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SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 2013 in General Discussion
Date: 1/18/2013 at 19:18
From: Jeremy
To  : Everyone
Subj: Artifact Auction

We will be starting the auction sometime this weekend. It will run until next Saturday. Following in this post is a list of items for auction.

Two things of note.

First, we have seven new items we are putting into the auction. Check those out. Some of you emailed me some new ones, but I just did not have time to get those into the system this time. I will keep them on my list to add to the game.

Secondly, I have added some of our normal credit auction items to the gold auction list. Just keeping it interesting.

Gold Items

Chest of the Continuum
 - Most items in this chest do not decay

Bone Shard
 - Throw this object at the ground or to another room, afflicting everyone in
   the room with random afflictions. Great party gag!

Protection Rings
 - Gives the wearer a 10% damage reduction from a single damage type.
 - Firescourge - Defends against fire.
 - Frostbrand - Defends against frost.
 - Poisonbane - Defends against poison.
 - Eupnoeic - Defends against asphyxiation damage.
 - Voltaic - Defends against electric damage.
 - Phrenic - Defends against psychic damage.

Flask of Divine Manna
 - A never-ending vial of manna that will fully satiate you when
   drunk. Become nearly immune to hunger-inducing afflictions!

A Feathered Armlet
 - This ability will let you use the arrowcatching defence, which gives you a
   33% chance to catch any arrows fired at you. This defence has a slight mana
   drain associated with it.

Vine-covered oaken bracelet
 - This bracelet will attune you with the land and give you access to the
   LANDSENSE ability if you don't already have it in Perception. This ability
   allows you to see when other mortals enter the realms.

   The bracelet will make the Landsense defence permanent, and will also remove
   the mana cost.

Wrist-sheathed toolkit
 - This artifact will allow you to use the TRAPS command to view any traps that
   are armed in your room.

   You will also be able to attempt to disarm traps that are in your room by
   doing DISARM TRAP <direction>. This will have a chance to fail, and when it
   fails, you will be hit by the trap as if you moved through it. If you are
   successful, the trap will be disarmed and you will receive any of the
   commodities used when it was created.

Veil of the Obtenebrate
  - Hides you from nearly all mortal abilities that can pinpoint your

    Owning a Veil (not just borrowing one), allows you to cut past the Veil
    defence of an opponent when locating him or her. However, this will
    generally only work for one-time abilities, like 'sense'. Owning a veil
    will not aid you in sensing with abilities that trace someone on an
    on-going basis, like seraph trace or forest track.

    Does NOT hide you from abilities that do more than simply locate you, such
    as Shapeshifting tracking.

Gem of Transmutation
  - Enables you to change race and statpack up to once an Imperian month
    (once per RL day).
    This will not work for anyone but the owner.

New Credit Items

Torc of the Dead
 - Increased in power as you kill mobs. When it reaches a full power you can
   set a place where you will be automatically rezzed the next time you die.

Quicksilver Armour
 - An armour that can be morphed into any type of artifact armour, with the
   matching stats. You can do this as often as needed.

Quicksilver Weapon
 - A weapon that can be morphed into any level 1 artifact. You can do this as
   often as needed.

Mercurial Weapon
 - A weapon that can be morphed into any level 2 artifact. You can do this as
   often as needed.

Sukhder Weapon
 - A weapon that can be morphed into any level 3 artifact. You can do this as
   often as needed.

Anklet of Will
 - Gives access to a FORCE ability. This will have a 4 second EQ cost.

Bracelet of Iron Stomach
 - You will not suffer any negative effects from being drunk, other than the
   slurred speech.

Previous Credit Items

Phantasmic Diadem
 - Lets you choose a custom enter and exit message.

A Phantom Mask
 -  A mask that lets you conceal your identity, just like a Predator

 - You can set up a tent almost anywhere in the world, allowing you a portable
   indoor room.

Sunburst Glyph
 - You can attach this glyph to any suit of armour and it will grant you an
   increased critical hit rate. This effect stacks with other critical hit
   artifacts and bonuses.

   The glyph can be removed from the armour and placed to any other armour at
   any time that you want.

A Sanctified Aegis
 - This artifact will, when you are protected by a shield tattoo (or any
   ability that acts like a shield tattoo), convert any aggressive attacks
   targeted at you that bounce off your shield into 20 health.

Fist-shaped earring
 - This earring allows you to use the Numbness ability from Kaido. When you
   enter the command NUMB, all damage you take for the next 10 seconds will be
   ignored. When the numbness wears off, you will instantly take 60% of the
   damage you would have received during the 10 seconds of numbness.

Artifact Pet
 - The pet will allow for 10 skill slots, and are the only way that any pet can
   have the combination of the mount and track abilities. The pet can have
   the ability to fly if you would like. If you are the winner, please contact
   Jeremy to redeem your token.

Stone Figurine
 - Make your own stonewalls. (requires stone comms)

Wyvern's Collar
 - Gives the user the use of the vitality ability.

Master Collar of Taming
- Similar to a standard Collar of Taming, but may be removed and returned
  to your inventory.

A Glass Terrarium
 - This portable and useful item will, once per day, produce a number of herbs
   equal to the maximum number of herbs that you can harvest in a single day.
   Use HARVEST <#>|ALL <plant type> FROM <terrarium>.

   Use SETUP <terrarium> AS <environment type> to change the environment type
   of your terrarium.

   Never have to travel to pick herbs again! Pick the herbs straight from your

A Miniature Smelter
 - This item will, once per day, allow you to CRANK <smelter> to make it
   produce ingots of smithing metals.

Every day, you will be able to collect 50 sinn, 25 cuhpfehr, 50 isan,
   and 25 of the valuable crystehl ingots from the smelter.

Seer's Eye
 - This item will allow you to PEER <eye> <player>, allowing you to see
   everything in the room of any player, anywhere in the world, as if you were
   there yourself.

Raksha Band
 - Known as the "ring of returning", this item allows you to mark a room and
   instantly return to it.

Boots of Acrobatics
 - Use the frontflip, backflip and kipup skills.

Pipe Filter
 - Reduces pipe balance.

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Aequitas, in the year 8 AM.
Post edited by Selthis on


  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bidding:  Because people invariably get it wrong and screw themselves. The following bits are from HELP AUCTIONS.

    Second Price Bidding Examples

    Example 1:
    - Player A bids 100 gold on an item and the 'Bid' is set to 1 gold.
    - Player B bids 200 gold and the bid is placed to 101 gold with the bid
      in his favor.
    - 100 gold is returned to Player A in the mail.
    - Player B has the highest bid and will pay 101 gold with 99 returned.


    Example 2
    - Player A bids 100 gold on an item and the 'Bid' is set to 1 gold.
    - Player B bids 50 gold which is returned right away and the bid is
      placed to 51 gold, still infavor of Player A.
    - Player A has the highest bid and will pay 51 gold with 49 returned.


    Example 3
    - Player A bids 100 gold on an item and the 'Bid' is set to 1 gold.
    - Player B bids 50 gold and the bid is placed to 51 gold, but Player A
      still has the high bid.
    - Player B really wants it and bids 80 gold and the bid is placed to
      81 gold, still in favor of Player A.
    - Player B really, really wants it and bids 120 gold and the bid is
      placed to 101 gold, now in favor of Player B.
    - 100 gold is returned to Player A in the mail.
    - Player B has the highest bid and will pay 101 gold with 19 returned.

    So in conclusion: You are generally better off bidding what you're willing to spend and then measuring how bad you really want the item if you are outbid.  Bidding 1 gold/credit repeatedly until you beat the person's bid is probably not the best strategy and just means all they have to do is beat your bid by 1 credit/gold. 

    A vicious cycle. 

    Bid smart, bid s-mart.
  • BathanBathan Member Posts: 1,056 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well this is all going to be too rich for my blood.
    ‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’

    ‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”

  • DelrayneDelrayne Member Posts: 457 ✭✭✭
    Probably to rich for me too. I might slip up and win something, but i'll have to put all my eggs in one basket.
  • AulaniAulani Member Posts: 199 ✭✭✭
    Some of the things look interesting. I was hoping for a few more low end filler items, since that's probably all I can afford anyway!
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2013
    The 4000 credit Seer's Eye literally still has me dumbfounded, and I understand the circumstances of why it is currently at such a point.

    What we really need to do is prevent people from upbidding who have no actual intention of bidding or buying the item. A few people probably find it an entertaining sport to crank the prices higher than they reasonably should be, with no actual ability to pay the credits to purchase these items.

    Proprietor: Nobody.
             torc381327: the Torc of the Dead              501cr        -   4m, 20d
           armour381356: a suit of quicksilver armour     1000cr        -   4m, 20d
           weapon381365: a Quicksilver Weapon              951cr        -   4m, 20d
           weapon381383: a Mercurial Weapon               1100cr        -   4m, 20d
           weapon278531: a Sukhder Weapon                 3000cr        -   4m, 20d
           anklet381412: an Anklet of Will                 500cr        -   4m, 20d
         bracelet381417: a Bracelet of Iron Stomach        491cr        -   4m, 20d
           diadem381432: a Phantasmic Diadem               501cr        -   4m, 20d
             mask381402: a Phantom Mask                   1001cr        -   4m, 20d
             tent381449: a small tent                      600cr        -   4m, 20d
            glyph381376: a Sunburst Glyph                  851cr        -   4m, 20d
            aegis381405: a sanctified aegis                351cr        -   4m, 20d
           earring28878: a fist-shaped earring             401cr        -   4m, 20d
            token250302: a Flying Pet Token               2001cr        -   4m, 20d
         figurine309633: a stone figurine                  601cr        -   4m, 20d
           collar379686: a wyvern collar                   501cr        -   4m, 20d
           collar381108: a Master's Collar of Taming       501cr        -   4m, 20d
        terrarium381183: a glass terrarium                 901cr        -   4m, 20d
          smelter381172: a miniature smelter              2401cr        -   4m, 20d
              eye381246: the Seer's Eye                   4000cr        -   4m, 20d
             band114851: the Raksha Band                  3001cr        -   4m, 20d
            boots281070: Acrobatic Boots                  1501cr        -   4m, 20d
           filter381278: a pipe filter set                 490cr        -   4m, 20d
            chest381226: Chest of the Continuum         296002gp        -   4m, 20d
            shard381414: a bone shard                   200001gp        -   4m, 20d
             ring381441: a firescourge ring             150001gp        -   4m, 20d
             ring381469: a frostbrand ring              350001gp        -   4m, 20d
             ring381454: a poisonbane ring              175001gp        -   4m, 20d
             ring381468: a eupnoeic ring                350001gp        -   4m, 20d
             ring381476: a voltaic ring                 250001gp        -   4m, 20d
             ring381508: a phrenic ring                 700000gp        -   4m, 20d
            flask381499: manna of the gods (Flask of D  125001gp        -   4m, 20d
           armlet381516: a feathered armlet             350001gp        -   4m, 20d
         bracelet381517: a vine-covered oaken bracelet  530000gp        -   4m, 20d
          toolkit381523: a wrist-sheathed toolkit       330001gp        -   4m, 20d
             veil381531: a Veil of Obtenebrate         1500001gp        -   4m, 20d
              gem381528: a Gem of Transmutation        2000001gp        -   4m, 20d
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The things I want are probably outside my price range now, which isn't a big deal. 
  • MercerMercer Member Posts: 220 ✭✭✭

    I had thought I could have managed to try for one item, but with these prices


    hahah, nope

  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This artifact has been a comedy that just keeps on giving. The highlight of this auction should be items that should become standard artifacts, ohgodplz. Looking at you quicksilver armor.
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm going to buy quicksilver armor and morph it into artifact field plate.
  • GurnGurn Member Posts: 789 ✭✭✭✭
    At previous auction prices, I could've gone for the artifacts I wanted. Now? 800 for a Sunburst Glyph? Eesh.
  • SarciossisSarciossis Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭
    Technically, if you upbid and don't have the credits to pay, you get scrubbed (according to the announce post), but if people are dropping their current artis to pay for auction artis, well all I gotta say is I hope you get the use out of them. :P

    Also, on the plus side, the veil for gold is cheap!
  • JuranJuran Member Posts: 909 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My interest in the morphing weapons slacked off since learning that they can't be customized.
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
      Price just before end of the last dayProprietor: Nobody.
             torc381327: the Torc of the Dead             1500cr        -        1d
           armour381356: a suit of quicksilver armour     1001cr        -        0d
           weapon381365: a Quicksilver Weapon             1001cr        -        0d
           weapon381383: a Mercurial Weapon               2201cr        -        2d
           weapon278531: a Sukhder Weapon                 4100cr        -        1d
           anklet381412: an Anklet of Will                 651cr        -        2d
         bracelet381417: a Bracelet of Iron Stomach        502cr        -        0d
           diadem381432: a Phantasmic Diadem              1101cr        -        0d
             mask381402: a Phantom Mask                   1701cr        -        0d
             tent381449: a small tent                      725cr        -        0d
            glyph381376: a Sunburst Glyph                  971cr        -        0d
            aegis381405: a sanctified aegis                601cr        -        0d
           earring28878: a fist-shaped earring             650cr        -        0d
            token250302: a Flying Pet Token               2500cr        -        0d
         figurine309633: a stone figurine                  851cr        -        2d
           collar379686: a wyvern collar                  1102cr        -        2d
           collar381108: a Master's Collar of Taming      1003cr        -        1d
        terrarium381183: a glass terrarium                2101cr        -        2d
          smelter381172: a miniature smelter              2401cr        -        0d
              eye381246: the Seer's Eye                   4001cr        -        0d
             band114851: the Raksha Band                  3501cr        -        0d
            boots281070: Acrobatic Boots                  1550cr        -        0d
           filter381278: a pipe filter set                 490cr        -        0d
            chest381226: Chest of the Continuum        1300000gp        -        0d
            shard381414: a bone shard                   650001gp        -        2d
             ring381441: a firescourge ring            1250001gp        -        2d
             ring381469: a frostbrand ring             1700001gp        -        2d
             ring381454: a poisonbane ring              900001gp        -        2d
             ring381468: a eupnoeic ring               2393508gp        -        2d
             ring381476: a voltaic ring                1150001gp        -        0d
             ring381508: a phrenic ring                2000001gp        -        1d
            flask381499: manna of the gods (Flask of D 1061656gp        -        1d
           armlet381516: a feathered armlet            1000001gp        -        2d
         bracelet381517: a vine-covered oaken bracelet 1150000gp        -        0d
          toolkit381523: a wrist-sheathed toolkit       867000gp        -        1d
             veil381531: a Veil of Obtenebrate         7300000gp        -        1d
              gem381528: a Gem of Transmutation        3100001gp        -        1d
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Prices of items extended by last second bids - day 1

    Proprietor: Nobody.
             torc381327: the Torc of the Dead             1701cr        -        2d
           weapon381383: a Mercurial Weapon               2201cr        -        1d
           weapon278531: a Sukhder Weapon                 4100cr        -        0d
           anklet381412: an Anklet of Will                 801cr        -        2d
         figurine309633: a stone figurine                  851cr        -        1d
           collar379686: a wyvern collar                  1500cr        -        2d
           collar381108: a Master's Collar of Taming      100cr        -        0d
        terrarium381183: a glass terrarium                2101cr        -        1d
            shard381414: a bone shard                   650001gp        -        1d
             ring381441: a firescourge ring            1250001gp        -        1d
             ring381469: a frostbrand ring             1700001gp        -        1d
             ring381454: a poisonbane ring              900001gp        -        1d
             ring381468: a eupnoeic ring               2393508gp        -        1d
             ring381508: a phrenic ring                2000001gp        -        0d
            flask381499: manna of the gods (Flask of D 1426117gp        -        2d
           armlet381516: a feathered armlet            1400001gp        -        2d
          toolkit381523: a wrist-sheathed toolkit       867000gp        -        0d
             veil381531: a Veil of Obtenebrate         7300000gp        -        0d
              gem381528: a Gem of Transmutation        3500000gp        -        2d
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Prices of items extended by last second bids - Day 2 just before midnight

    Proprietor: Nobody.
             torc381327: the Torc of the Dead             1701cr        -        1d
           weapon381383: a Mercurial Weapon               2201cr        -        0d
           anklet381412: an Anklet of Will                 801cr        -        1d
         figurine309633: a stone figurine                  851cr        -        0d
           collar379686: a wyvern collar                  1500cr        -        1d
        terrarium381183: a glass terrarium                3000cr        -        2d
            shard381414: a bone shard                   650001gp        -        0d
             ring381441: a firescourge ring            1250001gp        -        0d
             ring381469: a frostbrand ring             1700001gp        -        0d
             ring381454: a poisonbane ring              900001gp        -        0d
             ring381468: a eupnoeic ring               2393508gp        -        0d
            flask381499: manna of the gods (Flask of D 1426117gp        -        1d
           armlet381516: a feathered armlet            1400001gp        -        1d
              gem381528: a Gem of Transmutation        4400000gp        -        2d
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Prices of items extended by last second bids - Day 3 just before midnight

    Proprietor: Nobody.
             torc381327: the Torc of the Dead             1701cr        -        0d
           anklet381412: an Anklet of Will                 801cr        -        0d
           collar379686: a wyvern collar                  1500cr        -        0d
        terrarium381183: a glass terrarium                3000cr        -        1d
            flask381499: manna of the gods (Flask of D 1426117gp        -        0d
           armlet381516: a feathered armlet            1400001gp        -        0d
              gem381528: a Gem of Transmutation        4400000gp        -        1d
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Terrarium - went for 3k credits
    Gem  - 4.6m gold
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    White whale defeated.  Bittersweet victory. 
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh, those weren't my artifacts. Just the final results of the auction. Whups!
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