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Patch Notes

EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
This thread will serve as a single place that I can place various changes that are put into the game. Generally, things will be posted here more often than they're posted as announce posts in-game. Every so often, the things here will be rolled up into one announce post and cross-posted in-game.

You can also see this information is slightly more real time in our discord, in the #small-updates channel:
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    I'm going to begin this thread by going back a few months and posting the update announces so they're all in one place.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Date: 11/12/2019 at 7:57
    From: Eoghan
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Recent Bugfixes and Updates

    Hello, Imperian,

    Here's a brief list of some of the small code changes made in the last couple of weeks:

    - A bunch of typo fixes
    - A bunch of quest fixes
    - It's now possible for Immortals to speak anonymously on the Newbie channel. This briefly introduced a bug that told EVERYONE they were speaking anonymously. That bug was squashed.
    - All speech on the newbie channel is now permanently logged.

    - Various minor bug fixes and typos
    - Travel to the Moonforge within 48 seconds of previously travelling to the Moonforge will no longer kick you out prematurely.
    - Changed some things around to make it more expensive to switch aspect powers on/off and added cooldown.
    - Fixed a bug that made it impossible to use the "changerace" aspect power.

    - Arena events in player arenas will autostart after 5 minutes, and there is now cooldown for people who make too many repeated short arena events.
    - Arena Heroes (like those used in Fight Club) are now all given a sabre.

    - Artifact shops that have been closed by a city are now reopened when they're set back up. Cities' ability to close them while within the city is intended, but them being permanently closed was not.

    - The "describe" command now allows you to set your description if you are a naga, weaver, or wyvern; it doesn't force all of those forms to use the wyvern syntax.
    - Classlead 902 - SINGE is now used for the ATTACK command for engineers without a bayonet affixed
    - Classlead 920 - Wyrmriding ambush internal movement code modified - following reps should follow now, among a few other subtle changes

    - Special shards left in houses, guildhalls, or temples will now be destroyed within 1 minute (rather than the standard 20 minute timer when outside player inventories)
    - Special shards being held by players in houses, guildhalls, or temples will now trigger the 20 minute timer as if they were on the ground in a normal room. Don't hide in houses while holding special shards!

    That's all that's worth mentioning for now. More to come soon!
    Penned by my hand on the 8th of Solis, in the year 207 AM.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Date: 11/14/2019 at 16:49
    From: Eoghan
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Recent Bugfixes and Updates

    Hello, Imperian,

    Here's a brief list of some of the small code changes made in the last week:

    - A bunch of typo fixes.
    - Rashirmir tome rooms now count as house rooms for the purposes of many effects (including special shard holding)
    - HELP HELPEDIT now exists, to describe how to actually submit edits to help files. By submitting fixes to help files (or entirely new ones), you can earn gold and credits.

    - The Bait Bucket artifact (which was disabled when it was moved to tokens and then not reenabled) is now for sale again (for 100 credits)

    - You can no longer EXTRACT into something that isn't a fluid container

    - Fixed an untrapped error when someone bled to death during a raid and the bleeding was given by a mob. This didn't impact the actual death at all, it just spammed me with error notifications
    - Classlead 856 - the Breach ritual will now remove the Avalanche ritual - but only during raids.

    That's all that's worth mentioning for now. More to come soon!
    Penned by my hand on the 15th of Artificium, in the year 207 AM.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Date: 11/20/2019 at 0:25
    From: Eoghan
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Recent Bugfixes and Updates

    Hello, Imperian,

    Here's a brief list of some of the small code changes made in the last week:

    - Thanks to a helpful player using the HELPEDIT system, all skill help files (HELP <skillname>) now say what profession they belong to.
    - You may now earn daily credits for having a design approved. You can only earn this once per day.
    - Mail will no longer be delivered to a recipient if they're snubbing the sender. (It will still
    appear as if it was sent to the sender)
    - Flame sigils may no longer be placed on weapons
    - Fixed HONORS to fix some grammar issues with non-binary characters. Please TYPO other issues with grammar and non-binary characters.
    - Masks will no longer misgender non-binary folks, who will appear as "a masked person"
    - Issues with gender changing and Amazon/Ranger should now be fixed
    - Issues with gender in the honors line related to Matriarch or Patriarch of families in Honors
    should now be fixed

    - New areas have been released. I hear there's something in it for the first person to find them.
    - It is now slightly easier to get to the moonforge. Initiating gaze requires 95% health/mana, and completing the gaze requires 90% health/mana

    That's all that's worth mentioning for now. More to come soon!
    Penned by my hand on the 17th of Tenebrae, in the year 208 AM.
    Like what we're doing? Why not take a second to vote? Vote for Imperian at
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Date: 11/23/2019 at 2:37
    From: Eoghan
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Recent Bugfixes and Updates

    Hello, Imperian,

    Here's a brief list of some of the small code changes made in the last few days:

    - The Chaotic Crystal promotion item now changes you to a random gender that you aren't already (e.g. either male or female if you're non-binary), rather than always swapping between male and female.
    - Classlead 786: There is now a 30 minute cooldown after eating a bluestar leaf.

    - Classlead 898: BLACKWIND is now interrupted by being proned at any time during the windup. It also now takes 3 seconds (up from 2.5)
    - Classlead 792: You may now ENCAMPMENT ENCLOSE, ENCAMPMENT UNENCLOSE, and ENCAMPMENT TEARDOWN. Teardown cannot be forced.
    - Classlead 852: You may now fashion up to 10 wriststraps at once

    That's all that's worth mentioning for now. More to come soon!

    Penned by my hand on the 16th of Ferinus, in the year 208 AM.
    Like what we're doing? Why not take a second to vote? Vote for Imperian at
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Date: 11/26/2019 at 4:50
    From: Eoghan
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Recent Bugfixes and Updates

    Hello, Imperian,

    Here's a brief list of some of the small code changes made in the last few days:

    - Fixed a bug that allowed mortals to delete issues, which was never intended. Note that some issues were inadvertantly cleared when this bug was discovered. If this happened to you, please re-file your issue. Message me if you need me to find the text of the issue for you.

    - Idea totally not stolen from Lusternia - items that decay even if placed in circumstances where they wouldn't (such as on a shelf in a stockroom) will now say so when probed, denoting This item  will decay even if placed in a stockroom.
    - Fixed grammar in descriptions for non-binary folks. It will now say "They are a <statpack race>" instead of "They is"
    - Made underyling code changes to qhonors messages to allow for proper grammar for non-binary. Unfortunately, the individual messages also need to be changed, which I'll get to over the next few days, a little at a time. There are a lot of them.
    - Fixed a typo that was introduced when the monument raiding objective was added. Guards will no longer refer to the monument being stolen when they mean the statue.
    - It's no longer possible to create self-referential aliases

    - Idea #66603 implemented - ATTACK/KILL/FIGHT will now use  scepter point if one is equipped.
    - Fixed a bug that allowed someone to GOGGLES CREATE twice, effectively wasting a gem and forming a second pair of goggles.
    - Fixed a bug causing the bag of fertilizer (and associated power) from impacting planted seeds.

    - idea #66541 implemented - Aspects can now speak the elemental language corresponding to their element.
    - Players can no longer follow to the Moonforge.
    - It's once again possible to ASSUME ASPECT (which means newly minted aspects can actually use their abilities)
    - It is once again possible to LIBERATE ASPECT

    - Classlead 618 - You can now DOUSE <target> to remove their stink (if you have a bucket of water and soap)

    That's all that's worth mentioning for now. More to come soon!
    Penned by my hand on the 15th of Halitus, in the year 208 AM.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Date: 12/12/2019 at 16:07
    From: Eoghan
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Recent Bugfixes and Updates

    Hello, Imperian,

    Here's a brief list of some of the small code changes made recently.

    - Tokens have been removed from stockings and replaced with a silver leash (artifact 105)
    - It is no longer possible to trade promodeck cards to offline players.

    - Diabolist arena heroes (such as those used in Fight Club) will now start with wraith attunement, rather than having to attune in the arena
    - Deathknight arena heroes (such as those used in Fight Club) will now start with one (1) heart. Use it well!

    - Added camouflage to the list of defences that will prevent aspect ambient messages from firing.
    - Added some hints when you try to use the ASPECT command after reaching level 100, but before choosing an aspect type or assuming aspect
    - You can no longer ASPECT INVOKE without specifying a location.

    - qsc now works as an alternate command for sscore. ac now works as an alternate command for autocuring
    - PRESERVE TOXIN <toxin> IN <vialbelt> has been removed. PRESERVE TOXIN <toxin> IN RIFT has been added.
    - lr summary will now show an asterisk on fluids you have (if you know elixlist)
    - Fixed a few liquidrift related bugs (including them completely breaking for thick toxins, and the LR FILL command looking for the wrong word of input as the item number)
    - Fishing is now prevented by walls or doors between you and your target room. This check occurs when you cast, and each tick.
    - Various bug and typo fixes not worth specific mention

    - Evythi can now use the sniff emote

    That's all that's worth mentioning for now. More to come soon!
    Penned by my hand on the 9th of Ultio, in the year 209 AM.
    Like what we're doing? Why not take a second to vote? Vote for Imperian at
  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Date: 12/24/2019 at 0:59
    From: Eoghan
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Recent Bugfixes and Updates

    Hello, Imperian,

    Here's a brief list of some of the small code changes made in the last two weeks.

    - Placed some restrictions on which characters can hang stockings, and for whom. This should be invisible to you if you aren't trying to cheat.
    - Probing amethyst tonics will now tell you what kind of xp you'll gain
    - Some backend changes to code associated with probing promotion items reworked. Should be transparent but if you notice anything odd bug it.

    - Fixed a typo with bolts of quicksilver weave so the message mentions the bolt, not an unspecified

    - Invoking keystones to specific rooms now works.

    - Dousing stinky players will no longer misgender the target in the first person message
    - Changed how rift filling from pots works slightly - they will now always remove at least one complete fill from the pot, meaning you can no longer fill from a pot infinitely.
    - Passive entropy ticks will no longer trigger deliverance.

    - Removed full stops from a number of daily credit messages so they appear more cleanly in the dailycredits output
    - Added error messaging when an internal error is generated in a mobprog, instructing the triggering player to file a bug report. This is more useful than the old behavior - silently disabling the prog with no notification to the player.
    - All honor lines starting with "$he has" or "$he is" have been fixed to correctly start with "They have" or "They are" if the earner is non-binary
    - Various bug and typo fixes not worth specific mention

    That's all that's worth mentioning for now. More to come soon!
    Penned by my hand on the 6th of Aequitas, in the year 210 AM.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Date: 12/28/2019 at 4:30
    From: Eoghan
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Classleads and Bugfixes

    Hello, Imperian! A few small changes, and a few implemented classleads for you today.

    - Classlead #809 implemented - Artifacts armor now also counts as limb armor.
    - Classlead #854 implemented - terrariums will now have 10000 herbs of any given type, up from 250. You can still only harvest your normal max. This required a rework to the Backend storage for herbs in room  Please BUG anything odd that happens.

    - Fixed a typo that made creating a keystone cost 1/10th as much as it was supposed to. It now properly costs 1,000,000 spirit rather than 100,000.
    - After a lot of review, we're ok with the current spirit gain amounts, and have re-enabled buying spirit with lessons.
    - HELP SPIRIT COSTS now exists

    - Classlead #923 implemented - Butisol is now cured by wormwood
    - HELP VIALBELT has been rewritten (and is now HELP LIQUID RIFT, HELP LR, and HELP LIQUIDRIFT)

    - The checks for defacement spreading have been made more explicit - defacement will no longer spread into sewers, guildhalls, shops, stockrooms, or player-built houses.

    - Classlead #784 implemented - TORMENT - DEVASTATE damage reduced by 33% (from 60% of ravage damage to 40% of ravage damage). Number subject to adjustment as we see how it plays out.
    - Classlead #768 implemented: DESECRATION - BELLOW. The percentile portion of the damage calculation reduced. While the exact impact will depend on the target, this change reduces the damage around 16% before the entropy multiplier is applied.
    - Classlead 806 (CHIVALRY - RAGE) was implemented in June but never marked as complete; it is now marked complete
    - Classlead #918 implemented - WEAPONMASTERY - ENGAGE Any given player may only the target of a single weaponmastery - engage

    That's all that's worth mentioning for now. More to come soon!
    Penned by my hand on the 5th of Vita, in the year 211 AM.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    We're now up to date. Future posts will include one or two changes at a time.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • classlead #884 implemented - CHIVALRY/BRUTALITY - CLEANSE and ENHANCE now allow LEFT or RIGHT in place of the weapon to specify the one in your hand
    • Aspect elemental bonuses and maluses now only apply on elemental planes

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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    You can no longer be the target of a silver apple (gender swapping) if you're already under the effects of one
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    It is no longer possible to approve Libations designs that don't have commodities set.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    edited December 2019
    • Owners of artifact 421 (a keymaker's satchel) now have access to the ADDLOCK command even when not in a locksmith's room.
    • Infested trees now show as bold magenta on treelist. Non-infested trees still show as green.
    • Crafters may now engrave/incise/etc the following patterns: metalworking cup, masonry cup, woodcrafting cup, metalworking goblet, masonry goblet, woodcrafting goblet, metalworking glass
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Fat and Tallow are now included in the list of commodities for sect rituals.
    • Seeds outseeded from the seed pouch artifact by defilers will now always be defiled.
    • BECKON WEAPONS will no longer include pikes (thus allowing you to have a piked head in your inventory)
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • You may now SHARPEN <left|right> to sharpen one of the weapons you're wielding
    • Champion mob streaks no longer increase if you're in the arena
    • Torc of the dead no longer charges in the arena
    • Zombie staves no longer charge in the arena
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Date: 1/1/2020 at 14:00
    From: Eoghan
    To  : Everyone
    Subj: Vialpacks

    Hello, Imperian!

    Two new skills now exist for those of you that wish to provide toxins or concoctions to novices, or sell groups of them in your shops!

    The skill of "vialpack" now exists within the Concoctions and Toxins skillsets.

    To create a vialpack, you need 500 sips of all of the fluids created with that skillset within your liquid rift. The AB helps have been populated with the syntax to use the new skills!

    The list of fluids for concoctions is: levitation, immunity, frost, venom, health, mana, speed, epidermal, mending, mass, caloric, and restoration.

    The list of fluids for toxins is: ether, aspartame, atropine, mercury, digitalis, xeroderma, luminal, ciguatoxin, benzedrine, strychnine, vitriol, ketamine, botulinum, chloroform, oxalis, mazanor, arsenic, benzedrine, lindane, butisol, bromine, cyanide, opium, avidya, veratrum, calotropis, formaldehyde, psilocybin, aconite, metrazol, noctec, iodine, hemotoxin, and mebaral.

    Happy sipping!
    Penned by my hand on the 10th of Solis, in the year 211 AM.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    Roll-up posted as announce 3939
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Arena heroes are now given a full liquidrift
    • Goggles of Whitesight are once again available for player purchase.
    • When changing aspect types, your stronghold is also moved to the appropriate plane. This is temporary - at some point in the future, they'll be deleted instead.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    edited January 2020
    • Holocaust bombs now move everyone OTHER than the user, as intended, rather than ONLY the user (potentially multiple times)
    • Fixed a bug causing orgcredits points not to be awarded for obelisk captures, and manually awarded credit for the ones this IG year
    • orgcredit points earned will now be logged in the city/council's millog.
    Post edited by Eoghan on
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • An ABhelp now exists for ENGINEERING - CLOSER
    • There is now a DOWN exit from the moonforge to the Spring in Caanae
    • You can no longer become a champion if you are under level 50
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Each organization can now only receive orgcredits points for influencing any given leyline once per day. Points can still be earned for each individual leyline once.
    • Classlead 869 implemented - Yew removed from runestones, Tiger changed to 1/3 without greater mark ignited, 2/3 with
    • Classlead 879 implemented - you can now dualshot with only one flintlock
    • Switch circle checks updated to check guild, sect, and charters
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Classlead 617 - You may now craft preservers in three sizes (small, medium, and large)
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Ironbank will now reset properly when 15 doors are left, instead of when -1 doors are left. (Don't ask)
    • Classlead 698 implemented - Wormholes only decay if in natural AM area that is actually AM
    • Classlead 702 implemented - Change Poisonmind to add to bloodpoison stack on any trigger
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Classlead 750 had already been implemented but not marked as complete. It is now marked complete.
    • Classlead 716 implemented - NECROMANCY - LEPROSY changed to a 40-second room effect that reduces limb armour by 5% for everyone in the room and heals the user's health by a small amount every 10 seconds while active
    • Noctu Mirage now impairs the Seer's Eye
    • Cleaned up several thousand mobs left over from the snow storms mini-event
    • QOL: TRAILBLAZING - CONCEAL and TRAILBLAZING - SECURE now both accept either "wielded" or "weapons" so that people don't fumble the wrong word when trying to put their defs up
    • Probing a sketch will now show the number of attacks remaining and the inks used.
    • After quite a bit of review over the last 24 hours, we've determined that the limb damage caused by certain Maiming abilities is not intended. As such, we've removed the limb damage caused by the following skills: SLASH, SMASH, BATTER, SLAM, BASH, CRUSH.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Fixed an annoying bug that caused characters old enough to have earned RolePoints to not get a hero in Arena Hero matches and instead enter as themselves.
    • Classlead 814 -- ORDER <mount> DASH ... eq cost has been reduced; DASH with an artifact will work while mounted
    • Classlead 843 -- People caught in Danaeus's storm cannot move by most means
    • Classlead 757 -- Previously implemented. Sensitivity in ritualism increases glowing wraith charges
    • Classlead 767 -- Envelop changed from no-shield to increase catharsis threshold to 95%
    • Classlead 877 and 878 - Scattershot and randomshot balance costs reduced, CONFIG SHOWSHOTDETAILS added to show blunderbuss accuracy modifiers
    • Liquid rift contents are now cleared on character deletion
    • Classlead 884 was previously implemented, but not marked complete. It is now so marked.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Fixed an annoying bug that caused characters old enough to have earned RolePoints to not get a hero in Arena Hero matches and instead enter as themselves.
    Just like Imperian to have a system not used since 2004 break something in 2020.

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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Classlead 807 -- New shard tree "summoning" allowing research to get shard summon people in the same area (higher levels ignore normal portal blockers)
    • Classlead 804 -- Dazzle afflictions Dizziness => Confusion or both with Penance
    • Classlead 791 -- INVOKE COMBUSTION <mob> DUPLICATE now works
    • Classlead 798 -- LOSE ALL will lose everyone following you that are in your ring. (Can't use to lose sneaky followers, sorry)
    • Made significant invisible changes to back-end permission code. This allows me to give particular gods (or, potentially, mortals) ability to use specific commands, rather than having them tied to a rank. This is being mentioned because it means that the recent delay on me working on customizations should be ending.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Classlead 712 -- Lower level engineers may use the SALVAGE command to find powder, shot, and a few other things within their local environment. See AB file for details.
    • Classlead 764 -- You will now get daily credits for harvesting 25 solo shards. There is no timer for the counter, and the counter persists through logout/login
    • Classlead 662 - Removed channels on wayfaring relic, pillar ritual, shard seek, bonecasting ride home, runelore ride home, shapeshifting track, tarot hermit, and terratheria windtrack
    • Classlead 748 -- Add spectre and wraith to the options for spatium skills
    • Classleads 727, 729, 893, and 895 -- Adjustments to ballistics balance timing, mushroom shot bleed, incendite cooldown and damage
    • Other engineering classleads (728, 891, 892, 894) rejected for this round
    • Classlead 862-865 -- Oak, Elk, Owl, Dove twice the time, twice the cost
    • Fix for engineering classlead -- the update missed the eq damage on incendite. Eq damage now the same as bal damage
    • Classleads 746, 776, 780, 783, 819 834, 835, 836, 838, 839, 841, 842, 845, 847, 861, 874, 875, 876, 880, 886 were rejected at this time.
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  • EoghanEoghan Member, Immortal Posts: 1,073 mod
    • Classleads 628,661,915 -- Reflection ritual is now level 4 and has level 4 faith costs
    • Classlead 911 - Hunter Snare (and others) now work across classes
    • Classlead 758 - Artifact whips count as bonus afflictions in scourge
    • Classlead 848 -- Increase cooldown on teeth from 4 to 7
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This discussion has been closed.