When Bards have a jack-in-the-box instakill that bites heads off and their version of piety rite is throwing banana peels everywhere, I will believe you! (View Post)
I gave you solutions to easily counter Deliverance, which is what you asked for. You shouldn't get upset when someone provides you a reasonable counter that doesn't fit your ranting narrative. You go… (View Post)
One, if he's using Deliverance, he's not curing. Passives still hit him and afflict him and passives don't trigger deliverance, only active attacks. Second, you actually have retaliation in the form … (View Post)
Avoiding deliverance is pretty easy in nearly every game that it exists in, including Imperian. When coming back from Banish, people should have this highlighted: Septus, surrounded by a glowing whit… (View Post)
Little late, but I'm fine with demonic classes gaining Fitness provided they lose their passive forms of healing. I really dislike homogenization though. I feel that the problem isn't really with Fit… (View Post)