The problem with diabolist is the common one to aff classes: it is an absolute pain to track afflictions efficiently, and most of evileye affs don't have any kind of messages. Nightmare dies absurdly… (View Post)
Apparently, it helps get the point across to some people. One has to work with the available resources. Peace is just the easiest case I could use. There are several other afflictions that aren't tha… (View Post)
You have emoted: Mena tries this fabulous new thing, twirling like mad among the leaves. Balance Taken: 1.10s It might be because I don't really emote, but I hardly see 1.10s as a deterrent on use. I… (View Post)
Aulani said: Sorry, no compassion for a profession that has to do like 75% less tracking that saboteurs do. Purge balance even has a third party message now.
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- anything that requires riftable items will automatically take them from the rift (no more OUTR first) as needed - the above will not work with forced commands (View Post)