Hi! First and foremost, thank you for the visibility and interaction with us. We Imperian survivors often feel like the ignored IRE player base, and it’s really uplifting to have an admin accessible.… (View Post)
Cool, this is pretty easy to setup. You'll get the hang of it. First, go to the Nexus Options on the bottom right (looks like a gear), then click the VARIABLES tab. Click "create new variable&q… (View Post)
Yup, just use queue eqbal. Load them all up. Or, create variables that tick up or down as each prior command hits, then use IF. For example, alias BOB does kill ryse, hug ryse, marry ryse. If you don… (View Post)
I believe we've recently encountered some scenarios that provide a good example of why the system needs a rework. Javon and others have stated "The PK system is optional. Opt out and you'll be f… (View Post)