Meh on this entire answer. People already feel that way. All you'd be doing is lowering the bar to entry and making it more accessible to be top-tier. Slash credit prices, slash THE CRAP out of non-p… (View Post)
I love having all my tribe here in one place. Today almost all of us spent the afternoon at my mom's, relaxing and working on some assorted projects and it was rad. Next step is to ruin my people and… (View Post)
My eldest daughter just moved to Texas, her first big adulting adventure, and is hunting for work. Meanwhile, she's trying to hustle up spare cash with art commissions. I think she's pretty good. Her… (View Post)
Can you explain why the harvesting gloves upgrade is twice the cost of everything else? Could this be revisited especially now that we are in chronic herb shortages? (View Post)