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January 2017 Town Hall Meeting

CaelyaCaelya Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭✭
edited January 2017 in General Discussion
The town hall meeting was tonight! If you were unable to make it, there's a lengthy log included in spoiler tags.

Jeremy says, "Hello."

Jeremy says, "Okay, well we shall do this."

Jeremy says, "So my main theme for today was the 2017 goals."

Jeremy says, "Okay, so any questions about that?"

Jeremy says, "Actually, we can probably do questions about anything really."

You say, "I was wondering what specifically the plan was for the new intro. Is it going to be more lore-focused, or is it just going to be a simplified area so newbies get less lost?"

Jeremy says, "A single area instead of the six."

Jeremy says, "Well, we will use one of the six and all of them will use it."

Jeremy says, "The other five will get buffed up a little and we will put bosses in them."

Jeremy says, "Should not be super complicated."

Eoghan says, "There will be a small amount of area-focused lore, but nothing ground breaking. The goal is still to lower the barrier to entry."

Jeremy says, "But it should be easier."

You say, "I do sort of miss the days of being introduced to the game's basic history, but I understand the desire to streamline things."

Jeremy says, "I did have a messaged question about if we were going to have more neutral guilds."

Jeremy says, "Professions rather."

Jeremy says, "Yes, probably. People seemed to like those, but probably after the new profession we are toying around with."

You say, "Any hints toward what that might be?"

Jeremy says, "It will be a neutral prof."

Jeremy says, "And it will be cool."

Jeremy says, "How is that?"

You say, "More than I could have expected."

Eoghan says, "We're still very early in the planning, so there isn't much we can tell."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "So kinda like, the Wytchen, only non-circle."

Jeremy says, "We have a general theme and skillset names we are working on."

Eoghan says to Shaylei, "You may have been confused by Jeremy mis-speaking. We would not be creating a new guild along with the profession. It is only planned as a profession release."

Jeremy says, "Right."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "Oh."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "A girl can hope!"

Eoghan says, "If anything, we have too many guilds in Imperian right now, so we definitely aren't planning to create a new one."

You say, "Could you reveal any more of what your plans are to reduce the number of guilds and cities? You mentioned that you already had one in mind for this month."

Jeremy says, "I will make a post on it next week."

Jeremy says, "We have an event done, the rooms and new mobs made."

Jeremy says, "I will give everyone ample time."

Jeremy says, "To get stuff, save stuff, etc."

You say, "Fair enough."
Jeremy says, "And we will save all the news posts, etc."

Jeremy says, "What are people's general thoughts on that?"

Renon Virs, Student of the Arts says, "Will the new event make factions or circles more relevant?"

Jeremy says, "Let's say we nuked your favorite city."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "I would throw up."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "I don't think anyone would welcome that."

Jeremy says, "Yeah, that is why we have waited."

Cannibal Arutha Con'Doin, the Hunger says, "Nuke them all."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Nor the demolition of a guild."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin asks, "Where will we shop when Caanae is destroyed??"

Larkin Athisia says, "I actually would be upset."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "Doesn't bother me at all."

Lady Adelena Mirirawen, Ward of the Icewyrms says, "Yeah no."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "Well if we are nuking cities, I am up for helping destroy Stavenn."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "Sometimes guild or city even if not biggest can be closer small but somewhat big than if bigger."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "Getting rid of guild should be fairly easy, just delete them as they drop off of topguilds."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "Guilds."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "Less cities may not always solve problem."

Larkin Athisia says, "Wouldn't that unbalance everything with circles? Or is that the plan to do that to each circle?"

Jeremy says, "When we first opened Imperian we only had 5."

Eoghan says, "It hasn't seemed to be the case that population follows number of organizations."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "You could always have one city conquer anther and join the two into one."

Jeremy says, "It was fine."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "That's an idea too."

Eoghan says, "Effectively that still means deleting one. It's just the story around it that changes."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "Might be fun to fight for territory."

Jeremy says, "We could, but who wants to be the loser and have to join the winner?"

Cannibal Arutha Con'Doin, the Hunger says, "Then don't lose."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "A system where cities can be lost."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "But if alternative is city totally gone how is that better."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "But I don't have a city so.. I'd be a winner no matter what."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "I don't see any less hurt for city blown up then conquered."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Well, the trend toward making things simpler overall may be slightly more appealing to newbies, at first, but reducing organizations may not help overall. Can you explain the rationale behind removing some?"

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "Oh I do."

Zachariah Eldunari says, "I think it's better if the Admins make these decisions, there is too much emotional attachment in the playerbase."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "I agree with that as well."

Cannibal Arutha Con'Doin, the Hunger says, "Because stagnation is bad."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Higher populations in organizations is important. Especially if it is a city, where most of the mechanics are centralized."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "We will hate you for it but we get over it."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "That is very true sometimes smaller is better."

Jeremy says, "Right."

Eoghan says, "From an organization perspective, having one organization with two geographically separate areas to defend and upkeep isn't tenable with the way organizations work. Merging two orgs and allowing it to exist in the space of two former orgs just doesn't work."

Eoghan says, "To answer the "conquering" question."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Guilds are boring because they don't have people. Fewer cities means more citizens."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "Sometimes for shy people a smaller group easier to fit in because more attention to shy."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "In another realm there was the ability for one city to destroy another... it was kind of a mess and they eventually shut down that entire dynamic, much to everyone's relief."

Jeremy says, "Yeah."

Jeremy says, "Leaving in a system like that would not work for long."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "Sometimes a small core group if active can be stronger for those in it then to be part of larger hroup."

Zachariah Eldunari says to Curran, "No one is arguing that."

Jeremy says, "Well, we have noticed we do not even currently have that."

Zachariah Eldunari says to Curran, "But these cuts need to be made."

Eoghan says, "Ultimately, the decision to delete any org is never an easy one. We have just as much attachment to the history and lore of the game as anyone, and in some cases more. A common recurring theme in feedback form the playerbase is that organizations as they exist now aren't tenable with the population we have. Even with the trend to wards circle-spanning clans, the underlying organization mechanics don't support the number of orgs we have with the population we have."

Jeremy says, "For example, when we run city or circle based games."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "I am saying be careful where make cuts because sometimes cutting somethings works will lose people in it."

Jeremy says, "Trust me, we have put this off way longer then we should have."

Jeremy says, "Any other questions from the 2017 goals?"

Jeremy says, "Or questions in general?"

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "Fyi, the nexus/void is not really working."

Jeremy says, "Shoot me a message and I'll look at it."

Eoghan says, "If it's a mechanical issue, make sure you file a bug report on it so we can look into it, too."

Jeremy says, "Say is it just not responding?"

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "I hope you'll also retain the balance, because sometimes the most gung-ho group rides roughshod over everyone else, and then a lot of people just stop logging in. So, it needs to be done in such a way that a few aggressive individuals can't ruin it for others."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "I have a general question. Can magick have more archery skills?"

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "You use to lay down and sleep to enter the void and it just kills you now."

Eoghan says to Canavas, "We're not prepared to comment on what professions, if any, are going to go neutral in the future."

Jeremy says, "Yeah, not sure which ones will be next."

Jeremy says, "Will note the request for bows!"

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "What is the plan to make caravans viable again?"

Jeremy says, "Garryn had some ideas for that."

Jeremy says, "But we have not talked about it lately."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "How long before we can look forward to seeing that."

Jeremy says, "Caravans?"

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "Yes."

Jeremy says, "Not currently on my list for 2017."

Eoghan says, "Unfortunately we do have some other things taking up time, but it's very high on the priority."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "They are in a stasis right now. Far as we can tell it is no longer possible to do them."

Jeremy says, "Rhm hrm."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Can ritual aura be returned to a prismatic-like effect for holding aggressives meanwhile?"

Eoghan says, "Finding a change to make them viable post-prismatic change is still on our plans for the near future."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "The way we used to do it no loger possible."

Jeremy says, "I will jot that down to look at that."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "If you don't plan to fix caravans, could they just be removed then till the fix?"

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Turn it into a ritual ability specific to caravans, so we can keep doing them."

Jeremy says, "Let me look at that. I forgot that was a problem with the prisma change."

Jeremy says, "I'll slap that on the list for stuff to do real soon."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Please."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "Thank you."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "They are one of the few things that are still fun to do, and can still pull a group."

Eoghan says, "I doubt the solution, even in the interim, will be a regression of prismatic for mobiles, but it's something we definitely want to resolve."

Jeremy says, "So I have a question."

Jeremy says, "I am not seeing nearly as much PvP lately."

Jeremy says, "Is there a reason you guys and not killing each other more?"

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "90% of the fighters left the game."

Robynn Dawnsong says, "Lack of time.. lack of skills and lack of people to practice on.. at least for me."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "I don't have half the shard skills with no city... I even got a monolith and no one attacked me, well cept Zenigra."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Most of us don't have the enthusiasm for a 1v1."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "I think population is the problem."

Tyden Dawnsong, Talon of the Phoenix says, "Not a fan of shardfall pvp."

Tyden Dawnsong, Talon of the Phoenix says, "Which seems to be the only pvp."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "Lack of motivation."

You say, "The main reason I used to go to shardfalls was because there was a real incentive to go out and get shards for research. Even though there's still a use for shards, it's still sort of tedious when you don't have that motivation."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "From my assessment of the game, people just aren't interested in it. The game's often become.. uuh.. ya know.. a very fancy chat bot with neat features.. like hunting and artifacts."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "Some of us never have been interested in combat."

Jeremy says, "Right."

Jeremy says, "That was kinda my feeling."

Larkin Athisia says, "Also a lot of folks now mingle instead of side."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "Always hated combat, personally. forcing it sucks."

Jeremy says, "So currently have I a lot of PvP stuff planned for next year."

Jeremy says, "What kinds of things do you really, really want to see?"

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "True, contriving conflict is not what we need. More in the way of contests might be preferable."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "Yes I like events more."

Eoghan says, "We can discuss non-PVP focuses next."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Especially when there are permanent prizes like artifact pets, mini-artifacts, etc for various levels of participation."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "Add a viable ranged combat system and I will start fighting again."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Honestly, some palpable benefit to fighting. Not just 'nothing worth fighting for' kind of thing in the way of lack of opportunity, but hunting I get xp and gold, designing I get things that look pretty, etc."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "Can just add in more personal conflict instead of focusing on the city/circle based conflict events. if you want people to kill each other, make it worth while on an individual level."

Jeremy says, "What kind of things would make 1v1 worth it to you?"

Robynn Dawnsong says, "Test dummies to hit? I'm constantly hitting myself and just not the same."

Eoghan says, "Test dummies are far more complicated than they sound."

Jeremy says, "Yeah, not really easy to code those."

Sharatar Baen'ath says, "I would love to see new races."

Eoghan says, "It's something that's been requested a lot, but it is incredibly non-trivial."

Robynn Dawnsong says, "I used to use khizan as test dummy."

You say, "We have thirty."

You say, "I think that's a solid number."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "Me? Personally? Nothing. I hate combat. Too many people with their own coded systems. I don't code, so keeping up with that nonsense is frustrating, time consuming and not worth it. I've no solution."

Tyden Dawnsong, Talon of the Phoenix says, "I want to see more randomized conflict, but fighting over shards seems very forced pvp. I'd like to see the villages have some form of pvp tied to them in all honesty."

Tyden Dawnsong, Talon of the Phoenix says, "Something that has a little more meaning behind it than a few shards here and there."

Sylio, Initiate of the Elements says, "Yeah, I think we've got plenty of races."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Buff bots for guilds is an idea I'd like to see implemented, give people a taste of what they can gain by investing in more skills and lessons. It's like a free sample, give say 1 hour buffs."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster sticks out her tongue and says, "I was actually surprised that since I have been back, I have been attacked only once. I thought I was going to be hunted for at least a week or so straight. Come on people I am Shaylei after all. It is like all the PvP have retired which is sad for some and happy for others."

Sharatar Baen'ath says, "Also more active divine people."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "Can there be a way for people who are not members of cities to have access to some of the org based abilities or at least some of our own?"

Larkin Athisia says, "I liked it when conflicts made you choose sides."

Jeremy says, "Well, we added a raid system which I would not mind expanding into townes, but that has not been used much yet."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "We just haven't had enough active combatants to test it out yet."

Eoghan says to Canavas, "If you're referring to shard research and obelisks, those are deliberately limited to organization affiliation and will not be expanded."

Tyden Dawnsong, Talon of the Phoenix says, "People don't like raiding for the most's direct conflict with a city. Think that is why shardfalls actually are fun to do. There isn't an issue with being enemied or well the craziness in a raid."

Jeremy says, "Yeah, would be hard to make shard skills work for rogues."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "Maybe something else. Rogue skills."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "That's one of the things that makes it necessary to join a city and don't we want to encourage that?"

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "That is fine, except when you are -me- and can literally go no where. Heh."

Sharatar Baen'ath says, "I would like to see more active divine as how it was when the gods were amongst us."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "Perhaps just make a separate shard thing for rogues, which costs them x amount of shards to get whatever perks they want.. or maybe gold.. credits? Experience? Pay this much and get this perk within your cache of shard skills."

You say, "That's what retirement's for."

Jeremy says, "I can think about that, probably not going to work."

Zachariah Eldunari says to Sharatar, "That caused more issues."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says to Caelbrook, "But I.. I don't wanna..Kinda?"

Jeremy says, "Okay, any other questions?"

Sharatar Baen'ath says to Zachariah, "Because people were dumb."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "A lot of people are really worried about the dwindling population and are saying the game is failing. There are still a lot of us who care very much about ensuring we are all here in the future. Is there any plan to boost the player base?"

Jeremy says, "Yeah, we are playing around with some ideas there."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "I attempted to bring people from MKO... but most went to Lusty, sadly."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "I actually feel bad for MKOers who came here."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "Just don't pull an MKO and shut down... I might spasm."

Cannibal Arutha Con'Doin, the Hunger says, "I don't."

Jeremy says, "No, we have no monthly costs."

Eoghan says, "There is no risk of Imperian closing."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "Good!"

Jeremy says, "MKO had a huge licence fee."

Eoghan says, "MKO was a special case because we had to pay licensing for the property."

Jeremy says, "Imperian could run forever."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "Mko was shut down because royalties hit them where it hurt...badly."

Eoghan says, "The other games are all original IP, so they have no risk there."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "Good."

Tyden Dawnsong, Talon of the Phoenix says, "So what city is closing?"

Eoghan says to Tyden, "We'll make a post next week."

Jeremy says, "I'll announce all of that next week."

Larkin Athisia says, "Honestly, I think the whole novice in cities first is hurtful. Most join but since no guidance, don't come back, Now if you grab them and work with them, they tend to stay. Maybe if we had a city tutor that helped them get acquitted with an npc tasks or something?"

Jeremy says, "Right, well, it is worse in guilds."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "Keep in mind bigger not always better if core active goup sometimes that is more important and can fill niche not filled elsewhere."

Jeremy says, "Which is another reason we need to shrink cities."

Larkin Athisia says, "Yeah, so what to do?"

Larkin Athisia says, "They join, people are coming n."

Sharatar Baen'ath says, "I would love to see a new addition to the elves."

Larkin Athisia says, "Just not staying."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "Knock out the bottom four guilds!"

You say, "Are there any plans to advertise the game more? If not with some fancy campaign, maybe through something as simple as social media? I know not everyone's connected, but you might draw in new people if they see a game with an active social media presence."

Eoghan says, "Advertising, especially for muds, is a complex question. Yes, things are being done there."

Jeremy says, "Less cities, less guilds, will have larger communities to help keep the newbs."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "Say I know lusty is really active with their facebook page."

Eoghan says, "Word of mouth is still the biggest thing, though, so tell your friends."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "And they ... have a decent population."

Jeremy says, "We are constantly doing some advertising."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "Yes worse in guilds since guilds was more focused on new novices then cities are."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "I saw some."

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "Facebook is how I got drawn in."

Jeremy says, "Planning on a bigger push in a month or so as well."

Theophilus Aracelia, the Paragon says, "As far as advertising, I am going to go to YouTube videos related to anything Imperian might relate to and post a link to our website. People will click it and be hooked."

Eoghan says, "Regarding facebook: that's somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Having a higher player base means more activity, which means it's effective. We've discussed various different methods of player engagement and that's on the table though."

Jeremy says, "I will love you forever Thwo."

Jeremy says, "Theo."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "The IRE thing is why I joined facebook back in the day."

Hexe smiles and says, "Keep in mind, the culture you spread around the game and everywhere else has an impact too. If you bring a positive attitude to new players they will be more likely to stick around."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "I agree."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "I joined because I found a niche and wasnt forced to fight and found a nice small niche group."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "Maybe bring back monthly art contests.. Maybe that will help bring people back. Always nice to have a chance at winning credits for doing something you enjoy. Even if it takes a month or two to get enough entries to make worth while. Stack monthly rewards up until there is. And some lucky folk get some pretty rewards for waiting, if they win."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Is it safe to say that all existing houses, shops, etc from any vanished city will be relocated into a new territory that is friendly to them?"

Hexe says, "We've had a lot of issues with lack of participation in those sorts of contests."

Eoghan says, "The issue with periodic contests was participation. We ran them as long as we could."

Tyden Dawnsong, Talon of the Phoenix says, "I will say that there was a lot of negativity around when I first started. Though most those who were have retired. Some consider that a bad thing, but in the end it could be good as well."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "And publish player work like the contest authors."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Yeah. I'd love Bardics."

Jeremy says, "That is something I am not sure on Amarais and the reason I have not announce yet."

Jeremy says, "Trying to decide."

Theophilus Aracelia, the Paragon says, "If we remember what drew us in in the first place and what kept us, I think that will help. For me it was the Saboteur novice quest. I had to evade into a room and garrotte some mob secretly. I was fully immersed."

Sharatar Baen'ath says, "Soeaking as one from across the pond there might need to be events that occur when this side is awake, that would get our attention more."

Jeremy says, "Credit houses for sure will be moved."

Sharatar Baen'ath says, "Speaking even."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Right, because there is HUGE emotional as well as time and effort investment in that kind of property."

Theophilus Aracelia, the Paragon says, "We are lacking full immersion in the game. And if we are immersed, is it really something we want to be immersed in?"

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "In Aetolia they just moved them."

Hexe says, "Depending on the event, that also hinges on having someone to be around to run them."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer asks, "What do you mean credit houses will be moved?"

Hexe says, "That's why for halloween we tested the scheduling, which seemed to go decently, but that's a lot harder to pull off for a storyline event."

Eoghan says, "More recently they're token houses."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "If in city destroyed."

Eoghan says, "But originally custom houses were bought in auctions, not via tokens."

Jeremy says, "Right."

Jeremy says, "Credits and token houses."

Eoghan says, "If those exist in an organization that's removed, they'll definitely be moved."

Jeremy says, "City houses will likely be nuked."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Well, city shops and houses often represent huge investments, though, which should be kept in mind."

Jeremy says, "It is something I am still considering."

Great Oak Curran Tancredi, Light of Serenity says, "Very true."

Eoghan says, "It's also in part why we're giving a warning."

Sharatar Baen'ath says to Hexe, "Agreed, but I know several europeans who wants events to happen earlier I know it is hard but then maybe let a few of us europeans be representatives in the form of divines, I know I have applied to help with things before."

Jebadiah Keth'Aera says, "Any return for the costly add ons in those city house that get nuked?"

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "If they're nuked, maybe offer some form of compensation.. 60% of gold value returned to them? Base it on number of rooms and add-ons."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Speaking of credits, I don't really expect the admin to have a plan to intervene, but actual credits are more rare than tokens these days."

Sharatar Baen'ath says to Hexe, "Meant for you and the general."

Eoghan says, "There isn't a lot we can do about the credit market."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Maybe make some considerations about that as well, please. Some % of gamewide credit sales pooling into an automated system or something. I don't think you guys will mechanically inject credits in the game but idk."

Jeremy says, "Probably not."

Eoghan says, "If we were to do so, it would likely be at the cost of another source."

Eoghan says, "For example, would you prefer an injection into the credit market, but losing some reward from the ToA?"

Eoghan says, "(probably not)"

Duchess Alvetta Ashtear, The Vengeant Eye says, "Supply and demand."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Would you consider letting us liberate some bound credits by exchanging them for a mass of unbound Tokens again any time soon? That would help."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "Supply and demand."

Jeremy says, "Okay, next question?"

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "Just wanted to bring it up."

Sharatar Baen'ath says to Jeremy, "If you are willing I would like to try to find some events that could suit the european people and the times they are awake."

Jeremy says, "We may do that again Amaris."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says to Oystir, "Its hard when people like Iluv, Khizan, Sarrius ect who even out bought me and Zachariah retired.. I know back in the day I was always buying and selling credits... but one year away...hehe."

Sylio, Initiate of the Elements asks, "I have a question that will lead into another question if I get the answer I imagine I will - do player housing rooms count towards explorers ranking?"

Eoghan says to Sharatar, "Event timing is something we always keep in mind, and continue to struggle with."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "That would help so much. I'd love to buy actual credits with the gold I have earned, that is the problem I've come in to."

Eoghan says, "It's always something we think about, and will remain a focus. I know that doesn't solve the issue, but we're aware of it."

Sharatar Baen'ath says to Eoghan, "I would like to help with it if needed."

Eoghan says, "Yes, player housing counts towards explorer rankings, currently."

Jeremy says, "I will be starting an auction this weekend."

Tyden Dawnsong, Talon of the Phoenix says, "With the declining playerbase in consideration now with the closing of guilds and/or cities. Will you look at revamping bashing and PVE activities to account for the decline?"

Jeremy says, "For those of you with too much gold."

Zachariah Eldunari says, "I remember when you could buy credits for 6-8K each."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says to Zachariah, "Oh the glory days!"

Sylio, Initiate of the Elements says, "And if so, what are your thoughts on changing that? I feel like, over time, it could get more and more difficult to find the people who own these houses and convince them to let me barge in."

Eoghan says to Sylio, "It's something we've considered."

Tyden Dawnsong, Talon of the Phoenix says, "Since a lot of areas require a lot of high end players to accomplish in it's current form."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "200 years ago."

Larkin Athisia says, "If you close a specific guild, will that class be non-exisitant?"

Eoghan says, "File an idea so we can track it."

Jeremy says, "That is part of my bit on running through existing areas and cleaning them up."

Larkin Athisia says, "Or can still do the class?"

Hexe says to Larkin, "No."

Hexe says to Larkin, "A profession will always be available via city tutors if your circle has access to it."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says to Sylio, "I can show mine, its not that big though, yet."

Eoghan says, "Professions are no longer tied to guilds, and haven't been for a while."

Jeremy says, "We will always keep the professions."

Sylio, Initiate of the Elements says, "I just know it would help encourage me, personally, to explore more if I knew that it wouldn't take the next 2-3 RL years just to track down the owner."

Eoghan says, "There's no risk of professions being los."

Sylio, Initiate of the Elements says to Eoghan, "Will do."

Eoghan says, "And that's a big point for all of you. There are a lot of things that players would like to see that we never hear about."

Eoghan says, "If you have an idea, file a report for it!"

Jeremy says, "We review ideas quite a bit."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "I got the shelves fixed!"

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "I've been doing a bit of that lately in regards to random things."

Eoghan says, "In addition to bug fixes, a large amount of my time is spent in the ideas queue."

Jeremy says, "I have been slapping up stuff for Dec and Eoghan to code from ideas for a few weeks."

Sharatar Baen'ath says to Eoghan, "That is the beauty about working as I do here in Denmark, I notice when Europeans are most awake. When it is about 5 till 9 pm our time, meaning about 11am till about 4 pm is our most active time, at weekends it goes till about 6 pm your time."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "I just haven't really been back long enough to really test much or find things to improve again."

Eoghan says to Sharatar, "Noted."

Dreamstress Tikal Dawnsong, The Dew-Kissed Rose says, "Maybe this was mentioned since I'm a bit latee, but what about getting rid of mercenaries, as that was metnioned a logn long time ago, and never happened."

Sharatar Baen'ath says to Eoghan, "This is saying only with 6 hours differences."

Jeremy says, "Dec is coding it right now."

Jeremy says, "The merc question."

Dreamstress Tikal Dawnsong, The Dew-Kissed Rose says, "So cash in now, got it."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says to Tikal, "I never figured them out."

Oystir Krax'ai, Al'Pabin says, "'cash in' is the mercenary's motto."

Jeremy says, "I have him working on a commands to sort out refunds."

Jeremy says, "And we will turn it off."

Jeremy says, "And forget it ever happened."

Dreamstress Tikal Dawnsong, The Dew-Kissed Rose says, "I mean turn in for my gold part, so I get my little change."

Eoghan says, "Forget what happened?"

Jeremy says, "There is a long story there."

Jeremy says, "And I don't want to tell it."

Eoghan says, "And trust me, it isn't worth hearing."

Dreamstalking Dragonfly, Shaylei Eldunari, Loremaster says, "I just need someone to teach me how to bet on the gladiators.."

Sharatar Baen'ath says to Eoghan, "But as I said I will offer my help with events in general."

Dreamstress Tikal Dawnsong, The Dew-Kissed Rose says to Shaylei, "I can."

Jeremy says, "Okay, I think we are about good for today."

Jeremy says, "Unless someone has something else?"

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "One quick thing."

Jeremy says, "I will do this again the first of next month."

Jeremy says, "Yes?"

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "If you choose not to preserve player houses and/or shops in a destroyed city..."

Jeremy says, "The city owned ones."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "I think it would take a lot of the sting out if the owner was compensated in gold for the value of all the add-ons, shelves, etc and all the inventory returned to them."

Eoghan says, "Well, as far as inventory goes."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Because, again, huge investment there, not even counting the time factor."

Jeremy says, "Okay, I will let you know next week."

Eoghan says, "Players will have advance warning."

Jeremy says, "You will have tons of time to get the inventory out."

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Right, so then it's the massive investment in shelving add-ons etc."

Dreamstress Tikal Dawnsong, The Dew-Kissed Rose says, "The downside to that is, what if you werne't the one to put in the add on, then you reap the reward."

Eoghan says, "We'll discuss it and Jeremy will make a decision."

Sylio, Initiate of the Elements says, "No one has houses in Celidon anyways, right?"

Winter's Rose Amaris says, "Thanks for listening, we really appreciate this chance to hear and be heard."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "If I've any random snarky notes, I'll DIEA them."

Sharatar Baen'ath says to Eoghan, "I hope you will consider what I said."

Canavas K'ethastarii, The Archer says, "Spoilers."

Jeremy says, "Okay, I will post the time for next month in a couple weeks."

Jannette Virs, The Virtuous Succubus says, "Idea too."


  • SylioSylio Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2017
    Message #15 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/07/2017/19:05
    "Bug #62143 has been resolved: Houses, sect temples, and guildhalls will no longer count towards exploration."
  • AlvettaAlvetta Member Posts: 41 ✭✭✭
    @Jeremy Any chance you would be willing to throw a bone to those of us who spent thousands of credits on an "eerily shimmering belt" for the purpose that has now been made moot?
  • LartusLartus Member Posts: 487 ✭✭✭
    @Alvetta how about

  • GjarrusGjarrus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 705 ✭✭✭✭
    Do you plan to do the same with each circle? What will that mean for the commodity markets, as irrelevant as they are in the face of transmute and duplicate? How about generator energy, the shards in the generator, all that?
    Will you prioritize non-citizen options for shard skills and other important things with org requirements? I like Khandava and the players personally, but I don't think I'd have my char join if it wasn't necessary.
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    We are currently planning on doing at least one more, once we get through this one we will reassess.

    For generators, in this case, it will belong to Khandava as the sole demonic circle org.

    We have no plans for non-citizen shard skills at this time. Although the shard skill and obelisk update is next on the list.
  • TheophilusTheophilus Member Posts: 784 ✭✭✭✭
    RIP Ithaqua.
    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
  • MereisMereis Member Posts: 229 ✭✭✭
    RIP Stavenn. Maybe now we can have some village conquest PvP system! Have the remaining orgs fight for the remains of the Stavennite Empire. >:)
    currently tentatively active
    (may vanish for periods of time)
  • Jeremy SaundersJeremy Saunders Administrator Posts: 1,251 admin
    If the raiding system takes off more, we will add in some village objectives that may make this possible, later in the year.
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