Bolded emphasis mine. This is the truth of it. A 'non-comm' is somebody that abstains from it all. You can't say you don't eat vegetables, but then eat the carrots and celery on the side with your c… (View Post)
Great post by Wyll. I am loaning my artifacts to any newbie basher that asks. Take turns! Reminder that I even rez champions that I gank and beat, you won't even have to wait for the death timer. Pic… (View Post)
Champion is a status/defense that gives you 100% EXP gained bonus in exchange for being open PK to any other Champion. It is part of a major conflict system. Aside from me and a few now retired playe… (View Post)
Whoever told you to leave is a shithead. I will PK them for you if you'd like. <3 The 10% bonus isn't really that terrible to give up. Look for a guild that isn't controlled by an idiot if you nee… (View Post)