I Ithaqua. This is why the 'which org has most activity' is not my favorite strategy for which org to explode.
I was literally just about to come make a comment as well. So we just switched over to Ithaqua and I'm really liking it's Background, it's lore, it's ambiance. It's more attuned to what I really want to be, or even moreso it's more attuned to what I actually like. I know it getting deleted eventually is probably inevitable, but I'd like to think we're going to try to keep that from happening.
I heart all the kind words everyone sends my way regarding the work I do in Imperian. It does not go unnoticed.
I also heart this 9 day vacation I had from my day job that allowed me to relax and recharge.
I heart that good things may be coming my way, and me and my best friends in real life might get to live our dream of opening a local game shop soon, if everything goes correct in the next couple of weeks.
Out of all the artifacts I have, this one has been the most fun and my favorite. Not because I love to gamble, but because I've been able to share it with other players. For the majority of the week so far, I've played Go Fish and Snap with 2-3 other players and we've had fun playing and just chatting.
Last night I finally found two players to play Hold 'em with, which was fun.
It's also fun to set up your own games. Wyll's Casino has netted so far - 2 unbound credits, and 2 ethereal ropes. I've not actually had many real customers, but quite a few people have just dropped by to chat and it opened up some fun RP in general.
@Druu - congrats! I hope things work out for you. Is a game shop like trading cards? Magic the gathering, etc?
You say, "Oh crap." You say, "My bottle is empty." Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly. Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
@Druu - congrats! I hope things work out for you. Is a game shop like trading cards? Magic the gathering, etc?
Yeah, been a big fan of Magic the Gathering for 13 years now. Met him and his now wife at a local gaming shop 5 years ago. We like other things too though like Warhammer 40k and Pokemon TCG. Got a real good opportunity fall into our lap, getting a place thats 3000 square feet for 650 a month, and we don't have any of the CAM taxes around here or anything. Anyways. Probably not the point of this thread, but yes. I love stuff like that.
@Druu - That's -rad-. I'm excited for you, I hope it works out. Do a nerd girl a favor and make sure there are board gaming nights and demo some games.
@Wyll IIRC, I didn't like a couple things like not tracking player turns, no blind options, no bet caps, and no option to do an on-board 'point' system. I've only had access to the Unspeakable's, though. Is that still the case? E: Or a better version of the question, "Are there any features you feel it's missing?"
@Druu - congrats! I hope things work out for you. Is a game shop like trading cards? Magic the gathering, etc?
Yeah, been a big fan of Magic the Gathering for 13 years now. Met him and his now wife at a local gaming shop 5 years ago. We like other things too though like Warhammer 40k and Pokemon TCG. Got a real good opportunity fall into our lap, getting a place thats 3000 square feet for 650 a month, and we don't have any of the CAM taxes around here or anything. Anyways. Probably not the point of this thread, but yes. I love stuff like that.
Might I suggest Guildball?
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
@Wyll IIRC, I didn't like a couple things like not tracking player turns, no blind options, no bet caps, and no option to do an on-board 'point' system. I've only had access to the Unspeakable's, though. Is that still the case? E: Or a better version of the question, "Are there any features you feel it's missing?"
1. No tracking player turns So, this isn't currently a feature. What we've been doing is manually tracking by just going down the list in order of who joined first. If there was an option where you can set turns that would be great, but it could be one of those optional options, since sometimes someone messes up and the table can be forgiving(backsies). This would be especially useful if it notified the table whose turn it was too. I know I'm guilty of sitting there twiddling my thumbs until someone reminds me it is my turn.
2. No blinds This isn't a feature either, and one I'd like to see added for the poker games. So, small and big blinds could be SET options could be added. Kind of a must have for poker games.
3. Bet caps Nope, none. There is a minimum bet option. You can set buy-ins for the table though, so that could more or less limit maxes. Cool thing about that that we discovered last night is if someone makes a huge bet and you don't have enough to cover all of it, you do shove all your chips in and say 'all in'. This is a feature I would like to see added as well.
4. No point system I'll have to come back to this one, since I think it could benefit from one, but some of the games track points already right now. Like Go Fish tracks how many points by the pairs you've discarded. And Snap tracks 'points' by the cards in players hands.
Beside the four points above, some features I'd like to see added I'll list below. And I'm working on a super long 'idea' thing, but I'm not sure if admin would enjoy a wall of text from a gambling addict like me about card games.
1. Alternate dealing Right now if you do CARDTABLE DEAL <#> CARDS TO <player|ALL|TABLE> [OPEN] and say you picked '5' as the number of cards, what the table will do is deal the first 5 cards on top of the deck to player 1, then the next 5 to player 2, etc.
While that is beneficial to certain games(3 card poker), the majority of games played will deal 1 card to player 1 first, then 1 to player 2, and so forth, going clockwise until everyone gets the correct amount for the specific game.
I'd like to see both dealing options, maybe another command like CARDTABLE ALT DEAL <#> CARDS TO <ALL> [OPEN] since if you're dealing to 1 player only, this wouldn't be the command you'd use and if you deal to the table, it is the same.
I realize the cards are shuffled and all, so you're still getting random cards, but still principles and rules for games must be followed!
2. Rearranging the order of cards in hand Right now we see the list of cards we have via CARDTABLE VIEW CARDS in the order we received them. I'd like to be able to rearrange them how I see fit so that it's easier to view them and see what kind of hand you have. This is beneficial for a game like classic 5 card poker.
Cards each have numbers now, so something like CARDTABLE MOVE <#> TO <POSITION> and the max position would obviously be how many cards total you have in your hand.
I'm sure I could come up with more if I keep playing with the cardtable, but for now those six things would be awesome.
You say, "Oh crap." You say, "My bottle is empty." Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly. Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
That my new job makes it financially viable for me to get arties (stupid exchange rates) and even gives me the time off to play on something resembling a regular schedule.
The "Corrupt the Al'Drym Woods" quest is AMAZING. The ending was super raw--I actually felt bad about what the Dryad and I did to Hibagon and Falia. The mob shouts are cool, too. It was well worth the time/energy. I heart that.
I also heart the speed at which bugs have been fixed while doing quests recently (thanks @Druu , @Eoghan , and @Jeremy Saunders. I didn't realize questing was so awesome.
You successfully deface a sandstone monument dedicated to Purity.Khandava has captured an objective fromAntioch.[ACHIEVEMENT]:You have completed the 'Looter'Achievement!You have earned DoubleExperiencefor24Hours- see ACHIEVEMENT BONUS LIST.
I think this needs to be a skill, Burp demonstrates what happens when it succeeds. Tiger shows what happens when it fails. Succeed, your target fails their next attack/action. Fail, you do what tiger did for 3 seconds.
Finally got all the achievements.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Edit: Nevermind. HELP DOLLS gave me more info on it. Had no idea you could get them via achievements. Pretty cool either way.
You say, "My bottle is empty."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
I also heart this 9 day vacation I had from my day job that allowed me to relax and recharge.
I heart that good things may be coming my way, and me and my best friends in real life might get to live our dream of opening a local game shop soon, if everything goes correct in the next couple of weeks.
Good stuff!
Out of all the artifacts I have, this one has been the most fun and my favorite. Not because I love to gamble, but because I've been able to share it with other players. For the majority of the week so far, I've played Go Fish and Snap with 2-3 other players and we've had fun playing and just chatting.
Last night I finally found two players to play Hold 'em with, which was fun.
It's also fun to set up your own games. Wyll's Casino has netted so far - 2 unbound credits, and 2 ethereal ropes. I've not actually had many real customers, but quite a few people have just dropped by to chat and it opened up some fun RP in general.
@Druu - congrats! I hope things work out for you. Is a game shop like trading cards? Magic the gathering, etc?
You say, "My bottle is empty."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
So, this isn't currently a feature. What we've been doing is manually tracking by just going down the list in order of who joined first. If there was an option where you can set turns that would be great, but it could be one of those optional options, since sometimes someone messes up and the table can be forgiving(backsies). This would be especially useful if it notified the table whose turn it was too. I know I'm guilty of sitting there twiddling my thumbs until someone reminds me it is my turn.
2. No blinds
This isn't a feature either, and one I'd like to see added for the poker games. So, small and big blinds could be SET options could be added. Kind of a must have for poker games.
3. Bet caps
Nope, none. There is a minimum bet option. You can set buy-ins for the table though, so that could more or less limit maxes. Cool thing about that that we discovered last night is if someone makes a huge bet and you don't have enough to cover all of it, you do shove all your chips in and say 'all in'. This is a feature I would like to see added as well.
4. No point system
I'll have to come back to this one, since I think it could benefit from one, but some of the games track points already right now. Like Go Fish tracks how many points by the pairs you've discarded. And Snap tracks 'points' by the cards in players hands.
Beside the four points above, some features I'd like to see added I'll list below. And I'm working on a super long 'idea' thing, but I'm not sure if admin would enjoy a wall of text from a gambling addict like me about card games.
1. Alternate dealing
Right now if you do CARDTABLE DEAL <#> CARDS TO <player|ALL|TABLE> [OPEN] and say you picked '5' as the number of cards, what the table will do is deal the first 5 cards on top of the deck to player 1, then the next 5 to player 2, etc.
While that is beneficial to certain games(3 card poker), the majority of games played will deal 1 card to player 1 first, then 1 to player 2, and so forth, going clockwise until everyone gets the correct amount for the specific game.
I'd like to see both dealing options, maybe another command like CARDTABLE ALT DEAL <#> CARDS TO <ALL> [OPEN] since if you're dealing to 1 player only, this wouldn't be the command you'd use and if you deal to the table, it is the same.
I realize the cards are shuffled and all, so you're still getting random cards, but still principles and rules for games must be followed!
2. Rearranging the order of cards in hand
Right now we see the list of cards we have via CARDTABLE VIEW CARDS in the order we received them. I'd like to be able to rearrange them how I see fit so that it's easier to view them and see what kind of hand you have. This is beneficial for a game like classic 5 card poker.
Cards each have numbers now, so something like CARDTABLE MOVE <#> TO <POSITION> and the max position would obviously be how many cards total you have in your hand.
I'm sure I could come up with more if I keep playing with the cardtable, but for now those six things would be awesome.
You say, "My bottle is empty."
Jeremy raises an eyebrow questioningly.
Jeremy slaps you on the cheek.
I learned I was pronouncing SO MANY things wrong on the last Twitch video. You can expect a list from me!
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Now if I could just get an editable index.
I also heart the speed at which bugs have been fixed while doing quests recently (thanks @Druu , @Eoghan , and @Jeremy Saunders. I didn't realize questing was so awesome.
I also heart when people help me with quests without giving too much away. @Caelya , @Owyn , @Calais , @Rei , @Myrcella
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
2017/07/19 05:22:02 - Owynistrash was incitizened in the introduction.
This made my day.
Succeed, your target fails their next attack/action. Fail, you do what tiger did for 3 seconds.
Also i put this here cause i just love the scene in general.