Just my two cents on this. Jules and I were discussing Pk rules. I remembered this thread and it was my feeling that this line of thinking should have applied to our non-comms helping to defend shrin… (View Post)
Finally!! Character Information:You have taken on the mantle of an Aspect of Sukhder.You were a member of the Eldris bloodline.You are ranked 1st in Imperian.You are ranked 1st in Questing.You are ra… (View Post)
I am one of the biggest PvE-ers in game. PK is a fairly new hobby for me in comparison. I am driven by systems that reward with some kind of utility. I am least of all driven by things that give an &… (View Post)
I've promised
to post about my true position on entities, so here it is. Maybe I'm off base,
but I feel like entities were sold to us as beings that would not try to take
the place of gods. They woul… (View Post)