I am new to Imperian...have been playing IRE games on and off for a long time and have most experience in Achaea, so coming from there to here is a bit jarring, to say the least. I found the grid of factions/cities/guilds on the wiki super helpful to getting the lay of the land, but I am struggling a bit in character creation as the available synopses of cities and guilds feel really...general and difficult to pin down the culture.
I know a bit of trial and error is probably still going to be in order, but if anyone could offer some suggestions for where to start in terms of guild/city, I'd be tremendously grateful.
I have no interest in PvP, and really like bashing and immersive roleplay, rituals, lore, slice-of-life RP is great. I tend to play good or neutral characters, so probably no Demonic faction. I won't be able to invest as much $$, so something with a profession that I can bash well with one trans skill is good, but that's less crucial than fitting into the overall culture of the city/council and guild for me.
I'm most intrigued by the Hunters, Silvari, Bards, Animists, Dunestriders, Crusaders, Wardens. What can you tell me about them aside from what's readily available in the synopsis? Or is there another guild that might fit really well that I'm missing?
Thanks a ton

The place you are looking for is Khandava, which is demonic. Give it a shot anyways. Expand your horizons. It might be demonic but it's not a Generic Evil Empire or anything like that.
Honestly, as far as the good-evil spectrum goes, Antioch ranks higher on the Evilometer than Khandava does. We've won "Organization Most Likely To 'Solve' Problems With PK" for the past several years in a row and we are waaaay more likely to say things like "We're bored, let's try and pick a giant fight with the world" than Khandava is. Hell, we're really not even against magic anymore. We're not trying to cleanse the world of magic or spread the word of the Gods, we're picking a bar fight with the world because we think it's awesome. We are so much in favor of mindless bloodshed that we tried to ally with the Orcs. If you are looking for some good/neutral haven of ritual RP, Antioch is not your place.
Look at Khandava.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."