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  • Re: Improving Imperian

    Agree that it would be good to have some temp stealth of that sort, but 5 minutes for an entire group at the cost of 1 red shard is a bit much I think. Personally I like the second idea more, but ma… (View Post)
  • Re: I HEART

    Report #639------------------------------------------------------------------------------Submitted by: (Ryc) Status : Approved Skillset : Misc Skillname : Veil----------------------------------------… (View Post)
  • Re: Classleads Fall 2018

    Alright well this thread exploded. Lemme give some input Comparison of classes across circle that aren't knights or assassin/renegade is just awful. Moreover comparing one class that is strong/OP to … (View Post)
  • Re: Most-loathed artifacts!

    Veil is definitely the worst artifact for the game on a macro level. Balancewise anything that modifies curing speed is far worse than modifying attack speed. Auction arties are meant to be OP (debat… (View Post)
  • Re: Big Changes on Imperian

    with borrowed arties, highfavor, champion, and pretty much every bonus I can think of... I still haven't hit cap any single day (I'm not really pushing for cap if I'm being perfectly honest as I'm ba… (View Post)