I think this is golden. You can try, but you will ultimately fail. I deleted taxation and citizen-slavery/Servitor as a rank to get rid of that exact kind of behavior. Can't just vivi a scrubling in … (View Post)
I've changed circles three times ever. First two were before my character was 30 IC years old. Try again. I had three different people admit freely there was an information leak. Try again. In terms … (View Post)
Then I'll help you, since reading comprehension isn't your bag. You implied I quit Imperian for a few months because I didn't like it, with typical snark. I responded with, you don't know why I quit,… (View Post)
Eldreth uses the same masked lust in melee that all our summoners do. I have, several times, caught you going all HEY GUYS LOOK A DEMON ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK and lust/empressed you offbal in shardfall… (View Post)