@Tyanna I'm going to shamelessly plug my recent post. It is currently stickied in 'general discussions' and titled 'Welcome Newbies!' if you want give it a read. It has all the relevant information y… (View Post)
Greets. With the 1000 credit challenge underway, I have noticed an influx of newbies who have come to <br>Imperian's doorsteps. First, I welcome you all and without rambling too much, below I … (View Post)
I went back and played as a fresh newbie. With the flintlock provided(like other weapons are provided for other classes to newbies) I could hunt just fine. It's actually more bearable hunting than so… (View Post)
Sarrius and I have done the math on this prism pouch, if I am remembering correctly. The prism pouch currently goes for 4 tokens. Tokens will run you around 25-30 credits each. Let's go on the low en… (View Post)