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  • TheophilusTheophilus Member Posts: 784 ✭✭✭✭

    Lord Theophilus Aracelia, Imperator of Stavenn says to
    Kanthari, "Have you anything to say on the behalf of your Council
    considering your Prophetess is not available?"

    Singularity, Lady Ellarynth Lokrien Nessaja, Mistress of
    Death says, "There is a reception at the Hostel that has been prepared. It
    would be wonderful if all of you would attend."

    Theophilus glances toward Kanthari, his eyes scanning his
    visage for response.

    Kanthari offers Theophilus a sly smile, his sanguine eyes
    bright as he intones, "I do not speak on behalf of the Prophetess. It does
    not bode well for one's health." Casting a glance over the surroundings,
    he nonetheless affirms, "But for my part, I anticipate seeing your

    Theophilus glances at his audience and bows low before each
    member present. "As Lady Ellarynth has said, she has prepared a reception,
    and worked hard to do so. If you all would attend for a brief moment, and then
    we shall go hunt in the Underworld for relics." He tilts his head
    slightly, pondering, and says, "We will do well and we will flourish. Both
    Khandava and Stavenn. I only ask for patience, but I am humbled to have an
    opportunity to lead after working so hard."

    Theophilus snaps to attention, clicking his heels together

    Taking on a rigid posture, Theophilus wreathes his hand in
    crackling black energy and brings it to his brow, giving a sharp salute.

    Theophilus plants each foot firmly at shoulder width as he
    brings his hands behind his back and grasps one wrist firmly, standing at ease.

    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
  • EllarynthEllarynth Member Posts: 28 ✭✭✭
    I feel the love! *sniffle* Don't tell anyone we're all getting along and making things happen in Stavenn. 
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2015
    Septus: I wrote my first ever basher today :(."
    Vihril: Haha."

    Septus: Shrine system made me cave."
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    (R): Alynea, "Firstly- the pit being summoned:."
    (R): Alynea, "Rt With an inhuman rending sound, as if existence were being torn asunder, a pit begins to open in the ground below you. Pulsing impossibly, it seems not to be a splitting of the earth so much as a splitting of reality. Finally it is done, and a gaping maw of midnight and sulphur lies before you."
    (R): Alynea, "And... the 0.01% chance you get instakilled by it..."
    (R): Alynea, "For an instant Rangor pauses, his eyes wide with wonder before his entire body wrenches violently apart, exploding in a shower of thick blood."
    (R): Septus, "The deathsight was my favourite bit."
    (R): Septus, "I can't remember it though."
    (R): Alynea, "Not in the log :C."
    (R): You, "Wow."
    (R): Alynea, "R.i.p pit, you will be missed.. Aetolia still has it, but people need to be missing levitation to be sucked down into it.. And they have no way of stripping levitation, lol."
    (R): You, "I want that."
    (R): You, ":(."
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • RahielRahiel Member Posts: 51 ✭✭
    edited February 2015
    As neat as Pit was flavour wise, it was imbalanced as all hell in both Achaea and Aetolia. It was too easy to null and void an entrenched location when an Occultist/Indorani/Cabalist (which were like old Summoner) would just run in and drop Pit, leave. Most conflict systems in both games involved holding a location, especially when troops were vulnerable when spending an hour capping a room in Aetolia's war system. Ultimately, Achaea did away with it because it was stupid it. You won't see it in Aetolia because it was disabled for the now-defunct war system there and you can't use it in leyline conflicts (the equiv. of shardfalls)
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just want this message:

    "For an instant Rangor pauses, his eyes wide with wonder before his entire body wrenches violently apart, exploding in a shower of thick blood."
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • MercerMercer Member Posts: 220 ✭✭✭
    [Level Up]: You have reached level 125. You gain 0 Health and 0 Mana.
  • TheophilusTheophilus Member Posts: 784 ✭✭✭✭
    You recall that (2015/02/14 01:56) @Taqja told you:
    "I'll box your ears if they're stuffed up!"
    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
  • EllarynthEllarynth Member Posts: 28 ✭✭✭
    Here you go @Theophilus. As requested. Left a few other funny parts in there. 

    The earth only slightly trembles in shock and awe as the voice of Taqja reverberates, "Mathiaus, I 
    am more likely to hold the strands of time than you are."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Hahahah."
    (Ring): Mathiaus says, "Hhahaha."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "He is more likely hold the sinewy strands of eyeballs though."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Don't test Math."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "He can even *&^% up an entity." <--What foul language, Imperator!

    You see Luthyr Lokrien shout, "That's not time."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Hahaha."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Luthyr, on the other hand, cannot."

    (Ring): Iniar says, ":3."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, ":)"

    (Ring): Theophilus says, ""I wouldn't do that if I were you.""

    (Ring): Mathiaus says, ":3."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Hahaha you *&^."  <--More bad words I have to edit!!
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Celosyi cracked me up."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "?"

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Luthy trying to kill Celosyi."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Or attack her at leasrt."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Hey."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Someone called her out entering the area."  

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "So I targeted and ordered loyals to aggressive."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Was that when she appeared at shardfall to fetch me because I was ignoring

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Yes."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Ooooh."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Did you explain to her?"

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Yeah."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Ah, okay."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I was like.. *&^%$# Luthyr." <--Yes, I've been in trouble for using cuss words on the forum. 

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Way to attack your future entity."

    Luthyr sways drunkenly and falls to the ground in an undignified heap.

    Luthyr stands up and stretches his arms out wide.

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Wrong emotte."
    (Ring): Iniar says, "Innappropriate."
    (Ring): Iniar says, ":(."
    (Ring): Mathiaus says, "I'm dddruunk but I cca *hic* n *hic*  sthll kilL."

    (Ring): Raya says, "AqAHAHA."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Taqja tellsh you,, "Yyou get druuunk aod trY to strinng sentences!""

    (Ring): Raya says, "Tha *hic* t wass totalLl inappropriaatte."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Hhahahaha."

    (Ring): Raya says, "Bad decisions."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "And nnow i'm shitKaced." <--Is this technically a bad word?

    The earth only slightly trembles in shock and awe as the voice of Taqja reverberates, "Alright! 
    First is Glossivel. Larkin, you net second place. Alvetta is third, Skye comes out of nowhere for 
    fourth, and Fallon barely squeaks in as fifth!"

    (Ring): Iniar says, "HEe's shitcaked."

    (Ring): Raya says, "Shitcaked."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Omg."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "No one demonic won."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Catlace."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "So ashamged."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "SHIKACEwD."

    (Ring): Iniar says, ":(."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "So ashamed."

    The earth only slightly trembles in shock and awe as the voice of Taqja reverberates, "Find your 
    drunk tanks and stand still so I can throw gold at you."

    (Ring): You say, "Taqja made him drunk for being an ****."

    Luthyr sways drunkenly and falls to the ground in an undignified heap.

    (Ring): Iniar says, "The magi *hic* ck book sayss NO."

    (Ring): Viorel says, "I kePt falling ojf mY prny!"

    You laugh melodically at Luthyr.
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I'm not ready for bed."

    Luthyr looks about himself suspiciously.

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "And it's ZACH."

    You say to Luthyr, "Idiot."

    Luthyr Lokrien says, "At leavst I'm yyour Idiiot,a my lady."

    The earth only slightly trembles in shock and awe as the voice of Taqja reverberates, "Sorry for 
    delay. Drunkifying some sassy sober people."

    You see Luthyr Lokrien shout, "Taaq *hic* ja, wly have youu foorsaken me?z?!?!"

    A sudden flurry of salt crystals spins into the room, coalescing into the heartbreakingly gorgeous 
    form of Taqja.
    Taqja slaps Luthyr on the cheek.

    Pressing the tips of his fingers one to the other in a steeple at the center of his breast, Luthyr 
    bows to Taqja in respect.
    You give a trillingly melodic laugh.

    Taqja gives some gold sovereigns to Luthyr.
    Luthyr sweeps across the floor, leaping and twirling like a true master.

    Luthyr Lokrien says, "1 gold oely gets yoou one ddAance."

    Luthyr winks at Taqja.
    Taqja says to Luthyr, "You have amused me in the amount of one gold sovereign."

    Taqja says, "Don't spend it all in one place."

    Taqja sways to and fro.

    The form of Taqja looks away suddenly, and her figure turns into a solid statue of salt before a 
    wicked wind crumbles it to a flurry of crystals.

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Taqja just gave mee goLd for amuSing her."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Go me."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Please forum that."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "I should be dr *hic* inkinng righT eow."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Irl."

    Ultrix was slain in the act of summoning a wraith lord.
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Someone should tsll Ultrix thaet no means no."  <--Yea, Ultrix!

    Luthyr sways drunkenly and falls to the ground in an undignified heap.

    Luthyr stands up and stretches his arms out wide.

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "All my vials just decayed."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Because that wraqth lord jmst isn't wwith it."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Ffs."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Jjesus, I'm souu *hic* ndiqg like Mike Tyson."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Someone sober fill my vials for me."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I'll give you vialbelt and empty vials."

    (Ring): Raya says, "All of my stuff decayed a few days ago."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I can't do it right now."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I'll pay you whatever you need."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Tqeo, give yourselff the Mike Tyson tattooo annndd I'ol give you freee 
    toadstool for life."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Alright. I'm down for that.

  • TheophilusTheophilus Member Posts: 784 ✭✭✭✭
    Ellarynth said:

    Here you go @Theophilus. As requested. Left a few other funny parts in there. 

    The earth only slightly trembles in shock and awe as the voice of Taqja reverberates, "Mathiaus, I 
    am more likely to hold the strands of time than you are."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Hahahah."
    (Ring): Mathiaus says, "Hhahaha."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "He is more likely hold the sinewy strands of eyeballs though."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Don't test Math."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "He can even *&^% up an entity." <--What foul language, Imperator!

    You see Luthyr Lokrien shout, "That's not time."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Hahaha."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Luthyr, on the other hand, cannot."

    (Ring): Iniar says, ":3."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, ":)"

    (Ring): Theophilus says, ""I wouldn't do that if I were you.""

    (Ring): Mathiaus says, ":3."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Hahaha you *&^."  <--More bad words I have to edit!!
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Celosyi cracked me up."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "?"

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Luthy trying to kill Celosyi."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Or attack her at leasrt."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Hey."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Someone called her out entering the area."  

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "So I targeted and ordered loyals to aggressive."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Was that when she appeared at shardfall to fetch me because I was ignoring

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Yes."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Ooooh."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Did you explain to her?"

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Yeah."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Ah, okay."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I was like.. *&^%$# Luthyr." <--Yes, I've been in trouble for using cuss words on the forum. 

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Way to attack your future entity."

    Luthyr sways drunkenly and falls to the ground in an undignified heap.

    Luthyr stands up and stretches his arms out wide.

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Wrong emotte."
    (Ring): Iniar says, "Innappropriate."
    (Ring): Iniar says, ":(."
    (Ring): Mathiaus says, "I'm dddruunk but I cca *hic* n *hic*  sthll kilL."

    (Ring): Raya says, "AqAHAHA."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Taqja tellsh you,, "Yyou get druuunk aod trY to strinng sentences!""

    (Ring): Raya says, "Tha *hic* t wass totalLl inappropriaatte."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Hhahahaha."

    (Ring): Raya says, "Bad decisions."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "And nnow i'm shitKaced." <--Is this technically a bad word?

    The earth only slightly trembles in shock and awe as the voice of Taqja reverberates, "Alright! 
    First is Glossivel. Larkin, you net second place. Alvetta is third, Skye comes out of nowhere for 
    fourth, and Fallon barely squeaks in as fifth!"

    (Ring): Iniar says, "HEe's shitcaked."

    (Ring): Raya says, "Shitcaked."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Omg."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "No one demonic won."

    (Ring): Iniar says, "Catlace."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "So ashamged."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "SHIKACEwD."

    (Ring): Iniar says, ":(."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "So ashamed."

    The earth only slightly trembles in shock and awe as the voice of Taqja reverberates, "Find your 
    drunk tanks and stand still so I can throw gold at you."

    (Ring): You say, "Taqja made him drunk for being an ****."

    Luthyr sways drunkenly and falls to the ground in an undignified heap.

    (Ring): Iniar says, "The magi *hic* ck book sayss NO."

    (Ring): Viorel says, "I kePt falling ojf mY prny!"

    You laugh melodically at Luthyr.
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I'm not ready for bed."

    Luthyr looks about himself suspiciously.

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "And it's ZACH."

    You say to Luthyr, "Idiot."

    Luthyr Lokrien says, "At leavst I'm yyour Idiiot,a my lady."

    The earth only slightly trembles in shock and awe as the voice of Taqja reverberates, "Sorry for 
    delay. Drunkifying some sassy sober people."

    You see Luthyr Lokrien shout, "Taaq *hic* ja, wly have youu foorsaken me?z?!?!"

    A sudden flurry of salt crystals spins into the room, coalescing into the heartbreakingly gorgeous 
    form of Taqja.
    Taqja slaps Luthyr on the cheek.

    Pressing the tips of his fingers one to the other in a steeple at the center of his breast, Luthyr 
    bows to Taqja in respect.
    You give a trillingly melodic laugh.

    Taqja gives some gold sovereigns to Luthyr.
    Luthyr sweeps across the floor, leaping and twirling like a true master.

    Luthyr Lokrien says, "1 gold oely gets yoou one ddAance."

    Luthyr winks at Taqja.
    Taqja says to Luthyr, "You have amused me in the amount of one gold sovereign."

    Taqja says, "Don't spend it all in one place."

    Taqja sways to and fro.

    The form of Taqja looks away suddenly, and her figure turns into a solid statue of salt before a 
    wicked wind crumbles it to a flurry of crystals.

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Taqja just gave mee goLd for amuSing her."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Go me."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Please forum that."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "I should be dr *hic* inkinng righT eow."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Irl."

    Ultrix was slain in the act of summoning a wraith lord.
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Someone should tsll Ultrix thaet no means no."  <--Yea, Ultrix!

    Luthyr sways drunkenly and falls to the ground in an undignified heap.

    Luthyr stands up and stretches his arms out wide.

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "All my vials just decayed."

    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Because that wraqth lord jmst isn't wwith it."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Ffs."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Jjesus, I'm souu *hic* ndiqg like Mike Tyson."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Someone sober fill my vials for me."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I'll give you vialbelt and empty vials."

    (Ring): Raya says, "All of my stuff decayed a few days ago."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I can't do it right now."

    (Ring): Theophilus says, "I'll pay you whatever you need."
    (Ring): Luthyr says, "Tqeo, give yourselff the Mike Tyson tattooo annndd I'ol give you freee 
    toadstool for life."
    (Ring): Theophilus says, "Alright. I'm down for that.

    Don't make me into a pottymouth.. geez
    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Ellarynth said:

    longass quote
    Don't make me into a pottymouth.. geez

    Can you please not repeat the entire huge quote? :(

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • TheophilusTheophilus Member Posts: 784 ✭✭✭✭
    Khizan said:

    Ellarynth said:

    longass quote
    Don't make me into a pottymouth.. geez
    Can you please not repeat the entire huge quote? :(

    I didn't know how to not do that. Apologies.
    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just hit backspace.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • EllarynthEllarynth Member Posts: 28 ✭✭✭
    Theo, you have displeased the Khizan! 
  • TheophilusTheophilus Member Posts: 784 ✭✭✭✭
    Ellarynth said:

    Short quote on Khizan's displeasure.

    He can stand in line. I'm used to it.
    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
  • ShouShou Member Posts: 205 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2015
    You place the corpse of Shou on an altar of sanctity and chant a few words. The altar glows sloftly for a while and a blue fire envelops it briefly. As the fire consumes its sacrifice, you feel your faith rising.
    Your sacrifice has contributed 39 belief to the Sect of Conquest.

    ... aww.

    e: WOW. has 'sloftly' always been there? How has nobody noticed that?
  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    It has, and I've managed to forget to typo it at least twice. =(
  • RylaeisRylaeis Member Posts: 33 ✭✭
    (Ring): Septus says, "Well, when all else fails."
    (Ring): Septus says, "Try as you might, you are unable to break a translucent crystal."
    (Ring): Septus says, ":(."
    (Ring): You say, "Lol."
    (Ring): You say, "'Dunno what to do with this... MIGHT AS WELL BREAK IT' ... Can't break it -sadface-."
    (Ring): Septus says, "I thought that was questing 101."

    Oh @Septus...
  • DecDec Member, Immortal Posts: 216 mod
    Shou said:

    You place the corpse of Shou on an altar of sanctity and chant a few words. The altar glows sloftly for a while and a blue fire envelops it briefly. As the fire consumes its sacrifice, you feel your faith rising.
    Your sacrifice has contributed 39 belief to the Sect of Conquest.

    ... aww.

    e: WOW. has 'sloftly' always been there? How has nobody noticed that?

    Fine, no more sloftly. 

    Also you probably had died a few times recently. Each time you die your corpse is worth less and less.  As you don't die for a while it gains value back.
  • ShouShou Member Posts: 205 ✭✭✭
    edited February 2015

    The final blow is too much, you have slain an armoured wraith.
    You gain 118,070 experience. You need 80,610 more for level 136.
    [Level Up]: You have reached level 136. You gain 0 Health and 0 Mana.

    Wait.. what?

    The final blow is too much, you have slain a jewelry-bedecked skeleton.
    You gain 81,930 experience. You need 8,015,006,354 more for level 137.

    I thought the formula showed xp til 137 would be 2,200,000,000?

    Edit: and now in the order they were killed...

    The final blow is too much, you have slain a heavily clad wight.
    You gain 175,730 experience. You need 8,011,181,814 more for level 137.

    The final blow is too much, you have slain an indistinct wraith.
    You gain 109,080 experience. You need 8,900,905,084 more for level 137.

    Did I break something?:(
  • UltrixUltrix Member Posts: 288 ✭✭✭
    Shou said:

    The final blow is too much, you have slain a heavily clad wight.
    You gain 175,730 experience. You need 8,011,181,814 more for level 137.

    The final blow is too much, you have slain an indistinct wraith.
    You gain 109,080 experience. You need 8,900,905,084 more for level 137.

    Did I break something?:(

    I feel like this is where we find out that aspect xp had previously been scaled by 1/10th so as to avoid variable overflows or something, and Shou just broke that system.
  • DecDec Member, Immortal Posts: 216 mod
    Ultrix said:

    Shou said:

    I feel like this is where we find out that aspect xp had previously been scaled by 1/10th so as to avoid variable overflows or something, and Shou just broke that system.

    Yeah, approximately 2.1 billion is the max size of a 32 bit signed integer. When he passed that, the game barfed.  It was still working properly in the backend, but the display couldn't handle it.  This should be fixed now and displaying correctly. 
  • AleutiaAleutia Member, Historian Posts: 363 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2015
    Svorai said:

    Selthis puts on a shark costume.

    Jeremy puts on a shark costume.

    My life is complete. Can I be Katy Perry? :D
    But which one is left shark?

  • TaqjaTaqja Member, Immortal Posts: 83 mod
    Jeremy sings, "Sugar how you get so fly?"
  • BellentineBellentine Member Posts: 56 ✭✭
    Left Shark 4 lyfe.
  • SvoraiSvorai Member, Moderator, Immortal Posts: 293 mod
    edited February 2015
    So I keep testing the games daily, also I'm a few days ahead of you guys so that if something happens where the special prize doesn't show up, I'll be the first to know. So I'm testing away this morning, go into Slick's booth, and get this gem. I just had to share with you all!

    A mechanical attendant takes your pink card from you and places another one 
    before you. It then turns a red card over to reveal the new phrase.
    A mechanical attendant says, "We are now in round three, your new phrase is: 
    "I'm tired of living a lie! I love _____________!" Turn a card over in response.
    -#-turn card
    You flip over a pink heart-shaped card that says, '@Jeremy to profess their love 
    for me!'
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Your ally, a small shrubbery, has entered Imperian.
    You tell a small shrubbery, ":3."
    You tell a small shrubbery, "I hope you're not perma shrubbed."
    You tell a small shrubbery, "Rustle once if yes, rustle twice if no."
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
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