In order to support guilds a little better, here is a little suggestion. - Make 'member purchase' credits a guild only thing. - Increase the amount of credits generated by 5x (or even 10x) - Generate… (View Post)
Oh, there is RP - even as a very non-RP oriented person, I had a chance to RP with @Anarys on getting her to make Ohm's armor in return for defiling. It is a neat case of 'enemy of my enemy is a frie… (View Post)
Unrelated, Can AB files also be updated to most recent effects. I know a few of the AB files haven’t been updated with the last round of classleads. (View Post)
* A damage class is supposed to have high damage. An affliction class is supposed to have high affliction rate * A K/D ratio is a function of team size, artifact pressure. A 5v2 situation will almost… (View Post)