard.
    • Sukhder Attunement 5 - remove the limitations on Focus Sukhder and simply add a 3 minute cooldown.
  • AnetteAnette Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    I like all of these except immunity to Inhume. It's hard enough to be one of the like five active Sukhder aspects without our abilities we rarely get to use being nerfed.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anette said:

    I like all of these except immunity to Inhume. It's hard enough to be one of the like five active Sukhder aspects without our abilities we rarely get to use being nerfed.

    I was on the fence about it, but only one circle would have access to it at any one time and Inhume is way more powerful than the other aspect powers. It would be a reasonable compromise to add a contestable counter instead of just nerfing it in classleads (which is going to happen otherwise).
  • AnetteAnette Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Juran said:

    Anette said:

    I like all of these except immunity to Inhume. It's hard enough to be one of the like five active Sukhder aspects without our abilities we rarely get to use being nerfed.

    I was on the fence about it, but only one circle would have access to it at any one time and Inhume is way more powerful than the other aspect powers. It would be a reasonable compromise to add a contestable counter instead of just nerfing it in classleads (which is going to happen otherwise).
    Honestly I'd be more in favour of Life and Change aspects getting an appropriate buff, but that's a bit off topic I suppose.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anette said:

    Juran said:

    Anette said:

    I like all of these except immunity to Inhume. It's hard enough to be one of the like five active Sukhder aspects without our abilities we rarely get to use being nerfed.

    I was on the fence about it, but only one circle would have access to it at any one time and Inhume is way more powerful than the other aspect powers. It would be a reasonable compromise to add a contestable counter instead of just nerfing it in classleads (which is going to happen otherwise).
    Honestly I'd be more in favour of Life and Change aspects getting an appropriate buff, but that's a bit off topic I suppose.
    Unless the buff is something like 'Forces the target to stay graced and unable to contribute in combat for 90 seconds', Inhume is going to be better. It's exactly the same as the solution we took with Kai Banish - you can either nerf it entirely or you can add a situational counter to mitigate it. In almost every situation, I will favor the latter.
  • AnetteAnette Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    Well given the choice between seeing it go and having a counter, I'd go with the latter, but I'm still a bit eh about it. At this point even such a powerful ability isn't enough to attract people to being a Fear aspect, so I have to wonder if most people really thing its that good/bad.

    WRT Nature Attunement 4, a thought I had is you could make it such that the bleeding gets set to what the bandages mitigated it to.

    Completely BS numbers just to illustrate what I mean: you're bleeding for 20 health and the bandages staunch some of it and you still take 12 damage. You're now bleeding for 12 health.
  • GjarrusGjarrus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 705 ✭✭✭✭
    If you want inhume protection on Aryana, I would want to see it as an optional expenditure of the FOCUS. So, you FOCUS ARYANA ME MOONSHINEHAPPINESS while alive, and you lose FOCUS ARYANA for a while in exchange for inhume immunity. Alternatively, it would have to be an active ability to cleanse it off at the cost of a red.

    I like where the Doppleganger/Hybrid Nature ideas are going. Not a fan of the other stuff here since I thought they were wanting more active type stuff, not passive buffs. Giving nature FOCUS ARYANA (statpack) for another reinc option outside of Moradeim aspect would be swell, and it'd touch on the same notes as the dopple/hybrid suggestions.

    Otherwise +1

  • KyraicKyraic Member Posts: 84 ✭✭✭
    Juran said:

    This is just a starting point. I will try to add additional feedback as the conversation develops.


    • Aryana Obelisk - turn FOCUS ARYANA into free Onyx to leave Dis with a command
    • Aryana Attunement 3 - halves the duration of the death malus
    • Aryana Attunement 5 - immunity to Inhume
    Aryana Obelisk would again become the crazy stupid powerful effect that defines fights and turns one side into a crazy zerg army.

    This would make it valuable and fought over, but it would do it in a negative way. It becomes a matter of "You have to control Aryana Obelisk because you can't reasonally groupfight against anybody who has it", which is why it got changed in the first place.
  • AnetteAnette Member Posts: 814 ✭✭✭
    @kyraic I don't have any problem with the specific suggested powers, but I might divvy them up across multiple obelisks to avoid all the eggs being in one basket.
  • ZorantizZorantiz Member Posts: 80 ✭✭✭
    who tests the new shard skills? is there some sort of sample beta?
    fifth elephant - terry pratchett
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