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  • Re: Beginner's Nexus Question

    If you are not saving the variable <fishing_dir> in a new global variable, then you cannot use it outside of the alias FISHTO. The solution is to store the variable <fishing_dir> in a new… (View Post)
  • Re: Would Imperian ever consider a Reboot?

    The biggest issue with Imperian is the fact that there is no over-arching goal. I mean, every side is completely content to hunt and carry on. We have a bunch of mechanics (shards, outposts, raiding)… (View Post)
  • Re: Improving Imperian

    When refilling vialbelts a generic message is thrown out You pay 30 gold to add 150 sips to your vialbelt. Can this be made more descriptive You pay 30 gold to add 150 sips OF <ELIXIR/ SALVE> t… (View Post)
  • Re: Improving Imperian

    In the Game Message Reader on the website http://www.ironrealms.com/game/messages Can there be a 'select all' button to select all messages on a particular page. Sometimes you come back to 10 million… (View Post)
  • Re: Clueless

    Quick question Why does relaxing a defense like celerity cost 4.2 seconds of equilibrium? Does it have combat implications to reduce the time required to relax a defense to say 1 - 2 seconds? (View Post)