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Assassin Combat?

EveleneEvelene Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
I have nobody but myself to blame for putting myself in the hole I've dug -- zero combat experience and one of the, quote, 'most difficult professions to master'. But I wanna do it.

I need any advice, as I'm building from.. nothing. Any sort of direction will be very appreciated. As it stands, I've got trans Sabotage and Spatium, but Hypnosis is just barely at Anorexia. 
The Cyclops stiffens and drops dead as the toxin proves too much for his system.
The final blow is too much, you have slain the Cyclops.
The clutch of the cyclops fades from the Necropolis.


  • DreacorDreacor Member Posts: 112 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    A fine choice and it's nice to hear: "I will do this, no matter what!" -stuff.

    So, as you might know already, but there's a group combat and 1v1. Kabaal was an excellent assassin, sadly he's not around anymore. But I've learned quite a lot from him.

    1v1: You'd like to have your wormhole ready, use engulf to strip enemy's rebounding and doublestab your target with toxins and use shadowplants to prevent target from eating curative herbs. Kelp curable toxins is a good way to start. Asthma that prevents from smoking pipes (including getting rebounding back up), weariness that take 33% off of melee damage so that doesn't hurt you too much, clumsiness that makes people miss their attacks, butisol which slows down salve applying...Transition into maidenhair curables like ciguatoxin which causes numbeness (prevents the target using tree tattoo, and if not cured, causes paralysis when the target can't do most of the actions), metrazol which makes the target unable use two limbs. Eventually you'll want to get to salve curable afflictions, anorexia is a big one which prevents the target from eating any herbs or sip health/mana. This might be wrong, but it's about this what Kabaal used to do and he did it really well. Basically you need patience and a right attitude (which you already have!).

    Very basic 1v1 is to garrote your target and use WORM CHOKE in the combo. Very simple, deals damage. I'm not sure if sticking sulfonal is better or not, have not tried.

    Group combat is more complicated. You need to coordinate with your team very well to make assassin work. That requiers team wide affliction tracking or pushing damage to one person you all focus on. I don't know too much about this, you need to try it. Get a friend, go to a shardfall, TELL DREACOR Fight me, you coward. I'm in <shardfall area>.

    I hope you'll get started with this. If anyone has anything to correct, please do so. Let's help Evelene get into combat!
  • DreacorDreacor Member Posts: 112 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Also, from the post above, you might have noticed that the afflictions are THE thing for an assassin. You can start tracking from easy, simple stuff. Get those lines like "Your hemotoxin has affected <person>", third party messages and such. You can create a table to target afflictions. table.insert(targetafflictions,"hemotoxin"). The variable can be anything you like, doesn't have to be targerafflictions, can be like targaff or whatever you prefer. Once you see the target curing (if the enemy has hemotoxin and no others kelp curable afflictions, you know that the hemotoxin is cured) you can table.remove(targetafflictions,"hemotoxin").

    To use these tables, you can use IF statements.
    IF table.contains(targetafflictions,"hemotoxin") THEN
    send("do this instead")
    ELSE send("Do this now")
  • AodanAodan Member Posts: 192 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018 Answer ✓
    I know you and I have talked about this but for groups its actually a lot easier than people think, as long as who you are working with is just throwing some kinda afflictions as well to help cover, and by using worm obscure. the cool thing about this damage route is that sulfanol is 100% trackable which makes 2+ assassins even more disgusting with it. here's what I used to use, in code form, granted its very old(!!!its still using the old queue system!!!), and probably isn't perfect, but it is definitely easy:

    <p>if aff.scourge == false then</p>
    <p>	send("queue eqbal unwield dirk||wield whip|| scourge "..pvptarget.."||worm attach rashirmir||worm obscure "..pvptarget)</p>
    <p>elseif aff.targetfenu == true and aff.sulfonal == false then</p>
    <p>	send("queue eqbal unwield dirk||wield whip|| scourge "..pvptarget.."||worm attach rashirmir||worm obscure "..pvptarget)</p>
    <p>elseif aff.sulfonal == false then</p>
    <p>	send("queue eqbal unwield whip||wield dirk||puncture "..pvptarget.." with sulfonal||worm choke "..pvptarget)</p>
    <p>	send("queue eqbal unwield whip||wield dirk||puncture "..pvptarget.." with trioxin||worm choke "..pvptarget)</p>

    basically everything in this damage route is 100% trackable since when they apply fenugreek that 100% means you need to scourge again.

    as for assassin 1v1, I never got into it to give great advice because it was frustrating doing at that the minimum speed without a dirk artifact(here's to hoping they go away soon). I'm not to keen on how to do a true lock, because there is still information I seem to be missing there, but the basics of setting up a lock long enough to instakill someone are sticking anorexia and paralysis, and even layering broken limbs on top of that and proning. I did a simple chart of whats needed to lock in anorexia when I first started learning afflictions, which includes getting numbness on(which goes to paralysis if on the person long enough):

    Ignore the final note, because that's probably not the best way to go about it, and to lock these in you have to sometimes stack other herb afflictions that are similar, like dreacor was saying, asthma and hemotoxin can be kelp stacked with clumsiness and weariness, slickness and numbness almost need metrazol to block them. the issue with a lot of these afflictions is that they are not 100% trackable(except hemotoxin) unless you kind of layer them in a way that makes guessing which was cured a little easier, but there is still room for mis-guessing. the one thing I suggest is if you are thinking about using an affliction do AFFLICTION SHOW [affliction_name] and see what all cures it, because most of these are also cured by passives as well, I was just going on, hey they'll be blocked hopefully when drawing this diagram out. and if you are still unsure about an affliction ask someone :D or experiement like I had to do with things like entropy!
  • AodanAodan Member Posts: 192 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    One more thing I forgot to mention about assassin 1v1 and even can be used effectively fighting 2 people by yourself, if you're slick. Its something I'm absolutely terrible at. evading, running, and getting out of hairy situations. you're real threat potential comes into play when you have a sealed hypnosis stack. a lot of times you can sit there and plant hypnosis suggestions  and keep evading every few attacks until you get it stacked, then snap the afflictions into action and go full steam ahead with dstabs and shadowplant/instill. that burst of afflictions is what makes an assassin truly dangerous. also it might be good to mention that shadowplant/instill can be in affect at the same time as it stands now, but that -may- change soon(so I hear anyways). its a minor change that will just make you choose which is better to use in a situation. Or it may not change at all! it all depends, a lot is up in the air with classleads going on currently.
  • OzreasOzreas Member, Beta Testers Posts: 235 ✭✭✭✭
    The big thing about assassin is that you get to break, or at the very least bend, a lot of the rules of affliction combat. Instill is a versatile tool that gives you more than just a stuck affliction - for example, your stack includes asthma, hemotoxin, recklessness, impatience, and hypochondria and you have instilled impatience. The target eats mandrake, touches tree, and a passive cure ticks. They then use focus. At this point you know with 100% certainty that they cured recklessness and impatience and that the tree tattoo touch did NOT cure asthma because in order to focus, they must cure impatience and to cure instilled impatience, they must cure all other mandrake afflictions. Tada, instill just gained you more information than anyone else could have possibly obtained regarding hidden cures. This example is by no means the only way to use this to your advantage.

  • EveleneEvelene Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Where would I plug those in at? I've been fiddling with aliases, triggers, and scripts for a while and can't really tell what is supposed to go where, tbh. The Mudlet Wiki is helpful, but very barebones in terms of instruction.
    The Cyclops stiffens and drops dead as the toxin proves too much for his system.
    The final blow is too much, you have slain the Cyclops.
    The clutch of the cyclops fades from the Necropolis.
  • DreacorDreacor Member Posts: 112 ✭✭✭
    Evelene said:

    Where would I plug those in at? I've been fiddling with aliases, triggers, and scripts for a while and can't really tell what is supposed to go where, tbh. The Mudlet Wiki is helpful, but very barebones in terms of instruction.
    When you get the line for certain affliction(s), you can use triggers. With triggers, you capture a line, a word or whatever comes up in the text. If that line which you have triggered appears in the text, you can use it to trigger anything.

    E.g. ^You have recovered balance$ <-- Take that line and set the trigger type Perl Regex. In the bigger code box you can do something like send("kick orc") or whatever command you like. 

    So when you capture the line for afflicting or enemy curing you can use that table.insert(<variable>,"value") and table.remove(<variable>,"value")

    ^ = Defines the start of a string.
    $ = End of the string

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