No real details in this post, just want to let people know what we are working on.
We are creating a city objective raiding system that is separate from the obelisk system (aside from having a shard and generator cost to it). This is starting into code today. We are also working on updating obelisks and some of the shard tree skills. This will be a little behind the raid stuff, as I am still plotting out some of the skill changes. I will post the details in the next few days.
XP changes will be in with one of these updates as well.
Garryn is getting into classleads soon as well obviously.
We will post updates as we get closer.
As well, I (still) have yet to encounter a single person who knew that any of this (especially the XP aspect) is coming in game. Only the very, very few people who read (much less post on) forums even know it's on the way. Too bad those people don't come here, or I feel that those conversations would have gone very differently, but most players are turned off by and afraid of the forums. Not a single person has been happy about it. The reactions when I ask something like "so what are your plans when XP loss comes back?" have ranged from "shocked and angry, but very begrudgingly accepting" to "shocked and REALLY angry". Then sometimes they ask ME to make a post. Heh... if only they knew.
Still, you are going to do what you will, but can we please get a more fine-grained idea of what this is going to really look like? I'd actually rather not wait a long time to turn it on, either, because when it's turned on is when the players will really start to find out what it will feel like. And who knows, maybe it will be some super innovative XP loss that is so unlike traditional XP loss (which, when it comes to things like PK, or figuring out bosses, has the sole purpose of making players afraid to try by harshly punishing each and every failed attempt), it's not even really fair to call it that, but I'd sure like to start to find out.
As for XP loss, I kind of welcome it. It makes almost no sense to have zero penalty for death other than under a minute of waiting on Charon(and even that's mitigated by a couple things). Back in the day the XP loss hurt bad because XP was so hard to get...these days, not so much. The vast majority of PK'ers are aspect anyway, since it's almost a requirement for being active in PK in general. And when your leveling up...well, more than likely your going to make that experience quickly anyway.
My question is, is that the only change your doing? Can you elaborate on your plans for the XP changes, so at least link me the post they are in, because I must have missed it.
EDIT: a lot of the people who are so blase about it (or super gung ho, at least on forums) either feel they can win most of the time, "don't even go here", or are frankly people I've either never seen PK, or seen PK so rarely they basically have zero skin in the game (and can afford to be all verbally baddass about it). It definitely matters how it is implemented. It could be terrible, it could be barely bearable, it could be slightly annoying, or... it could even be something that really doesn't even seem to qualify as what we'd think of as mean old XP loss at all.
That said, the preliminary info we do have is DEFINITELY not that nice (and is also very much up in the air as to where and when it will apply). In fact, once I really thought about it, I am not even totally sure if the tentative "1% of level max at aspect" is 1% of my total XP (similar to how Achaea uses level 80 as a cap but using 100 as the cap - which would be downright brutal), or if it's 1% of my current level - also quite punishing, I roughly mathed it out last night and it's uh, quite a lot of ebonmarrows (lucky me, at least I can hunt those more easily than most - as long as they're not hunted out, which, for now, they're usually not). Both scenarios are punishing - because anyone who actually PKs much knows they can often expect far, far more than just one death in a good day of PK (sure hopefully you'll get kills, too, but someone has to be the underdog). But you know what? That might be the niche Imperian decides to try to carve out for itself (a somewhat or even greatly harsher XP loss curve). We don't know yet.
You don't know what is actually going to happen and neither do I. And that's what bugs me. And they've had plenty of time (even by their own timeline, that they set), to come up with "hey guys, this is what you can expect, don't worry (or definitely worry)". And this isn't something you just casually toss out there and then don't follow up on in a timely manner. It's not cool. And I mean, it is XP loss - so for one, a lot of players are going to consider that a big deal, period, and it's also something that has existed forever and that you probably have a pretty good understanding of if you're an IRE guy. So if you can decide almost overnight that you're going to make a change that big because someone said something on a forum, you can hopefully decide what it's going to generally look like in a couple of weeks. And that part is directed at Aysari - admin already knows how I feel from my other comments. But yeah, that's why I posted what I did! They said they'd give updates, details! "In the next few days" (which is totally reasonable).
By participating in disccussions on Imperian's forums, you agree to abide by the following rules:
1. Don't be a jerk.
Ad-hominem attacks definitely fall under this rule. Myself, I already answered what you're asking.
You, however, regularly say stuff like "Perhaps if those who wanted to fight in Magick would actually put in the effort that AM has, rather than whining that they'll never be able to win a fight." - when I LITERALLY MOVED TO MAGICK FROM AM BECAUSE NO ONE WANTED TO FIGHT AM, and was like "we are totally game to fight AM's still great lineup, pls don't add ANOTHER star quarterback tho, k"? So you'd better put them rocks away in that there glass house. Anyway, let's stop now, before admin has to close the thread, and we probably all manage to get ourselves in trouble.
We've gone a bit off the rails. Closing this thread. When we have an update, we'll create a new thread for it.