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  • Re: Improving Imperian

    Can you fix phylacteries to make them at least a semi decent value like they used to be? Remove gold and herbs from the prize list. Raise the minimum credit amount you can get to 10 credits. Make sur… (View Post)
  • Re: I HEART

    Abigail is an ephor. I mean, she may be tolerable now but this is the same person who was banned/shrubbed for spamming market with racial epithets. I'm not saying that it is anyone's fault that peopl… (View Post)
  • Re: Token Update

    Just remembered. A small gleaming stone----------------------You can CRUSH this stone and give yourself a permanent 5% bashing damage bonus. This bonus applies to all people in the room with you and … (View Post)
  • Re: ToA Update

    So, my personal suggestions for the bashing event. -Call spirits to make it fair.- Let double xp and call spirits work for both days of the event full time.- Reward credits for 1-2hour chunks at regu… (View Post)
  • Re: Relics Part Two

    So rather than continuing to discuss it in the Improving Imperian thread I figured I'd post it here. Here is a link to the relevant post: http://forums.imperian.com/discussion/comment/28430/#Comment_… (View Post)