Also, for the mechanics, I get the impression that the idea was to make the event have a PK element on paper, but not -really- have a meaningful PK element. The other Shade event was sort of this way too, and the only real reason we got any fights was because the other side actually did decide to engage - sometimes. The fights we got were in spite of how the event mechanics and rules were set up, not thanks to them.
What is kind of bad about this one is that if a small number of people are actually bothering to collect for one side (whether they are people who hate PK period, or people who don't mind), and the other side is big and bored enough, they can actually set aside a team to basically stalk the few people bothering to collect for the other side - because that's the situation where it makes the most sense for PK to happen. So when there is a PK element, it's going to tend to be sort of unsavory - because it's probably going to be coming from the side that was absolutely, positively, going to win that round anyway, and are so secure in their win that they can say "hey, we have plenty of people collecting these things, let's go see if we can pick off these guys that might be collecting for the other side".
Having reflection collection be more overtly a team activity to begin with might help. Stealing some elements from CTF could be somewhere to start. Right now it probably pays off to have your team fan out and collect... Although it's not part of CTF, one thing might be making it so that a single person actually can't collect a reflection. Maybe require three people. That's a good number for a skirmish, too, and even if there weren't overt notifications, seeing people clustered in a random spot like that during the event could be a pretty good indication that they're collecting.
There were some tedious aspects of the event, I'll agree, but all in all it was an amazing, huge lore drop. And now we have to deal with the last (first?) God, so there's that.
Yeah about that lore, I can't read it. Cause only one person can use the orbs at a time, and every time I apply mass I got sucked in by the void and died. So yeah, fun ****.
Anyone have the memories copied so I can just read them?
If only there was some easy way to avoid a single big asphyxiation damage hit...
... too bad we don't have anything like that.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
@Ivellios - I'd look around the area. There's a quest about the void like one room away that you haven't bothered to investigate. On top of that, no one has been out there for the past three or four times I've been out there, so I'd recommend trying when they're not fresh released. Also again, just don't stand in the room with the void if it gives you the I'M GOING TO EAT YOU message upon entrance. The least of this event's concerns should be the accessibility of the orbs - they're very accessible and there's a clear way to immunity to the void for those who look for the only additional mob in the area with Void clearly in his name. Your commentary comes off as suspiciously angry and that's not what this thread is meant for. Constructive criticism is the hopeful theme.
@Jules - I think you're missing my point entirely. To be honest, this isn't the sort of event I would've constructed personally, so it's hard for me to say what I expect the outcome to be. Additionally, I've done quite a bit of 'free' plotting for Imperian, so I'm reluctant to do more, especially when it has zero potential to be utilized. However! The outcome is very much less important to me than the set course of it, as I've said many times in this thread. It's MORE important to me that the players actions have an effect on what happens - if Eloweth wins, thing X happens. If Legion wins, thing Y happens. If the masses of disinterested mortals do nothing, problem Z could occur. So on! The result could be the introduction of pink unicorns and that'd be fine with me, so long as whatever lead-up event, lame or otherwise, matters in a way more concrete than put this slave labor in so we can have pyramids, then never think of it again.
The only reason I've commented on the outcome is because two-three times now, it's been said that the admin promise it isn't what we think, so I'm optimistic that it'll be an interesting plot twist.
For what it's worth, you can also just brute force the Void and tank it.
H:669/669 M:447/449 B:0 <eb> <db> K:0 R:0 D:100 The void claims you by sucking your body into its vortex. Damage Taken: 534 asphyxiation (raw damage: 879) H:134/669 M:448/449 B:0 <eb> <db> K:0 R:0 D:100
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
One of the big problems I had with this event is that a lot of people I know just don't give a damn about Eloweth or Malkav. The Gods were dead long before lots of our current players came around and lots of them don't know anything about those gods because of how unimportant(read: dead) they are in the modern game.
When the event started, I had to explain who Eloweth was to people, and this is an exchange I had with one citizen today:
Citizen: What happened with the reflections? Khizan: Eloweth ended up with more memory orbs and we got a memory orb from Malkav. Citizen: Who's Malkav?
A lot of people I have talked to didn't find this event compelling at all because the Gods are basically just nostalgia for old players because the gods died more than 3 RL years ago. A ton of my active players started playing after the Gods died and have never even dealt with them. There just wasn't any motivation here.
Honestly? I think you should make the gods much less important in future events. If you wanted the Gods to be relevant in 2016, you shouldn't have killed them off in 2012.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
@khizan Yes, I have hold breath, yes it was bad of me to have autocuring on and happen to apply mass to lose it and die. But I was with someone who doesn't have hold breath. It's still dumb.
The story was about Legion. Because he is, as it turns out, the first God after Avasyu, learning his origin required hearing about at least one other God for reference sake. And honestly, if you're interested in anything aside from murdering people indiscriminately, it was really interesting whether you knew the Gods for 10 years or five minutes or not at all. Now that Legion is out and about, ready to lay waste to the world, maybe we'll never have to talk about the old Gods again.
Whether we do or not, though, I'd really appreciate it if there could be a less overtly negative response when we do get amazing, lore-filled events like this. Realize that there's just a few people working on a massive load of things, including multiple branches of an event that may never even see the light of day, as well as countless other things for the future. They're human, and they can only do so much at once. And no, they're not always going to meet your standards, but there are other, less vocal people who play this game who actually love the stuff that's been happening and crave more of it. I guess I'll encourage them to shout it from the rooftops in the future so that the staff don't want to massage their temples until they cave in when they get a complaint about every single thing that they do, even 'corrections' they make in response to the complaints. Constructive criticism is great! Include the things that you -do- like in the future, and then the things you think could be better, or all that's going to be taken away is 'Well, I put in all that work and they're still not satisfied. Sigh.' That's miserable and you need to take that into consideration.
If you want better events, nurture the people who make them. Don't abuse them.
Honestly? I think you should make the gods much less important in future events. If you wanted the Gods to be relevant in 2016, you shouldn't have killed them off in 2012.
The game lost a lot of magic when the gods died. The atmosphere of the game and almost a decade worth of story was built around these gods, and the fantasy was lost when they died.
If you can somehow instill a sense of who they were and bring some part of their purpose back to the game, I'm all for it. When there is no one in authority to enforce the consistency of the story, you get players who will intentionally reject the consistency of the story.
That said, it's been four years. The window of doing that is probably past.
@Ohm - I agree wholeheartedly - I appreciate that the administration has been listening and reacting to the feedback on this event. That's all anyone can ask for. Now, a mini-rant in response to @Caelya -
I appreciate that you like the event and that's fine. It's actually very awesome that you like it, and I'm glad for that. I honestly am frustrated with the events that have been held in the past few years and am perfectly allowed to voice my opinion in a polite, friendly way. I don't expect the RP or the event itself to appeal to everyone, but there was also a very, very large group of people who weren't impressed with the mechanics or with the caliber of the event - and that's okay.
Most of the posts in this thread aren't negative, in my opinion, they're just asking for more foresight in the construction of events - and as a game that quite a few of us have paid hundreds of dollars for, I don't really think that's too much to request. I very rarely post on the forums and even more rarely do I do so about an event in any vein of negativity - but if no one says anything and everyone just complains on OOC clans when things like this happen, the administration doesn't get honest feedback and will not adjust any future attempts in order to react to that feedback.
[Editing out a long, off-topic mostly rant and here, this is back on topic - ] so, I am quite frankly, not obligated to be positive in the slightest if I don't have much I feel particularly positive about, thank you very much. I am, however, obligated to be polite and I've done that.
I don't ever want to see us being horrible obnoxious jerks (and I have no doubt people would be reined in well before that happened), but I also don't want things to be like they are in some of the other IRE games - one of which -actually- has an explicit rule that you can't criticize anything the gods/admin do in any way, whether that be something like an event, or the latest mechanical tweaks, because it might make them "reluctant" to interact with players (fine, so don't, thanks). And that is not an overstatement. They will close threads at the slightest hint of mild, polite criticism. It's sort of incredible. I dabble in that game, but that alone is a major reason I'll probably never meaningfully commit to it. And that is probably one of the biggest problems with the existence of godmin, is the role overlap, which ends up coloring interactions even with "godmin" who are specifically builders and not part of any storyline.
And then there is the other game where people might mildly critique occasionally, but even then, their critiques are so couched in asskissing it's hard to find the critique. I have said before, one of the things I like about this game, and why this game gets my money, is that we can have a conversation with the admin and be not be treated like we should send an engraved Thank You card every time we plunk down an insane amount of cash for text trinkets. Not putting us in the position of worthless peon in no way reduces admin's power to take action against a player if necessary, but spare me the "you will treat me with extreme deference at all times" treatment.
The fact that I choose Imperian over all of the other games (including other IRE) and spend way more money here than on any other game says a lot. Again, part of that is because we can have a discussion like this and not have the thread shut down outright. At the very least, in the other games, we'd have about 10 "omg, you are being so awful to the godmin" posts in response to any post hinting that the event was less than amazing in every way. In fact, Calais would likely have been flamed into oblivion for her OP out of the gate, actually. I hate it when people try to gain brownie points by not so subtly shaming people for having the audacity to politely critique something like this. No thanks!
I normally don't allow myself to get pulled into these things, but I want you to know a small aspect of what is going on - just so maybe you can understand.
We listen, we hear when you don't like an event, we try to take that into consideration when planning other events.
One complaint we hear is "Not enough PK" - so we try to do PK events.
Another? "Not enough story or lore" - So we do an event on this - in fact, this whole year is to move the story forward from the death of the gods, as one huge complaint is "Where is the story now that the gods are dead." - We get you feel they are not relevant, but the story stalled out when they died, so unfortunately, we might have to touch base a bit to expand what is happening now that they are dead. History is key!
If you will look back on the events we have had since January (One fairly "large" one every month now - and we plan to continue to do this) Each one is different. One focuses on PK, one focuses on politics, one focuses on PvE/lore. We get you don't like them all, we get you are annoyed with some but think of it this way. We are testing to find out the perfect fit. It is difficult to please the entire game, and during each of these events, we had both sides of the "I really hate this event" to "This event is amazing, we love it."
We are hoping, moving forward, we can address more issues that have come up, and, since we got many complaints last year, we are trying to produce more events and to clean up lore that has holes in them. It's a long process, we're doing our best, and we are listening.
Sorry, you hated the event, maybe next event will please you more. If not, sorry?
I think it is frustrating for players when an event is in truth focused on one or two things, but feels it has to pay lip service to something else as well. Basically, if the lore or PK element (or whatever else) isn't going to be fairly robust in that particular event, and it feels like you're sort of shoehorning it in because "we have to give -something- to the guys who want to PK", just yoink it completely. A player like me, for example, might actually switch modes and take interest in the event for what it is, depending. It is certainly nice when an event manages to have multiple robust components, but as long as you are rotating events and I know there is going to be one that focuses more on my interests (which is the case), I am fine with that.
I literally cringed at mention of being a paying customer. As paying customers, we are entitled to nothing but what we directly purchased from IRE. That is our reward. We do not also get the ability to dictate the course of the game.
I'm fairly disgusted with the forums at this point, mostly because of threads like this. As a player-base, we have settled into the terrible habit of flocking to the forums and complaining about every minute facet of the game that we don't like.
It more specifically bothers me because the admin are clearly trying. I know that responsiveness and transparency have been issues in the past. I think this event was a great example of reacting to the player-base in a positive manner. Reflection collection was sped up. Lore snippets were added to collection lines so we could pretend we had secret decoder rings.
Why are we dogging so hard on admin if they are clearly trying? What exactly is going to be 'good enough'? Because I'm pretty sure that 'good enough' is differently quantified by everyone who plays the game.
Was the event for everyone? No. But not all of them will be, and acceptance of that is important. There are PK-centric events. There are RP-centric events. There are events where both of these are bridged. No one is saying that anyone has to like a certain kind more than any other.
Constructive criticism is also important, but equally so is that it needs to be constructive and reasonable. Fifty posts about how the event is boring or tedious or the solution is to just stop playing Imperian aren't helpful. Lists of all the other myriad games you play that you find more enjoyable than Imperian, salting the wound.
Relaying the issues you see with mechanics or with an event in a clear way, with suggestions about how they could be different or more engaging in the future = helpful. That said, if you bury them neck-deep in a rant about the administration, the chances that you'll get very far are understandably slim.
I'll conclude with that, in the last several months, I've seen more out of the admin than I had in the several years previous. I don't think anyone needs to look far to see how thin they're stretched. The promos are mostly on time or at least at the start of the month. We've had monthly events of some kind and holiday festivals. I think that's pretty amazing given the relatively small pool of admin we have left.
Constantly criticizing every move they choose to take without offering either positives or constructive feedback is only going to make that pool smaller. What we get out of that is less events, less engagement, and ultimately a player-base that goes back to complaining about how boring everything is all the time.
Some of us have had a solid several years with Imperian, and I'm sure we've all had a negative experience here and there, but if the positives didn't outweigh them, we wouldn't still be around.
- trying to collect for reflections competitively was fun during the later stages
- the lore and the different sides of the same story, the shades of gray are awesome
If you add the egg hunts, pirate ships and other small RP opportunities - I've had a lot of fun IG over the past month or so. (except the wheel, you know my problems)
I like lore, my problem isn't the event, it's accessing the new lore happened to be a pain in the **** last night. I'm thankful you guys are finally, 4 years after the fact better late then never, getting the story of the game moving forward. That's cool. I found reflection collecting boring but maybe that's just cause I happened to pick a bad time to do it.
My major complaint was the getting killed by the void while trying to read the new lore we spent so much time collecting. And before the 800 health $10,000 characters say just tank it bro or hold breath, some people don't have those skills. Seems like a dumb thing for the lore to literally only be accessible at a place that can kill people. Especially if it's a newer character and might get turned off from a stupid death.
So that's my two cents, change where it is located or something, cause the whole dying to the void while trying to read the damn lore is dumb.
I normally don't allow myself to get pulled into these things, but I want you to know a small aspect of what is going on - just so maybe you can understand.
We listen, we hear when you don't like an event, we try to take that into consideration when planning other events.
One complaint we hear is "Not enough PK" - so we try to do PK events.
Another? "Not enough story or lore" - So we do an event on this - in fact, this whole year is to move the story forward from the death of the gods, as one huge complaint is "Where is the story now that the gods are dead." - We get you feel they are not relevant, but the story stalled out when they died, so unfortunately, we might have to touch base a bit to expand what is happening now that they are dead. History is key!
If you will look back on the events we have had since January (One fairly "large" one every month now - and we plan to continue to do this) Each one is different. One focuses on PK, one focuses on politics, one focuses on PvE/lore. We get you don't like them all, we get you are annoyed with some but think of it this way. We are testing to find out the perfect fit. It is difficult to please the entire game, and during each of these events, we had both sides of the "I really hate this event" to "This event is amazing, we love it."
We are hoping, moving forward, we can address more issues that have come up, and, since we got many complaints last year, we are trying to produce more events and to clean up lore that has holes in them. It's a long process, we're doing our best, and we are listening.
Sorry, you hated the event, maybe next event will please you more. If not, sorry?
I can't speak for anyone else. But let me speak for myself.
I offer what feedback I do - be it the various TYPO or BUG reports, the handful of messages I've exchanged with yourself or other admin, asked questions, and tried to engage about the ways I think this game can be improved, because I care for the game, and I recognize that you care for the game to.
If I thought you didn't, it would be a waste of my time to try to engage you, because I'd just think you'd ignore me, or worse ban me or something for speaking up. You don't. You've been very receptive. I appreciate the time you and some of the other admin I've interacted with put into the game, and trying to keep it lively and going.
I didn't enjoy this event, and I try to say why I don't, so that someone who's reading that is an admin, can go "hey this is a thing she doesn't like, we can take that into consideration." The collection mechanic was tedious, and it felt like basically, to get to the really neat thing that I enjoyed (the lore) I had to do something I really didn't enjoy (watching my screen for a minute at a time with absolutely no interaction hoping someone didn't kill me). I think were I the one designing it I would have made the reflections something you had to get to follow you or the like, to a certain location. This would have made it interactive (gather an entourage, bring back) and also solve the PK identification issue (hey, she's got a bunch of reflections following her, go get er!)
I feel this thread has shifted in it's locus of discussion though. I don't think anyone here truly thinks that the admin "just don't care." If you didn't, you wouldn't still be here, and if the admin didn't care, they wouldn't be interjecting into this discussion, and indeed modifying the event based on feedback as they did with the qhonors, as an example.
Far be it for me as the one who's been banned to say it because I'm no one to talk, but I think put it personally on the admins isn't very cool. They are obviously trying and I don't think @Calais was trying to suggest they weren't. Rather, he was trying to offer constructive criticism as to what he didn't like. Somewheres along the line the tone kind of shifted, and eh, I'd rather not turn it into the false dichotomy of "they're just not caring if the event doesn't come out in a way I like." That's not true. It's entirely possible for very talented, enthusiastic people that are intending to make this game better to make something not to my tastes, which ultimately, I suppose, is what happened here. Not every event is for every person, and I get that, my own post was just to say why I didn't like this one. And you guys listened to the feedback I thought was constructive, so I have few complaints at the end of it, save that I probably didn't get as involved as I might like in this one.
@elokia, I appreciate all that you and others have done for Imperian, so let me end my waffling with saying that much. You've been very great to work with about the various doodads I've wanted like the house and great about answering my probably-annoying questions about free item tokens, and I enjoyed the drinking games event for my part. Not every event is to everyone's tastes. That's fine. This one wasn't to mine, and that's also fine. At the end of the day you have no obligation to listen to any of our feedback, but I certainly feel you've tried to address me when I've had things I've brought to your attention. It's appreciated.
This is another reason why I have a problem with the heavy God flavor of this event. Here's the help files for the Gods involved.
11.4.10 Eloweth, Lady of the Arcane
| Dranor, God of Epiphany, Goddess of |
11.4.9 < Imagination Life > 11.4.11
On the 12th of Naturalis, in the year 678 AD, Eloweth entered the Nexus, eradicating Herself from existence. Her loss came at great cost to Her rivals, however, as She brought Anathema and Nytid with Her.
11.4.15 Malkav, God of Insanity
| Lianthe, Lady of the Nemesis, Goddess of |
11.4.14 < Waters Wrath > 11.4.16
Malkav was slain by the combined forces of the Demon Lords Slen and Visyra, on the 13th day of Vita, in the year 678 AD.
If you want to get new players invested in events that concern the dead Gods, I feel like you should be offering them reasons to care about those aforementioned dead Gods, or at least information about those dead Gods that doesn't involve digging through libraries looking for old Order texts or searching for old timers who knew the Gods, because the only people who will go to those lengths are the people who are already interested. The people who aren't already interested tend to just go "Oh, dead Goddess of Magick, check. Why should we care about her?"
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
@Kanthari I think your post is highly inflammatory, but I understand and agree with your right to post it. I don't think anyone here is being excessively negative or continuing to 'dog' on the administration after they've clearly attempted to react to the feedback. As far as I've seen, everyone has attempted to mention how much they appreciate that - see @Caelya, myself, @Ohm, and even @Ivellios, who was the only person I thought came close to being purely negative - even @Khizan, who is often particularly abrasive in situations such as this offered his feedback and what he'd prefer to see. Your post comes off as very negative, in my opinion.
No one here has offered an extensive rant about the administration - to the exclusion of the single post of my own where I edited that out in order not to derail the constructive vein of the thread. Everyone in this thread has, to some extent, stated something about how they appreciate the responsiveness of the admin in this thread.
As for the paying customers bit - yes, I do feel entitled to being able to post my opinion (I actually hate that it's come to posting on the forums because using the in-game IDEA command, which is my preference, either gets locked down or set aside for literal years - and that the forums have become the avenue of change). I am NOT entitled to expect that change will occur because of it, but to say that as a 'paying customer', I cannot feel entitled to offer my feedback in a polite and constructive way is just...
Well, there isn't a polite word for that, but I don't approve of the implication.
@Elokia Specifically, I hope you see and hear that while some of us weren't keen on the event, we ARE keen on you, your efforts and your responsive dedication. If anyone comes off as hating on you directly, or indirectly, that's not the intent or desire of this thread at -all-. It is very helpful to know about the event rotation. Thank you!
This is another reason why I have a problem with the heavy God flavor of this event. Here's the help files for the Gods involved.
11.4.10 Eloweth, Lady of the Arcane
| Dranor, God of Epiphany, Goddess of |
11.4.9 < Imagination Life > 11.4.11
On the 12th of Naturalis, in the year 678 AD, Eloweth entered the Nexus, eradicating Herself from existence. Her loss came at great cost to Her rivals, however, as She brought Anathema and Nytid with Her.
11.4.15 Malkav, God of Insanity
| Lianthe, Lady of the Nemesis, Goddess of |
11.4.14 < Waters Wrath > 11.4.16
Malkav was slain by the combined forces of the Demon Lords Slen and Visyra, on the 13th day of Vita, in the year 678 AD.
If you want to get new players invested in events that concern the dead Gods, I feel like you should be offering them reasons to care about those aforementioned dead Gods, or at least information about those dead Gods that doesn't involve digging through libraries looking for old Order texts or searching for old timers who knew the Gods, because the only people who will go to those lengths are the people who are already interested. The people who aren't already interested tend to just go "Oh, dead Goddess of Magick, check. Why should we care about her?"
I agree; these help files could at least give a brief historical context as to what the god's domain was and their importance. Something in line with the historical guild blurbs. If I had the knowledge, I'd TYPO suggestions myself, but I kind of don't :c
Yeah about that lore, I can't read it. Cause only one person can use the orbs at a time, and every time I apply mass I got sucked in by the void and died. So yeah, fun ****.
Anyone have the memories copied so I can just read them?
It does one big asphyxiation damage hit
If only there was some easy way to avoid a single big asphyxiation damage hit...
... too bad we don't have anything like that.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
@Ivellios - I'd look around the area. There's a quest about the void like one room away that you haven't bothered to investigate. On top of that, no one has been out there for the past three or four times I've been out there, so I'd recommend trying when they're not fresh released. Also again, just don't stand in the room with the void if it gives you the I'M GOING TO EAT YOU message upon entrance. The least of this event's concerns should be the accessibility of the orbs - they're very accessible and there's a clear way to immunity to the void for those who look for the only additional mob in the area with Void clearly in his name. Your commentary comes off as suspiciously angry and that's not what this thread is meant for. Constructive criticism is the hopeful theme.
@Jules - I think you're missing my point entirely. To be honest, this isn't the sort of event I would've constructed personally, so it's hard for me to say what I expect the outcome to be. Additionally, I've done quite a bit of 'free' plotting for Imperian, so I'm reluctant to do more, especially when it has zero potential to be utilized. However! The outcome is very much less important to me than the set course of it, as I've said many times in this thread. It's MORE important to me that the players actions have an effect on what happens - if Eloweth wins, thing X happens. If Legion wins, thing Y happens. If the masses of disinterested mortals do nothing, problem Z could occur. So on! The result could be the introduction of pink unicorns and that'd be fine with me, so long as whatever lead-up event, lame or otherwise, matters in a way more concrete than put this slave labor in so we can have pyramids, then never think of it again.
The only reason I've commented on the outcome is because two-three times now, it's been said that the admin promise it isn't what we think, so I'm optimistic that it'll be an interesting plot twist.

*then than whatever, get over yourself, English.
For what it's worth, you can also just brute force the Void and tank it.
H:669/669 M:447/449 B:0 <eb> <db> K:0 R:0 D:100
The void claims you by sucking your body into its vortex.
Damage Taken: 534 asphyxiation (raw damage: 879)
H:134/669 M:448/449 B:0 <eb> <db> K:0 R:0 D:100
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
One of the big problems I had with this event is that a lot of people I know just don't give a damn about Eloweth or Malkav. The Gods were dead long before lots of our current players came around and lots of them don't know anything about those gods because of how unimportant(read: dead) they are in the modern game.
When the event started, I had to explain who Eloweth was to people, and this is an exchange I had with one citizen today:
Citizen: What happened with the reflections?
Khizan: Eloweth ended up with more memory orbs and we got a memory orb from Malkav.
Citizen: Who's Malkav?
A lot of people I have talked to didn't find this event compelling at all because the Gods are basically just nostalgia for old players because the gods died more than 3 RL years ago. A ton of my active players started playing after the Gods died and have never even dealt with them. There just wasn't any motivation here.
Honestly? I think you should make the gods much less important in future events. If you wanted the Gods to be relevant in 2016, you shouldn't have killed them off in 2012.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
@Ohm - I agree wholeheartedly - I appreciate that the administration has been listening and reacting to the feedback on this event. That's all anyone can ask for. Now, a mini-rant in response to @Caelya -
I appreciate that you like the event and that's fine. It's actually very awesome that you like it, and I'm glad for that. I honestly am frustrated with the events that have been held in the past few years and am perfectly allowed to voice my opinion in a polite, friendly way. I don't expect the RP or the event itself to appeal to everyone, but there was also a very, very large group of people who weren't impressed with the mechanics or with the caliber of the event - and that's okay.
Most of the posts in this thread aren't negative, in my opinion, they're just asking for more foresight in the construction of events - and as a game that quite a few of us have paid hundreds of dollars for, I don't really think that's too much to request. I very rarely post on the forums and even more rarely do I do so about an event in any vein of negativity - but if no one says anything and everyone just complains on OOC clans when things like this happen, the administration doesn't get honest feedback and will not adjust any future attempts in order to react to that feedback.
[Editing out a long, off-topic mostly rant and here, this is back on topic - ] so, I am quite frankly, not obligated to be positive in the slightest if I don't have much I feel particularly positive about, thank you very much. I am, however, obligated to be polite and I've done that.
This is another reason why I have a problem with the heavy God flavor of this event. Here's the help files for the Gods involved.
andIf you want to get new players invested in events that concern the dead Gods, I feel like you should be offering them reasons to care about those aforementioned dead Gods, or at least information about those dead Gods that doesn't involve digging through libraries looking for old Order texts or searching for old timers who knew the Gods, because the only people who will go to those lengths are the people who are already interested. The people who aren't already interested tend to just go "Oh, dead Goddess of Magick, check. Why should we care about her?"
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
@Kanthari I think your post is highly inflammatory, but I understand and agree with your right to post it. I don't think anyone here is being excessively negative or continuing to 'dog' on the administration after they've clearly attempted to react to the feedback. As far as I've seen, everyone has attempted to mention how much they appreciate that - see @Caelya, myself, @Ohm, and even @Ivellios, who was the only person I thought came close to being purely negative - even @Khizan, who is often particularly abrasive in situations such as this offered his feedback and what he'd prefer to see. Your post comes off as very negative, in my opinion.
No one here has offered an extensive rant about the administration - to the exclusion of the single post of my own where I edited that out in order not to derail the constructive vein of the thread. Everyone in this thread has, to some extent, stated something about how they appreciate the responsiveness of the admin in this thread.
As for the paying customers bit - yes, I do feel entitled to being able to post my opinion (I actually hate that it's come to posting on the forums because using the in-game IDEA command, which is my preference, either gets locked down or set aside for literal years - and that the forums have become the avenue of change). I am NOT entitled to expect that change will occur because of it, but to say that as a 'paying customer', I cannot feel entitled to offer my feedback in a polite and constructive way is just...
Well, there isn't a polite word for that, but I don't approve of the implication.
@Elokia Specifically, I hope you see and hear that while some of us weren't keen on the event, we ARE keen on you, your efforts and your responsive dedication. If anyone comes off as hating on you directly, or indirectly, that's not the intent or desire of this thread at -all-. It is very helpful to know about the event rotation. Thank you!