Extra Life is a charity gaming marathon that raises money for children's hospitals. It kicks off Saturday, November 2nd. This will be my 3rd year doing this. Basically gaming for 24h (this year 25h) … (View Post)
Welcome to AM! (Ring): Septus says, "TARGET Tsinghahla." You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Iniar. Septus secures his previously wielded items and insta… (View Post)
I was 13 and thought aggressive inlines was the best. I also purchased Prodigy's Fat of the Land on vinyl and decided to be a Keith Flint look-a-like. (View Post)
Some old stuff I found. The little green imp comes flying in again, this time launching himself at the legs of Tsinghahla and attaching himself there. The little green imp whispers something in a str… (View Post)