Would it be possible to move the Doubloon area timer from 24-hours to 23-hours? I would like to get home at a consistent time and do areas, but the way it works now is that I can't start an area unti… (View Post)
Obelisks are kind of the perfect engagement system. The fights are less common, predictable, and when people are actually using outposts the windows can be controlled around time zones. If you had fe… (View Post)
I appreciate the Classlead approval #639 that is slated to remove Veil and agree with all of the arguments made within. But there is something to be said for situational non-detection and the ability… (View Post)
Not the solution that I would have used. The Jester costume was added in order to balance ranged bombs, things like pet delivery of shard bombs. I would change the costume to 100% negate bombs arriv… (View Post)
Don't underestimate the subtle difference that taking a sketch toxin off the voice table will make to ramp up speed. Right now, a Bard can sketch link stupidity with TA nuarinyu/innyo to get impatien… (View Post)