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  • Re: Raiding

    So far what I've seen and talked to people, almost everyone who is new or old in the city, was it older character or a new one, wants to PK and/or raid. (View Post)
  • Re: I HEART

    **********************************[ Antioch ]**********************************Member Name City Rank Positions Profession -----------------------------------------------------------------------------… (View Post)
  • Re: I HEART

    Ahkan, Kryss, Abigail...And assuming by your tell, you were coming there also. And last time I saw you killing my sparrow, you were dead afterwards. Or you ran, whatever. (View Post)
  • Re: I HEART

    (->): Theophilus, "Why kill the loyals for a fight and then flee? You're the biggest coward in these realms and the entire realm knows it." This really made my day. :D Sure, I can be a c… (View Post)
  • Re: Improving Imperian Combat

    Also, since there has been artifacts involved in this thread, well equipped tarot summoner can deal damage while afflicting, making three affliction enlighten kill possible. (View Post)