That For Honor Beta this weekend has got me wanting to buy it when it comes out. xD plus its satisfying to knock someones head off with a flail (View Post)
to be fair, as of right now no one is showing up to fight. :/ makes me sad that I collect alldashards in solitude. makes me even more sad I have to try and get a mono just to get people out to kill m… (View Post)
One of the most fun even-numbered team battles I've had at the shardfalls so far even though my affliction tracking was terrible. Learned a lot in this fight as far as tracking goes though! Its about… (View Post)
RIP demogick... antimagick and magick are working together now xD edit: I had a blast as well, I just wish I didn't have to run away to work :/ (View Post)
I heart all the help I've received so far from the people of Khandava. I have felt so welcome since starting there. Special thanks to Caelya, Caelbrook, and Etienne for being super helpful and answer… (View Post)