You sense Owyn entering the location north from you. You sense Owyn has entered your location. You invoke an ancient command and wave your palm in the direction of Owyn, who simply fades from existen… (View Post)
You direct a powerful pulse of telepathic energy into Galt, throwing his mind into chaos andconfusion.Equilibrium Taken: 2.20sYou have regained your mental equilibrium. You ease yourself out of the D… (View Post)
It also makes little sense to me that you mention the dangers of the gambling present in promotions and then be so reductive of an alternative that would theoretically enable you to get the specific … (View Post)
Just as much as I support dolphin-level microtransactions, I would absolutely oppose them removing the type of promotions they have now. IRE do very little psychological manipulation. You don't have… (View Post)