I've received a few concerned messages about these changes. I want to assure you that we're aware of your concerns and are taking them into account. Notably, as with the previous deletion, there will… (View Post)
EDIT ***** Now that it's past midnight GMT, I'll tell you what you're already thinking: This was an April Fool's trick ***** END EDIT Hello, Imperian! Now that we've let the dust settle a bit, we wan… (View Post)
Alright. I'm not going to make a way to automatically fill vials of fluids you don't have vials of (you'll have to figure out which you're missing yourself using some combination of VBELT SUMMARY and… (View Post)
No comment. (I personally am not involved in the specifics of promotions beyond implementing items that may be used as rewards). The only thing I can say is that we're aware of the thread and your fe… (View Post)
I lied. There were basically two ways to implement it, one that is specific, and one that is generic. The generic route was a lot less work, but means that it applies to ANY artifact that also decays… (View Post)