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Level 100 promo

TyannaTyanna Member Posts: 42
So, I got the email about this promo and I'm playing a newbie. Here are some issues I've encountered:

- guilds give 10% xp bonus, but newbies are not encouraged to join them. In fact, many guilds want you to RP to join, which is a pretty split priority when you only have one month to get to 100
- newbies don't know the most efficient ways to do stuff
- newbies need to do more than level to fit in and learn the game, but the timeline makes that quite hard and mandates we focus on one goal
- the players themselves seem to really dislike this/the newbies it's brought in:

35. (2018/03/07 19:46) To X : "((dont have time/energy for all that. I have to get 100 and I also have RL to do. Thanks, tho." <--- regarding all the work to join a guild, which I ordinarily would enjoy
36. (2018/03/07 19:47) From X: "//You have a full month to do this. But if you don't, it's not the end of the world."
37. (2018/03/07 19:48) To X: "((only trying the game for this, if I don't get it, not staying."
38. (2018/03/07 19:48) From X: "then please leave."

Many of us have jobs and lives. We're happy to transfer games - in the case of me and my boyfriend, we are looking for a new IRE to get involved in....but not if the players themselves are going to resent us for it. We are just doing the promo, and there isn't time to do tons of RP when you are grinding for 100 in a game. I don't think it's crass to say that I'm here for the promo - it was designed to bring in new players to the game, not just give alts credits. If current players are bitching at us for trying out the game...I don't want to throw around credit buying, but I'm always happy to buy a few hundred with each newb. I've been hesitating, even with the sale. 


  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Whoever told you to leave is a shithead. I will PK them for you if you'd like. <3

    The 10% bonus isn't really that terrible to give up. Look for a guild that isn't controlled by an idiot if you need it that badly. What circle are you in? We can provide you some suggestions.

    Might I suggest Chmpion for 100% bonus? The only person likely to gank you for it is me and I often rezz the newbie, give them my artifacts, and then give them a few hours of peace to keep bashing.

    Not all of us are jerks; some people might even insist I am, though. However, that said, I recognize that inconveniences drive away new blood, so even I'm not so stupid  as to impose them on players. The community overall recognizes our population issue and we are taking steps to be more welcoming.

    On a side note.. Next time, don't hide the person's name. Let them be shamed for being part of the problem. Just my 2c. Whoever that person is, shame on you. There's a time and place for demanding people jump through stupid hoops so they can join your organization. This month, to a newbie? Not that time.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • TyannaTyanna Member Posts: 42
    That's a nice sentiment for the game and I appreciate it, but I don't want to throw anyone under the bus. He's a level 18 alt anyways.

    What is Champion? That sounds really demanding. I know NOTHING about how to play here - only had a newb for a few months a few years ago, my top achievement was running away all match for the anniversary games to earn a tie. I'm not very good at this game :pensive:
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Champion is a status/defense that gives you 100% EXP gained bonus in exchange for being open PK to any other Champion. It is part of a major conflict system.

    Aside from me and a few now retired players, nobody really ganks newbie champions who are just trying to get Aspect. It might sound scary, but as Nerbaal learned last night, chances are I'll visit you a total of once or twice a night and otherwise leave you be.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • TyannaTyanna Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2018
    Hmm. I don't really want to game a system, but 100% xp is mighty darn tempting... Would require some RP cartwheels, though.
  • DillonDillon Member Posts: 4
    I wouldn't call it gaming the system to level as a champion! You'll get killed once or twice, but people don't want to make you miserable.

    Here are the xp bonuses I can think of:

    -Achievement bonus (double exp for x hours)

    -Soulstone bonus (functionally the same as achievement, and doesn't stack with it)

    -Champion status (100% xp, or 25% if stacked with achievement bonus)

    -Amethyst tonic (Gives experience, rather than increasing the rate you earn it - do not drink this at lower levels, because it is MUCH better at high levels - it gives you 10% xp to your lowest level <bashing/questing/pk>)

    -Magic beans (Some give extra experience, but these only last for one hour, and will come with a negative effect too)

    -Guild reserves (flat 10% boost to exp rate)

    -Book tattoo (flat 5 or 10% boost to exp rate, can't remember which)

    I might have missed some, but these things should help.

  • TyannaTyanna Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2018
    Berseker has +10% xp from purple mask paint, too. Swapped to that for bashing. Very helpful post, thank you.

    Where do I get:

    - amethyst tonic
    - magic beans
    - book tattoo

    Re: the champion thing, it does seem a bit gaming. You need a divine order, based on help files. I played for like 6 months and even placed in anniversary games and never got a cult invite. I can't see how a new player can do this in a month without insane OOC metagaming. Not being condemning, just confused how it would work. Cults seem an exclusive, RP-heavy thing, which is cool, but that also seems to make them exclusionary to newbs.

  • DillonDillon Member Posts: 4
    Amethyst tonic is rare, so don't worry over that too much. You should be able to get an owl tattoo by asking over CT. Book tattoo was wrong, I was thinking of the wrong game, heh heh heh. Owl tattoo for xp. Beans, you'd have to ask around. Market, CT, whatever. Hopefully no one charges you too much for them, because they don't get used a lot anyway.
  • TyannaTyanna Member Posts: 42
    Dillon said:
    Amethyst tonic is rare, so don't worry over that too much. You should be able to get an owl tattoo by asking over CT. Book tattoo was wrong, I was thinking of the wrong game, heh heh heh. Owl tattoo for xp. Beans, you'd have to ask around. Market, CT, whatever. Hopefully no one charges you too much for them, because they don't get used a lot anyway.
    Sweet, ty, will look for that stuff. I take it the NPC tattoo lady can't do those?
  • DillonDillon Member Posts: 4
    She should be able to, but she'll probably charge out the wazoo for it
  • JinkoJinko Member Posts: 13
    Second the cult thing. And since I do wanna get involved in peekay, something I'd likely end up doing anyways. One of those things where if I invest a few hours of RP, I imagine the payoff from said RP would mitigate that time sink.

    That being said, I've dabbled in Imperian before, never really committed, but always wanted to. And hey, if I manage to make it, there's always characters in games that I don't play anymore that I could retire, and then get myself at least mildly tanky to get it on :)

    That all being said, hi!
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You don't need a cult to become a champion. You can use the generic altar near the desert.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • KyraicKyraic Member Posts: 84 ✭✭✭
    Forget the altar. Use the tree root that just needs you to do ENTER ROOT or whatever. No risk of your idiot partner messing up the sacrifice, then.
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The root permanently effects your character, to be fair. I do not suggest the root for this reason.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • GaltGalt Member, Beta Testers Posts: 305 ✭✭✭
    Some things not mentioned here yet:

    Ask your city or council if someone would highfavour you. Sects can do this for anyone and it's cheap for them, so they should be happy to. This is +1 to all stats and a 50% xp boost. 

    If you check HELP XP MODS, you'll see what's available and what stacks. Notably, the achievement bonus doesn't stack fully with Champion status. If you have achievement bonuses to use, those will also be a great help levelling, as they provide a 100% boost.

    There are a lot of quick to earn easy achievements that provide either the aforementioned bonuses or instant experience. Check out ACHIEVEMENTS AFFLICTIONS, ACHIEVEMENTS DEATHS and ACHIEVEMENTS LEVELS. Those 3 categories should net you enough achievement bonuses to carry you to level 100, or at least pretty close. 
  • LaekaLaeka Member Posts: 28 ✭✭✭
    The root doesn't do anything perm to your character. At least nothing at all I ever saw the many times I used it as a champion. The champion helpfiles are woefully out of date and have been for over a year now.
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Laeka said:
    The root doesn't do anything perm to your character. At least nothing at all I ever saw the many times I used it as a champion. The champion helpfiles are woefully out of date and have been for over a year now.
    If you don't believe me, that's fine - but there's an RP reason that root exists and it has an actual ramification on your character for the purposes of champion status.

    Once you become a Leechtree champion, you are a Leechtree champion for life - you have a different champion color by default, etc. Not even being championed by an altar in the future undoes that.

    There is a serious IC decision that people decided to forsake for the purposes of being lazy - I can't preach too hard though, I'm one of those lazy people. :)
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • LartusLartus Member Posts: 487 ✭✭✭
    So you are telling me that Laeka is a lychee champ?  
  • WyllWyll Member Posts: 356 ✭✭✭

    I'm going to shamelessly plug my recent post. It is currently stickied in 'general discussions' and titled 'Welcome Newbies!' if you want give it a read. It has all the relevant information you need to know about experiences and the like. I've only mentioned things that are attainable to all newbies.

    1. Soulstones are a waste to buy because you will not run out of achievement bonuses to use before hitting level 100.
    2. Amethyst tonics are sold at varying prices as they are only attained currently through maps. Prices go from 10-30 credits. The amount of experience it gives you at that price is laughable and is absolutely no value to a newbie.
    3. Beans are currently only acquired through maps and was recently acquired through phylacteries, while these can be beneficial, you will not easily get these.

    That being said, welcome to the game. We had a bit of a chat, you'll remember me as Mr. Butters. And I apologize for whoever that was that told you to leave. The majority of players here are really friendly and will go out of their way to help you. They will even help newbies outside of their circle because we mean it when we say it, we really want new players to join us.
    You say, "Oh crap."
    You say, "My bottle is empty."
    Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
    Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
  • TyannaTyanna Member Posts: 42
    Thanks, very helpful!

    And sorry, typo'd before, meant age 18 alt (I assumed), not level 18. 
  • SiljeSilje Member Posts: 1
    I was watching the Level 100 Challenge promo that IRE hosted this month. Did some numbers and came with a rough estimate of how many new players actually reached 100 before the end of the month.

    14 Aspects have been raised in Imperian after the promo opened regardless of their circle or affiliation. The -last- player to reach Aspect was at around 5:00-5:30PM CST-US unless someone can verify whether more players are attempting to reach 100 before the level challenge ends tonight.

    Thank you, Imperian, for giving us an awesome challenge to prove ourselves that hard work, dedication and preparation goes far! :) The challenge proved to be very difficult. No matter how many days it took for these Aspects to reach their end goals, hunting definitely was a challenge across the lands!

    The next time IRE decides to do another level challenge, I hope those 14 Aspects will lend their experience here to help future adventurers reach similar goals, challenge or not.

    Congratulations to the 14 Aspects who made it to 100 this month! :)
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Your count is correct, we had 14 people complete the challenge this month! Additionally, 6 more people reached at least level 80 and will be awarded some credits for their valiant efforts.
    Like what we're doing? Why not take a second to vote? Vote for Imperian at
  • TyannaTyanna Member Posts: 42
    Eoghan said:
    Your count is correct, we had 14 people complete the challenge this month! Additionally, 6 more people reached at least level 80 and will be awarded some credits for their valiant efforts.
    Oh, yay, that's a nice surprise! I was visiting my boyfriend in Australia when this challenge came up, so my time was pretty invested elsewhere! I had a lot of fun seeing how far I could go, but I also wanted to see quokkas and kangaroos and comedians (wooo Melbourne comedy festival!) so didn't get to spend the time I wanted to on the bashing. I still really enjoyed it and will probably keep playing the game after the nice welcome, especially from the admin who took the time to RP with me for his order! That was awesome and helped a LOT with the bashing!

    IMHO, I think in the future maybe 2-3 months would be good to consider for the challenge, as that's still a challenging amount of time for new and more casual players.
  • TyannaTyanna Member Posts: 42
    Is it true RPT is disabled??? WHY?
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