something that would be REALLY nice if it's possible would be breaking down help promotions into some smaller help files. Like having one for consummable promotion items, and a seperate one for repea… (View Post)
Approvers are in serious need of an overhaul. Designs are sitting longer than ever. I understand our player base is smaller than Achaea's (and has been shrinking over the years), and that same day ap… (View Post)
Posters are majorly broken at the moment. And maybe it's just personal experiences but I've noticed that almost every promotional item that's been coming out this year has had bugs. Maybe they could … (View Post)
Move the altar of sanctity from token wares to a normal artifact. It's incredibly useful and there's no good reason to make it hard to get on a rotational basis since it creates a barrier to more eas… (View Post)
The Halloween promotion! It's really nice to have a promotion once in awhile that is free to participate in and can net you cool artifacts once you get all the pieces. (View Post)