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ZoroasterZoroaster Member Posts: 18
Hp:100; Mp:92; (db --) [Septus: Fishing.]
Azefel secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a strong broadsword into his left hand, with a strong broadsword flowing into the right.
With a lightning-quick motion, Azefel slashes you with a strong broadsword.
As Azefel attacks, the swirling iceshroud seeps into his lungs, causing him to cough violently.
Your hearing is suddenly restored.
Azefel viciously slashes you with a strong broadsword!
As Azefel attacks, the swirling iceshroud seeps into his lungs, causing him to cough violently.
A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
Azefel dashes at you, leaps into the air and strikes you in the chest before falling to the ground himself.
You have been slain by Azefel.
You have nothing that can be stored in the Rift.
As Azefel attacks, the swirling iceshroud seeps into his lungs, causing him to cough violently.
(Ring): Vivianne says, "[BATS]: Zoroaster has been killed!"


I have my health displayed as a percentage, so... ouch.


  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Zoroaster said:
    Hp:100; Mp:92; (db --) [Septus: Fishing.]
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • ZoroasterZoroaster Member Posts: 18
    My system is incomplete, I can't turn off the fishing tag and Septus was my target... so it said I was fishing for Septus I guess.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Or Septus was in fishing mode. Which he was. :(
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2014
    Couldn't stop laughing after; 
    (Ring): Azefel says, "Hey djen."
    (Ring): Azefel says, "Djen - 293h [90% m:87%]."
    (Ring): You say, "Dude. When Khizan sneezed I died :<."
    (Ring): Azefel says, "So like."
    Azefel quickdraws a strong broadsword and a strong broadsword.
    Azefel slashed you.
    Damage Taken: 103 cutting, physical (raw damage: 115)
    Your hearing is suddenly restored.
    Azefel slashed you.
    Damage Taken: 106 cutting, physical (raw damage: 118)
    A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
    You are afflicted with sensitivity.
    Azefel dashes at you, leaps into the air and strikes you in the chest before falling to the ground himself.
    def- insomnia.
    Your faith decreases as you fall to the might of Azefel.
    You have been slain by Azefel.
    Damage Taken: 136 blunt (raw damage: 109)
    (Ring): Septus says, "Omg."
    (Ring): Azefel says, "..."
    (Ring): You say, "Hahaha."
    (Ring): Celestine says, "Damnit."
    (Ring): Airamaya says, "Hahaha."
    (Ring): You say, "Oh god."
    (Ring): Airamaya says, "Damage?"
    (Ring): Celestine says, "I knew I should stayed at the Shuk! :p."
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SarriusSarrius Member, Beta Testers Posts: 1,682 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is why we don't have an owned thread. It is just a montage of Azefel accidentally killing his teammates.
    <div>Message #2062&nbsp; Sent By: (imperian)&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Received On: 1/20/2018/2:59</div><div>"Antioch has filed a bounty against you. Reason: Raiding Antioch and stealing Bina, being a right</div><div>****, and not belonging anywhere near Antioch till he grows up."</div>
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2014
    For your enjoyment;

    R/V vs S/K/A/B, (I'm R) got dunked, watch the affliction patterns, effect of blackout, and my oopsie at the end for not resetting prios. (Q: Is mirroring intelligent or does it duplicate existing afflictions on occasion?)


    Attacker:Defender :: toxins
    -> [ Known afflictions ]
    User -- Action
    S:V :: rsl + toxin
    -> V [toxin]
    V -- juniper -undeaf
    S -- linseed
    R -- linseed

    S:V :: rsl + numbness
    -> V [numbness]
    V -- maidenhair -numbness
    V -- linseed

    S:V :: metrazol + hemotoxin
    -> V [metrazol, hemotoxin]
    V -- kelp -hemotoxin
    S -- linseed
    V -- purge -metrazol

    V:S :: numbness + hemotoxin
    -> S [numbness, hemotoxin]
    S -- maidenhair -numbness
    S -- tree -hemotoxin

    R:S :: nausea + sunallergy + addiction
    -> S [nausea, sunallergy, addiction]
    R -- linseed
    S -- purge -sunallergy (definitely)
    S -- focus -addiction

    S:R ::  numbness + undeaf
    -> R [numbness, undeaf]
    R -- maidenhair -numbness

    V:S :: toxin + butisol
    -> S [nausea, toxin, butisol]
    S -- kelp -butisol
    V -- linseed
    (Guards): asthma + butisol
    R -- juniper -undeaf

    S:R :: metrazol + hemotoxin
    -> R [metrazol, hemotoxin]

    V:S :: rebound! toxin + butisol (bad luck)
    -> S [nausea, (asthma)]
    -> V [toxin, butisol]
    (Guards): strychnine + butisol
    V -- kelp -butisol
    R -- maidenhair -metrazol
    K -- linseed

    R:S :: sunallergy + addiction
    -> S [nausea, (asthma), sunallergy, addiction] // [(asthma), sunallergy, addiction]
    S -- nightshade -sunallergy
    R -- tree -hemotoxin

    S:R :: asthma + butisol
    -> R [metrazol, asthma, butisol]
    R -- purge -asthma
    S -- focus -addiction
    S -- linseed -asthma ?where did he cure this

    A:V :: butisol + hemotoxin
    -> V [undeaf, butisol, hemotoxin]
    V -- kelp -butisol
    V -- tree -hemotoxin

    V:S :: rsl + toxin (didn't track defiler raze, V)
    -> S [nausea, (asthma)] // [(asthma)]
    R -- kelp -butisol
    (Guards): rsl + asthma
    S -- kelp -asthma

    S:R :: rsl + numbness
    -> R [metrazol, numbness]
    R -- linseed

    A:V :: rebound! butisol + hemotoxin
    -> V [undeaf]
    -> A [butisol, hemotoxin]
    V -- juniper -undeaf (I cured a random aff here, bad, bad)
    A -- kelp -hemotoxin
    A -- purge -butisol
    R -- maidenhair -numbness
    S -- tentacled V

    A:V :: rsl
    V -- linseed
    K:?R :: ???
    K -- linseed
    S:R :: metrazol + hemotoxin
    -> R [metrazol, hemotoxin]
    V -- tumbling

    K:R :: ???
    -> R [metrazol, hemotoxin]

    A:V :: opium + opium
    -> V []
    <end blackout>

    S:R :: slickness + anorexia
    -> R [metrazol, hemotoxin, slickness, anorexia]
    R -- focus -anorexia
    R -- maidenhair -metrazol

    A:V :: rsl
    -> V []
    V -- linseed
    V -- tumbling

    ?:R :: fear + hallucinations
    -> R [hemotoxin, slickness, fear, hallucinations]

    A:V :: parried!
    -> V []
    R -- compose -fear
    S -- linseed

    S:R :: anorexia + stupidity
    -> R [hemotoxin, slickness, hallucinations, anorexia, stupidity]
    K -- linseed
    R -- transmission -anorexia
    S -- -transmission +anorexia
    R -- maidenhair -slickness
    S -- salve -anorexia

    B:R :: benzene
    -> R [hemotoxin, hallucinations, stupidity, crippled left arm]
    R -- mending -crippled left arm

    A:V :: parried!
    -> V []
    R -- purge -hemotoxin
    R -- tree -stupidity

    S:R :: slickness + anorexia
    -> R [toxin, hallucinations, slickness, anorexia]
    R -- mirroring +metrazol
    R -- focus -anorexia
    R -- concentrate -disruption
    R -- maidenhair -metrazol
    V -- tumbled

    A:V :: braziered
    -> V []
    R -- attempted smoke, +asthma

    S:R :: anorexia + undeaf
    -> R [toxin (asthma), hallucinations, slickness, anorexia, undeaf]

    K:R :: peace
    -> R [(asthma), hallucinations, slickness, anorexia, undeaf, peace]

    B:V :: noctec
    -> V [noctec]
    V -- lovage -noctec
    V -- tumble
    R -- focus -anorexia
    R -- maidenhair -slickness
    S -- linseed

    S:R :: anorexia + stupidity
    -> R [(asthma), hallucinations, undeaf, peace]
    R -- epidermal -anorexia
    V -- linseed
    R -- prone (hallucinations)
    R -- -prone

    A:V :: opium + opium
    -> V []

    S:R :: slickness + anorexia
    -> R [(asthma), hallucinations, undeaf, peace, slickness, anorexia]
    R -- mirroring +asthma

    B:V :: lowhooks
    -> V []
    V -- orphine -stupidity
    R -- focus -stupidity
    K -- linseed

    A:V :: butisol + hemotoxin
    -> V [butisol, hemotoxin]

    S:R :: numbness + stupidity
    -> R [hallucinations, undeaf, peace, slickness, anorexia, numbness, stupidity, asthma]
    V -- tree -butisol
    V -- tumbling
    R -- failed cure of branched arm (slickness)
    V -- kelp -hemotoxin
    R -- transmission -stupidity
    S -- -transmission +stupidity
    S -- orphine -stupidity

    A:V :: opium + opium
    -> V []

    B:V :: lowhooks
    -> V []

    S:R :: penance + nausea
    -> R [hallucinations, undeaf, peace, slickness, anorexia, numbness, asthma, penance, nausea]
    V -- focus -stupidity
    S -- linseed
    V -- salve legs ?
    R -- focus -anorexia
    R -- nightshade -nausea (Forgot to reset my prios!)

    A:V :: rsl
    -> V []
    R -- +stun
    R -- +epilepsy (penance)

    S:R :: anorexia + stupidity
    -> R [hallucinations, undeaf, peace, slickness, numbness, asthma, penance, stun, epilepsy, anorexia, stupidity]

    B:V :: lowhooks
    -> V []
    R -- +paralysis
    R -- -numbness
    R -- -stun
    K -- linseed

    A:V :: opium + opium
    -> V []
    V -- orphine -stupidity

    S:R :: disloyalty + recklessness
    -> R [hallucinations, undeaf, peace, slickness, numbness, asthma, penance, stun, epilepsy, anorexia, stupidity, disloyalty, recklessness]
    R -- focus -peace

    B:V :: lowhooks
    A:V :: butisol + hemotoxin
    -> V [butisol, hemotoxin]
    R -- +confusion (penance)
    R -- mirroring +asthma

    K:V :: headkicks
    S:R :: sensitivity + strychnine
    -> R [hallucinations, undeaf, slickness, numbness, asthma, penance, stun, epilepsy, anorexia, stupidity, disloyalty, recklessness, confusion, sensitivity]
    S -- linseed

    A:V :: opium + opium
    -> V [butisol, hemotoxin] ?? blackout, didn't cure? 4-5s elapsed since last herb
    V -- kelp -butisol

    B:V :: lowhooks
    -> V [hemotoxin]
    V -- focus -stupidity
    V -- salve legs ?
    R -- focus -epilepsy
    R -- +stun

    A:V :: opium + opium
    -> V [hemotoxin]
    R -- +dizziness (penance)
    R -- transmission -disloyalty
    S -- -transmission +disloyalty
    S -- focus -disloyalty
    V -- kelp -hemotoxin
    R -- -stun
    R -- death for the full smashing
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It duplicates (thankfully).
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    mirroring -only- duplicates – it basically relapses a random aff after 4 secs.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, duplicate seems like it would be amazing for blindly spamming maidenhair affs as buffer afflictions :(
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    more like mirroring blackout over and over :D
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hahah, that's a thing? God damnit.
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
    104H20 241M62 *aA 0B [eb db][T:Kalcer|0|Khizan=0|11|b1] 
    At Shou's order, a brown bear lifts you high into the air with its massive paws. Despite your best efforts to free yourself, the bear slams you violently against the ground.
    aff+ prone
    H -103b [20.1%] [208]
    Iceshroud hit Shou.
    1H0 241M62 *aA 20B [eb pdb][T:Kalcer|0|Khizan=0|11|b1]

    Kryss's keen-eyed falcon is attacking you.
    Kryss drew a claymore.
    Kryss slashed you with a claymore.
    Your faith decreases as you fall to the might of Kryss.
    The final blow is too much for you, and you fall to the floor a broken, bloody mess.
    You have been slain by Kryss.

    God damnit, Shou. You had one job to do. :(
    Gotta love beast mastery, tho.
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    you screwed up the defiler script as the prompt shows :(
  • VerexaVerexa Member Posts: 132 ✭✭✭

    H: 580/580 M: 286/310 -- XP: 9.01 0 [T:Kliko|C] 
    Screaming out a warcry of pure strength, Kliko brings his claymore crashing straight down on your head. Blackness fills your vision and the screams of pain exploding in your head find no outlet as your entire body is clove asunder.
    Your faith decreases as you fall to the might of Kliko.
    You have been slain by Kliko.
    The blackvines collapse into a puddle of tainted blood that quickly soaks into the ground.
    [ACHIEVEMENT]: You have completed the 'On The Ropes' Achievement! You have earned Double Experience for 12 Hours - see ACHIEVEMENT BONUS LIST.
    Your faith increases as Kliko falls by your hand.
    You have slain Kliko.
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭
    H:580/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  db eb 19.98 unwield tower||wield 259140
    envenom broadsword with strychnine||blade spin me||queue eqbal combo strike strychnine strike strychnine suicidedrop me
    You aren't wielding that.
    You are already wielding a strong broadsword in your right hand.
    H:580/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  db eb 19.98 
    You rub some strychnine on a strong broadsword.
    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    With a lightning-quick motion, you slash yourself with a strong broadsword.
    Damage Taken: 115 cutting, physical (raw damage: 116)
    Your hearing is suddenly restored.
    Balance Taken: 5.20s
    Combo strike strychnine strike strychnine suicidedrop me added to your EQBAL queue.
    H:464/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  b e- 19.98 
    Autocuring: sip health
    You take a drink of an elixir of health from a glass vial of a hamster in a ball.
    Health Gain: 92
    The elixir heals your body.
    H:556/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  b e- 19.98 
    Autocuring: eat juniper
    You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 1981.
    You quickly eat a juniper berry.
    Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
    H:556/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  db e- 19.98 
    You may eat another herb or plant.
    H:556/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  db e- 19.98 
    Your bandages staunch a good portion of your bleeding.
    Loaded with your blood, your bandages have become useless.
    Your wounds cause you to bleed 2 health.
    H:554/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  db e- 19.98 
    Health Gain: 25
    H:580/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  db e- 19.98 
    You feel your density return to normal.
    H:580/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  db e- 19.98 
    Autocuring: apply mass
    You quickly rub some mass salve on your skin.
    Your body grows extremely dense and heavy as the mass salve infuses your skin.
    H:580/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  db e- 19.98 
    You may drink another healing elixir.
    H:580/580 M:291/310 E:*e/*E W:0/*W  db e- 19.98 
    Spinning off the momentum of your last blow, you whip your blade at yourself once again.
    You swing a strong broadsword at yourself with a powerful strike.
    Damage Taken: 115 cutting, physical (raw damage: 116)
    You have recovered balance.
    You rub some strychnine on a strong broadsword.
    You slash viciously into yourself with a strong broadsword.
    Damage Taken: 136 cutting, physical (raw damage: 134)
    Your hearing is suddenly restored.
    Left Hand Balance Taken: 5.08s
    You rub some strychnine on a strong broadsword.
    You swing a strong broadsword at yourself with a powerful strike.
    Damage Taken: 136 cutting, physical (raw damage: 134)
    A prickly, stinging sensation spreads through your body.
    You are afflicted with sensitivity.
    Right Hand Balance Taken: 5.32s
    You dash at Yourself, leap into the air striking you in the chest as you painfully fall to the 
    You have slain yourself.
    You have nothing that can be stored in the Rift.
    Damage Taken: 274 blunt (raw damage: 197)
    You are afflicted with prone.


  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2014

  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now -that- is what you call a damage class.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Envenom strychnine twice on the bladespin for even more hilarious nonsense.

  • EldrethEldreth Member Posts: 430 ✭✭✭✭
    And here I thought the sky was saved from falling when Incinerate was changed.
    “We abjure labels. We fight for money and an indefinable pride. The politics, the ethics, the moralities, are irrelevant."
  • ApolocApoloc Member Posts: 241 ✭✭✭

  • LeikaraLeikara Member Posts: 66 ✭✭✭
    A black-eyed orc utters a curse, invoking dark magicks. As he points a gnarled finger at you, pain rips through your soul.
    You have been slain by a black-eyed orc.
    You have nothing that can be stored in the Rift.
    The corpse of a large armoured orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a black-eyed orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a black-eyed orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a black-eyed orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a black-eyed orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a large armoured orc falls out of your inventory.
    All your golden sovereigns fall out of your hands.
    A black-eyed orc grins slyly, reaches down, and takes a Token of the Creator from the corpse of Leikara.

    :( Hax
  • AleutiaAleutia Member, Historian Posts: 363 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Leikara said:
    A black-eyed orc utters a curse, invoking dark magicks. As he points a gnarled finger at you, pain rips through your soul.
    You have been slain by a black-eyed orc.
    You have nothing that can be stored in the Rift.
    The corpse of a large armoured orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a black-eyed orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a black-eyed orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a black-eyed orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a black-eyed orc falls out of your inventory.
    The corpse of a large armoured orc falls out of your inventory.
    All your golden sovereigns fall out of your hands.
    A black-eyed orc grins slyly, reaches down, and takes a Token of the Creator from the corpse of Leikara.

    :( Hax
    Hahah. Don't worry, it will reset :)
  • KalonKalon Member Posts: 124 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2014
    You got lucky. That token should reset to you after an hour or so. He'll be there biting on it feeling all proud of himself, and suddenly it'll *pop* back into your hand, still covered in orc slobber.

    Edit: ninja'd by someone on internet faster than my crappy office guest network :(
    Post edited by Kalon on
  • AzefelAzefel Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭✭
    Beckon artifacts
  • ClarkClark Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited March 2014
    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Your action causes the shimmering translucent shield around you to fade away.
    You call upon your dark power, and instantly a black wind descends upon you. Your body 
    begins to dissipate.
    Equilibrium Taken: 4.80s
    H:47 M:283 <-b b> 

    H:47 M:273 <eb b> n

    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Mathiaus.
    You move to escape, but a sketch of a Runeguard easily slices into your exposed back with 
    her sword, stopping you cold as you arch in pain.
    You drop back and ease the engagement.
    The Song of Geis echoes in a quick crescendo, capturing the songs before they can be lost.
    You have been slain by Mathiaus.
    You are OUT of the Team Free-For-All!

  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Been dying to cleave someone for days. <3 
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
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