No, it is not. It is to add a cost to losing and therefore create a personal investment in not losing. Right now if you're jumped while bashing you might as well just roll over and die. You lose noth… (View Post)
My problem with those is that those things aren't really noticeable. They're things that the city council might notice if they pay attention to their funds, but the average player will never even not… (View Post)
Mechanically speaking, PvP is a good way to level, especially with no PvP experience loss. That aside, PvP is also an excellent way to advance your character in non-mechanical ways. There are many pl… (View Post)
I would like to see exp loss on PK death come back, but I would like for that experience loss to be suspended during active shardfalls and obelisks/outposts. Those events can continue to be giant zer… (View Post)
Honest talk here. With full defensive shard research and shieldmen+healers in the stack, I am 100% sure that if the entire population of Imperian tried to kill an Antioch guardstack they'd all die ho… (View Post)