Since I use fast for every physical profession, I have zero sympathy for anyone saying Mage is squishy as wise or whatever. As has already been said, this is a profession with roughly equal tankiness… (View Post)
Right now, it's mostly not worth asking the people in Magick. So the people that are there that want to learn should be asking people from other circles if they want help with this stuff. (View Post)
If someone drops their gold, I'll keep it. If I have PK on someone and have the chance to pilfer their belongings via forced commands, I'll do it. I expect the same things to happen to me and take me… (View Post)
The forum can be such a negative place. @Mathiaus is someone who continually makes an effort, is fun to fight and is a just a nice person. Most of the weary old fighters in this game have gotten and … (View Post)