#58266 has been resolved: Your bug will be fixed, the fix should be
activated within the next few hours. Thank you for reporting! I seeing a small but annoying bug be fixed.
Not 100% accurate, but here's some data for ya. (gonna start tracking xp(and what level I was to get that xp, because it appears that overall level is compared to mob level in some manner and that modifies the xp you get) and possible areas(maybe even rooms) you can find them in) =D
Disclaimer: I calculated these numbers from the raw damage I did and the % change on the very first hit on them, so some of these numbers won't be super accurate. I might eventually go through as a combo class do calculations based on the % change of the second hit, but that's not something I feel like doing now.
Disclaimer 2: As Eoghan has mentioned before, some mobs start above 100% hp. Trader is a good example of this. His HP is based on 0-100%, not based on the actual total amount it takes to kill him.
Disclaimer 3: Some mobs have resistances. There is no real transparency on how these resists work, so I'm basing these numbers(in those cases) on the raw damage number I'm being shown before resists. If the resistances are applied consistently to all players and all damage types, then you should get the same raw number to kill them. If the resistances are applied consistently to all players, but are specific to damage types, the vast majority of these numbers should be accurate for cutting damage. The only class I have that bashes with something other than cutting is Renegade, and it alternates between poison and asphyx. I don't think I gathered any of these numbers while in Renegade, although it is possible. =P
AL client. And can help me with tracking. God loves me.
We truly are an endangered species. I thought I was the last one in the world who used it anymore.
I do not heart that you've deprived me of my pompous "only person in the world who uses this client" title, though. Ugh. Guess I have to find some other way to furiously stroke the hipster side of my ego.
@Krysaliss for too many reasons to list. E - For being a brat. For being all that and a bag of Frito Lays. For loving me despite me looking like Hagrid and being 5-13-18-90. For listening to me poo. For having Alzheimer's, maybe-not-joking. For things I can tell you about at 10 cents a word, just send a message. For being loud and obnoxious. For being obsessed with crab. For not listening to country pop that often because it rips my soul to shreds. For five six seven eight nine TEN.
The divine voice of Eoghan reverberates powerfully, "The diabolus and morphae are cruel, and wish to revel in your antics. I am much kinder. If you no longer wish to be drunk, let me know."
You tell Eoghan, "Pleaseez siir, can I have gome more?"
Mercifully, the alcohol in your veins disappears.
A strange feeling washes over you and you feel intoxicated.
Svorai, the Spirit of Growth has bestowed her highfavour upon you. It will last 24 hours. <640/670h(~95) 399/430m(~92) 8.67x <eb> <db> 100E 0b Health Gain: 26 <666/670h(~99) 415/430m(~96) 8.67x <eb> <db> 100E 0b
Message 3
Sent By: (imperian) on 1/28/2015/13:57
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
Lynch finally gives a proper interview.
I approve. +10
(This is like the one thing I know about football aside from cold ball shrinkage)
Not 100% accurate, but here's some data for ya. (gonna start tracking xp(and what level I was to get that xp, because it appears that overall level is compared to mob level in some manner and that modifies the xp you get) and possible areas(maybe even rooms) you can find them in) =D
Disclaimer: I calculated these numbers from the raw damage I did and the % change on the very first hit on them, so some of these numbers won't be super accurate. I might eventually go through as a combo class do calculations based on the % change of the second hit, but that's not something I feel like doing now.
Disclaimer 2: As Eoghan has mentioned before, some mobs start above 100% hp. Trader is a good example of this. His HP is based on 0-100%, not based on the actual total amount it takes to kill him.
Disclaimer 3: Some mobs have resistances. There is no real transparency on how these resists work, so I'm basing these numbers(in those cases) on the raw damage number I'm being shown before resists. If the resistances are applied consistently to all players and all damage types, then you should get the same raw number to kill them. If the resistances are applied consistently to all players, but are specific to damage types, the vast majority of these numbers should be accurate for cutting damage. The only class I have that bashes with something other than cutting is Renegade, and it alternates between poison and asphyx. I don't think I gathered any of these numbers while in Renegade, although it is possible. =P
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
I love being able to spoil my kiddos and my misters after a rough few months.
Also seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on the endless illness.
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
24 hours.
<640/670h(~95) 399/430m(~92) 8.67x <eb> <db> 100E 0b
Health Gain: 26
<666/670h(~99) 415/430m(~96) 8.67x <eb> <db> 100E 0b omg the best prize ever! (I can't get it to quite display right
(Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."
(Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
‘Every sword’s a weight to carry. Men don’t see that when they pick ’em up. But they get heavier with time.”