Why don't we have a class in Imperian that functions through the use of cat dress spheres?
"You attach a wizard hat and cloak to your cat, unlocking his inner arcane potential." "The brightly colored Berserker sweater will create a ruinous rage in your trusty cat (who totally loves you despite what he says) to destroy your foes."
‘Least I won’t have to carry it no more. You see how bloody heavy it is?’
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
My one cat's named CCKOW (Crazy Cat, Killer of Worlds). I dressed her with a cape and dinosaur head one time for Halloween. She responded promptly with the destruction of nearly every wire behind the media center.
I say no to this cat-dressing wanting, it will destroy worlds.
Oh, and thank you Garryn. Can't wait to see what'll change for the sketch.
So curiousity. I haven't been around for any Imperian betas how are they set up exactly and who gets involved in them?
He opens up applications and generally allows previous testers in by default.
<div>Message #2062 Sent By: (imperian) Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
So curiousity. I haven't been around for any Imperian betas how are they set up exactly and who gets involved in them?
It's a separate instance of the game where you're given loads of credits and access to all the professions and statpacks. As Sarrius said, it's an open application process that's quite inclusive. We simply have to keep numbers relatively small to avoid taxing the server resources and negatively affecting the main game.
TIme for another progress update! Summoners are shaping up nicely, with the new versions of Tarot and Noctu almost entirely coded, and Enslavery halfway done. If all goes well, I expect to be posting the call for beta testers later this week.
Ability helps aren't written yet, but as a preview, I'll post the short versions for now, with the detailed ones following next week.
Noctu has been reworked entirely, with only a few abilities remaining from its current incarnation. One significant change from the previous announcement is that there is no secondary attunement, as the concept didn't really work as well as I was hoping - instead, the aura spells now mostly operate with a health percent margin (meaning the spell has a different effect if the target's health is under a specified threshold). Enlighten remains, but works slightly differently.
Noctu offers the following abilities: Combustion Cause your foe to spontaneously combust. Warmth A soothing fire to tend to your wounds. Astralvision Your aura gives insights into that which is around. Dehydrate Sap the strength from another. Melt Melt that which is frozen. Attunement Attune your spells to the raw energy of fire. Nervewrack Greatly increased sensitivity to damage. Heave Knock your foe to the ground. Readaura Reading another's aura will reveal their secrets. Soulburn Burn your foe's aura to bring maladies to their soul. Devolve DIsfiguring your enemies makes then unrecognizable. Distortion Deflect damage back at your attackers. Flash Shortwire the brain of your target. Warpaura Warp the aura of another to remove what protects it. Disorient A burst of heat to make their head spin. Scourge Negate the effect of protective elixirs. Soulchain Bind other souls to yours. Quicken Tap into another's aura to rid them of patience. Cleanseaura Cleanse away those pesky shields from an aura. Heatwave An all-encompassing wave of heat. Nerveburn Turn their curing skills against them. Soulwrack Wrack the soul of your foe to leave them vulnerable. Hellsight Grant visions of the Pit to another. Fever A sudden fever will leave them hallucinating. Ashcloud Weakened ability to smoke pipes. Mirage Conceal the presence of living beings. Aurashift Shift your own aura towards theirs. Timewarp Shift your victim's wounds in time. Whisperingmadness A curse of madness not soon forgotten. Incinerate Call forth the all-consuming flame. Enlighten Reveal the truth to the uninitiated. For more information, type AB NOCTU <ability>.
Tarot has seen the smallest amount of changes, but many cards behave differently, and the Infuse and Levitate abilities expand the versatility of skillset quite a bit. Aeon remains, with its functionality changed entirely - instead of delaying commands, it is now a damage relapsing affliction similar to the sulfonal toxin.
Tarot offers the following abilities: Cardpacks Manipulate the mystical Tarot cards. Sun Summon a portable flame. Emperor A sharp command to induce paralysis. Magician Replenish your mana with the might of the Magician. Priestess Heal yourself with the benevolence of the Priestess. Fool Leech mental strength from another. Chariot Create an infernal chariot to ride. Hermit Teleport to an uninhabited location. Empress Summon your friends to you. Infuse Infuse your cards with Noctu spells. Lovers Create a strong love for you in your target. Hierophant Compulse your victim to do your bidding. Hangedman Hinder your opponent with a mass of ropes. Tower Cause a crumbling tower to appear in your location. Wheel Send your target flying away. Creator Conjure vivid hallucinations. Levitate Prepare a tarot card for a later delivery. Justice Bring justice to the unjust. Star Strike down a foe with a flaming meteor. Aeon Bring down the terrible curse of Aeon. Lust Cause an opponent to hopelessly lust after you. Universe Transport yourself around the land. Devil Call forth a mighty devil. Moon Bestow the maladies of the moon upon your enemy. Death Call down Death itself to claim the soul of your enemy. For more information, type AB TAROT <ability>.
Enslavery looks similar on the surface, but the actual effects are entirely different (only Istria and Piridon are similar to their current versions). Enslavery is still being coded, so I'm going to keep this one shrouded in mystery for a while longer!
Enslavery offers the following abilities: Summoning The ability to bind demons. Unleash Unleash the power of bound demons. Skyrax Skyrax, the Scourge. Rixil Rixil, the spectre. Eerion Eerion, the demon jester. Arctar Arctar, the Defender. Scrag Scrag, Bloodleech. Pyradius Pyradius, Demon Firelord. Dameron Dameron, Demon Prince. Palpatar Palpatar, the Glutton of Glaaki. Nin'Kharsag Nin'Kharsag, the Slime Master. Istria Istria, the Rogue. Marduk Marduk, the Eater of Souls. Belial Belial, the lifestealer. Buul Buul, the Demon Chirurgeon. Cadmus Cadmus, the cursed shaman. Piridon Piridon, the shapechanger. Mask Mask the presence of demonic entities. Danaeus Danaeus, the Demon Storm. Lyncantha Lyncantha, Keeper of the Hounds. Tarotlink Command your doppleganger to throw tarot cards. Hecate Hecate, Mother of the Whores. Golgotha Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Emperor of Darkness. For more information, type AB ENSLAVERY <ability>.
One significant change from the previous announcement is that there is no secondary attunement, as the concept didn't really work as well as I was hoping
This part pleases me, because I wasn't looking forward to that mechanic for Summoner.
Frankly, I'm still expecting that mechanic to bomb for Mages as well.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
I guess you could go with "Azaoz smashed a lot with fire, lets do that!" That's just being a copy cat and gets into all sorts of legal issues and copyright infringement.
Let's raise a glass to poor Dranor. He died to fire.
Speaking of Fire, there's been some concern regarding the damage type Summoners will do.
It has been noted that Fire is extremely easy to boost your resistance to, upwards of 50% in several cases. Are you considering this fact when making the class @Garryn?
My guess is that it'll be a mix of fire and magick damage. But either way, numbers are always tweaked during beta tests so there shouldn't be a reason to worry.
I'd just like to avoid having the Beta team say "Yeah this should be good enough." have it get released and then a Druid coming along and saying "Lol, that's not damage. THIS is damage!"
It has been noted that Fire is extremely easy to boost your resistance to, upwards of 50% in several cases. Are you considering this fact when making the class @Garryn?
"You attach a wizard hat and cloak to your cat, unlocking his inner arcane potential."
"The brightly colored Berserker sweater will create a ruinous rage in your trusty cat (who totally loves you despite what he says) to destroy your foes."
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
TIme for another progress update! Summoners are shaping up nicely, with the new versions of Tarot and Noctu almost entirely coded, and Enslavery halfway done. If all goes well, I expect to be posting the call for beta testers later this week.
Ability helps aren't written yet, but as a preview, I'll post the short versions for now, with the detailed ones following next week.
Noctu has been reworked entirely, with only a few abilities remaining from its current incarnation. One significant change from the previous announcement is that there is no secondary attunement, as the concept didn't really work as well as I was hoping - instead, the aura spells now mostly operate with a health percent margin (meaning the spell has a different effect if the target's health is under a specified threshold). Enlighten remains, but works slightly differently.
Noctu offers the following abilities:
Combustion Cause your foe to spontaneously combust.
Warmth A soothing fire to tend to your wounds.
Astralvision Your aura gives insights into that which is around.
Dehydrate Sap the strength from another.
Melt Melt that which is frozen.
Attunement Attune your spells to the raw energy of fire.
Nervewrack Greatly increased sensitivity to damage.
Heave Knock your foe to the ground.
Readaura Reading another's aura will reveal their secrets.
Soulburn Burn your foe's aura to bring maladies to their soul.
Devolve DIsfiguring your enemies makes then unrecognizable.
Distortion Deflect damage back at your attackers.
Flash Shortwire the brain of your target.
Warpaura Warp the aura of another to remove what protects it.
Disorient A burst of heat to make their head spin.
Scourge Negate the effect of protective elixirs.
Soulchain Bind other souls to yours.
Quicken Tap into another's aura to rid them of patience.
Cleanseaura Cleanse away those pesky shields from an aura.
Heatwave An all-encompassing wave of heat.
Nerveburn Turn their curing skills against them.
Soulwrack Wrack the soul of your foe to leave them vulnerable.
Hellsight Grant visions of the Pit to another.
Fever A sudden fever will leave them hallucinating.
Ashcloud Weakened ability to smoke pipes.
Mirage Conceal the presence of living beings.
Aurashift Shift your own aura towards theirs.
Timewarp Shift your victim's wounds in time.
Whisperingmadness A curse of madness not soon forgotten.
Incinerate Call forth the all-consuming flame.
Enlighten Reveal the truth to the uninitiated.
For more information, type AB NOCTU <ability>.
Tarot has seen the smallest amount of changes, but many cards behave differently, and the Infuse and Levitate abilities expand the versatility of skillset quite a bit. Aeon remains, with its functionality changed entirely - instead of delaying commands, it is now a damage relapsing affliction similar to the sulfonal toxin.
Tarot offers the following abilities:
Cardpacks Manipulate the mystical Tarot cards.
Sun Summon a portable flame.
Emperor A sharp command to induce paralysis.
Magician Replenish your mana with the might of the Magician.
Priestess Heal yourself with the benevolence of the Priestess.
Fool Leech mental strength from another.
Chariot Create an infernal chariot to ride.
Hermit Teleport to an uninhabited location.
Empress Summon your friends to you.
Infuse Infuse your cards with Noctu spells.
Lovers Create a strong love for you in your target.
Hierophant Compulse your victim to do your bidding.
Hangedman Hinder your opponent with a mass of ropes.
Tower Cause a crumbling tower to appear in your location.
Wheel Send your target flying away.
Creator Conjure vivid hallucinations.
Levitate Prepare a tarot card for a later delivery.
Justice Bring justice to the unjust.
Star Strike down a foe with a flaming meteor.
Aeon Bring down the terrible curse of Aeon.
Lust Cause an opponent to hopelessly lust after you.
Universe Transport yourself around the land.
Devil Call forth a mighty devil.
Moon Bestow the maladies of the moon upon your enemy.
Death Call down Death itself to claim the soul of your enemy.
For more information, type AB TAROT <ability>.
Enslavery looks similar on the surface, but the actual effects are entirely different (only Istria and Piridon are similar to their current versions). Enslavery is still being coded, so I'm going to keep this one shrouded in mystery for a while longer!
Enslavery offers the following abilities:
Summoning The ability to bind demons.
Unleash Unleash the power of bound demons.
Skyrax Skyrax, the Scourge.
Rixil Rixil, the spectre.
Eerion Eerion, the demon jester.
Arctar Arctar, the Defender.
Scrag Scrag, Bloodleech.
Pyradius Pyradius, Demon Firelord.
Dameron Dameron, Demon Prince.
Palpatar Palpatar, the Glutton of Glaaki.
Nin'Kharsag Nin'Kharsag, the Slime Master.
Istria Istria, the Rogue.
Marduk Marduk, the Eater of Souls.
Belial Belial, the lifestealer.
Buul Buul, the Demon Chirurgeon.
Cadmus Cadmus, the cursed shaman.
Piridon Piridon, the shapechanger.
Mask Mask the presence of demonic entities.
Danaeus Danaeus, the Demon Storm.
Lyncantha Lyncantha, Keeper of the Hounds.
Tarotlink Command your doppleganger to throw tarot cards.
Hecate Hecate, Mother of the Whores.
Golgotha Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Emperor of Darkness.
For more information, type AB ENSLAVERY <ability>.
Frankly, I'm still expecting that mechanic to bomb for Mages as well.
"On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."
EDIT: I know I should have said something when you first posted about it, but it's been boggling my mind ever since. It just doesn't thematically fit.
the claims are stated - it's the world I've created
Science was hard. Stavenn smash. Proceed to fire.
Let's raise a glass to poor Dranor. He died to fire.
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”
It has been noted that Fire is extremely easy to boost your resistance to, upwards of 50% in several cases. Are you considering this fact when making the class @Garryn?
I'd just like to avoid having the Beta team say "Yeah this should be good enough." have it get released and then a Druid coming along and saying "Lol, that's not damage. THIS is damage!"