2 years and 4 months or in tech speak, nearly 2,000 commits later – Mudlet 4.0 is here! We’ve achieved our stated goal to make Mudlet playable internationally; from Spanish to Chinese games :) There… (View Post)
This month we help international players, we warn about deprecation of the semicolon, ease up exporting a package, speedwalk through non-English games, and bring lots of bugfixes to you. Also, in cas… (View Post)
A reworked the timers subsystem & added remainingTime(), getTextFormat(), and Clessidra - an Italian game! Featured game: Clessidra (Italian) http://www.clessidra.it Clessidra is the first all I… (View Post)
This update lets you select and add more languages for spell-checking; indicators for different trigger types are back by popular demand; Mudlet shows available updates; and much more... More spell-… (View Post)