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  • UltrixUltrix Member Posts: 288 ✭✭✭
    Iniar said:
    Hilarity, when trying to solo-gank AM's caravan spree:

    To the SOUTHWEST you see:
    Dirt road nearing hills. (road).
    It is raining lightly, and fat drops of rain fall pleasantly past. This has been marked as holy ground. A rune that looks like a nail has been sketched into the ground here. Towering overhead is a marble statue of the Lady Eloweth, Her arms spread out in welcome. The decaying remains of Iniar lie here. The decaying remains of Larkin lie here. A wall of focused Moradeim energy is crackling here, blocking passage to the west. A mutant hound paces around restlessly, leering at everything with an unnerving blinkless stare. There are 2 Seraphic guardians here. Muscles rippling beneath its ebon coat, a massive shire stands here poised and alert. A noble falcon is perched here, its bright eyes regarding you watchfully. Muscles rippling beneath its ebon coat, a massive shire stands here poised and alert. A black and white striped Paran zebra roams warily here, alert to any movement. Hand outstretched toward his fallen blade, this orc looks dangerous, even in death. A rotted, undead zombie stands here, staring blankly into the distance. Zaine is here, camouflaged. Stablehand Callisto Yowasi is here. She wields a claymore in her hands. Naharl Dios is here, camouflaged. Edmund Darkstone is here, giving off a truly ghastly stench. He wields a curved sabre in his left hand and a cavalry shield in his right. Ultrix Ashtear, She-Devil of the Sands is here, hundreds of minuscule pebbles shifting about her form. She wields a truesilver mace in her left hand and a mithril shield in her right. Larkin Athisia is here, camouflaged. Fang Iroth Athisia, Raven King is here, flames dancing across his flesh. He wields a lunar shield in his left hand and a Mace of Vahin in his right. 
    This location is wrapped in a shimmering protective sphere. 
    You see exits leading northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, and west.

    543[100] 571[99] eb db 0 0 15.16 0      [a: 1][m: 0]  [[\\\\\\\\\\]]
    A shimmering protective sphere prevents your attempt to move to that location.
    I didn't want you to throw the stupid scepter! (Which you did later anyway :( ).
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You need to be more aggressive. The caravans don't go anywhere when walled in. 
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not that I advocate avoiding any opportunity to slay the despotic imperator, but assuming there was a caravan there I can definitely see why they'd not want to get scattered to the winds by that sceptre of yours.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2014
    It'd be OK except a disproportionate number of AM caravans are now sanctuaried :( I regret jumping out of Jackals prematurely. :( Hurry, @Sagron! :P

    Also, looking for alternate descs for my scepters. Send ideas my way. :D
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SagronSagron Member Posts: 25 ✭✭
    Iniar said:
    It'd be OK except a disproportionate number of AM caravans are now sanctuaried :( I regret jumping out of Jackals prematurely. :( Hurry, @Sagron! :P Also, looking for alternate descs for my scepters. Send ideas my way. :D
    My cult has been submitted for review for (I think) about two weeks. Not sure what the hold up is. 
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So excited. I r planning our cult attire (It's nudity).
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • MenochMenoch Member Posts: 594 ✭✭✭
    Sagron said:
    Iniar said:
    It'd be OK except a disproportionate number of AM caravans are now sanctuaried :( I regret jumping out of Jackals prematurely. :( Hurry, @Sagron! :P Also, looking for alternate descs for my scepters. Send ideas my way. :D
    My cult has been submitted for review for (I think) about two weeks. Not sure what the hold up is. 
    Message @Jeremy. Mine did the same, messaged, problem solved. Mine was an issue where I named the cult-to-be and had a clan as the same short tag name though.
  • SagronSagron Member Posts: 25 ✭✭
    Thanks for the tip @Menoch. I messaged @Jeremy yesterday and he said he'd be looking over my cult within the day. Haven't had a chance to log in and see how it went though.
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Your body begins to convulse, and as a scream that won't come claws frantically at your throat, your back snaps from the
    sheer force of the spasms, killing you instantly.
    You have been slain by Mathiaus

    What, how did that happen...?

    Healing Vials:
    epidermal: 0 [0 vials]


    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • CadeyrnCadeyrn Member Posts: 188 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2014
    2014/12/19 16:46:24 - Sarrius > It seems Toma has fled from the city. Do not recitizen him.
  • KabaalKabaal Member Posts: 303 ✭✭✭
    You follow Jasmina to the northwest.
    Western extremity of the Celidon. (road).
    Filling the firmament is a lattice of heavy grey clouds. This has been marked as holy ground. A caravan is pulled by two 
    horses here. There are 6 sentries of Antioch here. There are 3 sentries of Antioch here, sleeping soundly. Standing 
    guard near a wagon is a Kaark'Dichraak caravan trader. An orc soldier lies at your feet, dead and bloody from the battle.
     There are 2 ogre troopers here. There are 2 orcish footsoldiers here. There are 2 daunting ogre guards here. There are 
    2 elite orc troopers here. A massive orc soldier looms here, wielding a lochaber axe in his hands. There are 2 ominous 
    orc warriors here. A small black hound sits here, emitting a number of a strange noises. The undead form of Blackguard 
    Bathan Whitecloak is here. He wields a stehl claymore of inky hues in his hands. Sai Ahkan Dios, Ultimatum of Sukhder is 
    here, a scintillating aura of light surrounding him. He wields a Souledge Sabre in his left hand and a mithril shield in 
    his right.
    You see exits leading northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
    [southwest, northeast, here -
       Jasmina (1)]
    H:311/330 325/379 B:0 <eb db> 
    Bathan leaves to the southeast following Ahkan.
    They are followed by a wheezing undersized hound named Setzer.
    [southeast - Ahkan, Bathan (2)]
    H:311/330 325/379 B:0 <eb db> 
    Fire erupts in your side as a sentry of Antioch carves you up.
    Damage Taken: 48 cutting (raw damage: 96)
    Fire erupts in your side as a sentry of Antioch carves you up.
    Damage Taken: 53 blunt (raw damage: 106)
    A sentry of Antioch delivers a blow which almost slices off a limb.
    Damage Taken: 61 blunt (raw damage: 121)
    A sentry of Antioch delivers a blow which almost slices off a limb.
    Damage Taken: 58 blunt (raw damage: 115)
    Fire erupts in your side as a sentry of Antioch carves you up.
    Damage Taken: 49 cutting (raw damage: 97)
    Fire erupts in your side as a sentry of Antioch carves you up.
    You have been slain by a sentry of Antioch.
    You have lost the insomnia defence.
    You have nothing that can be stored in the Rift.
    Damage Taken: 47 blunt (raw damage: 93)
    Your consciousness shifts, and you feel your body no more.
    Your soul climbs free of your body and is drawn down into the underworld.
     <dead> rt okay then
    (Ring): You say, "Okay then."
  • KabaalKabaal Member Posts: 303 ✭✭✭
    I didn't get the exact time, but it's close enough:

    This week you've played for a total of 6 days, 8 hours, and 12 minutes.
  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    Good timing on my part.

    [ BALANCE ]
    ::deadeyes Pellerin plague addiction
    H:347(86%) M:378(77%) XP:52.34 (0) (E:100) <eb db> [H] 1:03
    Your aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    [ Defence ]: anti-weapon field-
    [ Pellerin ]: Deadeyes -> Cyanide
    [ Pellerin ]: Deadeyes -> Addiction
    [ Balance Taken ]: 2.10s

    cut to:

    Imperial Parade nearing the gates of Stavenn. (7815) (the City of Stavenn)
    Snowflakes float down around you, colouring the world white. A generator plinth has been built here, energy crackling around its edges. The glint of a bar of gold draws your eye
    downwards. The mighty war gong of Stavenn looms here, hanging between two pillars of fused bone. The visage of a horrific demon carved in bloodstone rises up from a base of skulls
    and stone. A noxious smell rises in the air as bubbles pop along the surface of a fountain made of twisted stone, a few ghastly hearts bobbing along the surface. A slow oozing of
    blood runs the length of this black cross. Scuff marks marring the shiny casing, this small clock has been abandoned. An engraved stone fragment lies here barely perceptible as it
    juts up from the ground. A jolly plump snowman resembling Caitryn is here, staring at you coolly. A sleek pocketbelt is on the ground. There are 2 jolly plump snowmen here. A jolly
    plump snowman resembling Lixan is here, staring at you coolly. A jolly plump snowman resembling Ario is here, staring at you coolly. A leather vialbelt dyed a vibrant shade of
    azure has been left to gather dust here. There are 13 pair of large charcoals eyes here. There are 8 heaping pile of snows here. There are 8 exterminated corncob pipes here. There
    are 10 carrots nose here. A pink candle, smelling faintly of strawberries, sits here. A miniature gargoyle stands here, "Cadeyrn" carved into the stone of its chest. Dripping with
    blood, an inverted pentagram floats in mid-air. A sallow mare stands here idly. A gloomy little sable kitten sits here, meowing pitifully. A kohdon scout stands here eyeing his
    surroundings with an impassionated stare. A graceful silver mare prances here, tossing her flower-wreathed head. Anointed with blood, a heinous demonic jackal crouches here baring
    gleaming teeth. An elite elegantly dressed Noctusari is manning a bolt thrower here. She has twenty bolts. From its perch, a night black hawk watches you intently with steady
    golden eyes. Stamping his golden hooves and tossing his crimson mane, this blooded warhorse stands here bearing a regal strength. There are 4 ravenous hounds here. Smoky tendrils
    constantly twisting and weaving around a towering demon statue, a shadow servant is here. A dire silvered cougar stalks through the area, seeking prey. There are 17 elite Diavlous
    Knights here. A plain-looking woman watches the skies, idly testing her bowstring. There are 8 elite elegantly dressed Noctusaris here. Resembling a ghoulish statue, a Xiur
    shielder stands here, the writhing slaves lashed to his shield chittering insanely to passersby. There are 3 elite Wytch flesh menders here. Bright blue eyes gazing at her
    surroundings, an albino yearling stands impatiently here, occasionally swatting the air with an agile hoof. An Imperial page is here, a small kit tucked securely under one arm.
    Harbinger of the Damned, Cadeyrn Vaskal is here, his incorporeal form ever-shifting. He wields a Souledge Sabre in his left hand and a lunar shield in his right.
    You see exits leading east, southeast, west, northwest, and up.
    You have reached your destination.
    H:400(100%) M:433(88%) XP:52.34 (0) (E:96) <eb db> [H] 1:03
    You say, "And three."
    H:400(100%) M:433(88%) XP:52.34 (0) (E:95) <eb db> [H] 1:03
    You have recovered your breath and can smoke once more.
    H:400(100%) M:433(88%) XP:52.34 (0) (E:95) <eb db> [H] 1:03
    You say, "Two."
    H:400(100%) M:429(87%) XP:52.34 (0) (E:95) <eb db> [H] 1:03
    You feel an aura of rebounding surround you.
    [ Defence ]: anti-weapon field+
    H:400(100%) M:429(87%) XP:52.34 (0) (E:100) <eb db> [H] 1:03
    You say, "One."
    H:400(100%) M:429(87%) XP:52.34 (0) (E:100) <eb db> [H] 1:04
    Your faith increases as Pellerin falls by your hand.
    You have slain Pellerin.
    [ Slain ]: [ Pellerin KILLED ]
    [ Slain ]: [ Pellerin KILLED ]
    [ Slain ]: [ Pellerin KILLED ]
    queue reset all
    queue eqbal get body
    [ 106->107 ]: +175,720 [33,359,731]
    H:400(100%) M:429(87%) XP:52.59 (0) (E:100) <eb db> [H] 1:04
    BALANCE queue cleared.
    EQUILIBRIUM queue cleared.
    EQBAL queue cleared.
    H:400(100%) M:429(87%) XP:52.59 (0) (E:100) <eb db> [H] 1:04
    Get body added to your EQBAL queue.
    I see no "body" to take.
    H:400(100%) M:429(87%) XP:52.59 (0) (E:100) <eb db> [H] 1:04
    [ Masochism ]: CURED
    Cadeyrn utters a deep, rumbling laugh.
    H:400(100%) M:454(92%) XP:52.59 (0) (E:100) <eb db> [H] 1:04
    Cadeyrn opens the bevor of his plate helm.
    Harbinger of the Damned, Cadeyrn Vaskal says, "Impressive."
    Cadeyrn quickly closes the bevor of his plate helm.
    H:400(100%) M:471(96%) XP:52.59 (0) (E:100) <eb db> [H] 1:04
    You wink.
  • RylaeisRylaeis Member Posts: 33 ✭✭
    Sorry @Baasche, I found this too funny. @Septus too much skill, clearly :P

    As Baasche, riding a black and white mare moves out towards the south the temperature of the room rises, ice footprints following in his wake.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    You suddenly perceive the vague outline of an aura of rebounding around Septus.
    [ T A R G E T - H A S - R E B O U N D I N G ]
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Septus howls as a noble kestrel hacks into him.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Septus secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a lunar shield into his left hand, with a blackened steel sabre flowing into the right.
    Septus's aura of weapons rebounding disappears.
    Septus raises a blackened steel sabre over his head and begins to swing it in a wide circle, gaining speed as he goes.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    The temperature in the room drops as Baasche, riding a black and white mare, moves in from the south, his steps leaving frosted footprints.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Septus begins to bear down on Baasche with a blackened steel sabre.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Septus howls as a noble kestrel hacks into him.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Baasche quickly eats a piece of kelp.
    Baasche's colour returns to his face.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Baasche concentrates on purging toxins from his body.
    Baasche's skin color returns to normal and his sweating subsides.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Baasche quickly eats a toadstool.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Baasche takes a drink from a shiny black-painted sinn vial.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    As Baasche, riding a black and white mare moves out towards the south the temperature of the room rises, ice footprints following in his wake.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    The temperature in the room drops as Baasche, riding a black and white mare, moves in from the south, his steps leaving frosted footprints.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Baasche barks at a noble kestrel, ordering it to attack Septus.
    Baasche secures his previously wielded items and instantly draws a curved sabre into his left hand, with an ink-stained snowy marble tablet flowing into the right.
    Baasche whips a curved sabre through the air in front of Septus, to no effect.
    Baasche swings a curved sabre powerfully at Septus.
    Baasche concentrates, and a searing image of the fehu rune suddenly flares on Septus's skin.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.36%
    Screaming out a warcry of pure strength, Septus brings his sabre crashing straight down on the head of Baasche. With unbelievable power, Septus's sabre rips through Baasche's entire body, cleaving it asunder and killing him instantly.
    Septus has slain Baasche.
    You have reached the illustrious pk level of 53 and your soul cries out in ecstasy at your new rank of Majestic.
    You gain 257,301 experience. You need 75,336,763 more for level 91.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.67% rt lol
    (Ring): You say, "Lol."
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.67%
    Septus's eyes close suddenly as he falls asleep.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.67%
    Septus howls as a noble kestrel hacks into him.
    Septus wakes up with a gasp of pain.
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.67% rt LOL
    (Ring): You say, "LOL."
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.67%
    (Ring): Septus says, "Wooooo."
    477/100h, 256/100m, 100D- (0-bld) (ebdb) 11.67%
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭

    say suriel
    You say, "Suriell."
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    say suriel
    You fumble about drunkenly.
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    say suriel
    You say, "Suhhriel."
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    say suriel
    You say, "Suiiel."
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    say suriel
    You say, "Surxial."
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    say suriel
    You say, "SUrieel."
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    Flying above A desolate sandy track. (road).
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    say suriel

    The divine voice of Eoghan reverberates powerfully, "The diabolus and morphae are cruel, and wish to revel in your antics. I am much kinder. If you no longer wish to be drunk, let me know."
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    You say, "Sursel."
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:fdb arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0
    say suriel
    You say, "Suriel."
    You quickly utter "Suriel" and the angel's wings attempt to swiftly carry you far above the clouds.
    On the clouds.
    This has been marked as holy ground. A meticulous marble statue of a towering puffin poses here, perched atop an ornate onyx pedestal, the large jade bowl at the base filled with offerings. An elegant white letter is in danger of being soiled here. A gold-inlaid symbol has been abandoned here. A pile of rubble lies here.
    637/637h 480/480m 0e 0w bals:eb status:db arms: pp Kai: 0 fanatism: 0

  • TheophilusTheophilus Member Posts: 784 ✭✭✭✭
    With an ominous crack, Ahkan's voice splits the sky like lightning, "Everyone moradeim bypass to Theophilius. He's throwing a party."

    The air around you is suddenly filled with the crackling of Moradeim energy.

    Your senses flare as a luminous green image drifts in from the ether, its appearance 
    sharpening to reveal Baasche, riding a black and white mare.
    Baasche screams in agony as an elite Diavlous Knight touches him with a withered finger.
    Baasche screams in agony as an elite Diavlous Knight touches him with a withered finger.
    Baasche screams in agony as an elite Diavlous Knight touches him with a withered finger.
    An elite flaxen-haired archer deftly knocks an arrow to his blow, firing it into Baasche 
    from point-blank range.
    An elite Diavlous Knight stabs a blackened sword into Baasche, simultaneously slashing him
    with the other.
    An elite Diavlous Knight stabs a blackened sword into Baasche, simultaneously slashing him
    with the other.
    Baasche swoons for a moment then rises again, flushed but strong.
    An elite Diavlous Knight stabs a blackened sword into Baasche, simultaneously slashing him
    with the other.
    Baasche screams in agony as an elite Diavlous Knight touches him with a withered finger.
    Baasche screams in agony as an elite Diavlous Knight touches him with a withered finger.
    Baasche screams in agony as an elite Diavlous Knight touches him with a withered finger.
    An elite Diavlous Knight has slain Baasche.
    A starburst tattoo flares and bathes Baasche in a nimbus of white light.
    Baasche screams in agony as an elite Diavlous Knight touches him with a withered finger.
    Baasche screams in agony as an elite Diavlous Knight touches him with a withered finger.
    An elite Diavlous Knight stabs a blackened sword into Baasche, simultaneously slashing him
    with the other.
    An elite elegantly dressed Noctusari tosses a tarot card at Baasche and as it reaches him,
    a huge mass of rope bursts out of it, entrapping and hindering him.
    An elite towering xiur shielder thrusts his shield at Baasche, allowing the deranged 
    muamrite upon it to bite at his flesh.
    An elite elegantly dressed Noctusari reaches out and clenches a fist before Baasche, who 
    screams and doubles over in agony as his skin suddenly bubbles with gangrenous growths.
    An elite elegantly dressed Noctusari reaches out and clenches a fist before Baasche, who 
    screams and doubles over in agony as his skin suddenly bubbles with gangrenous growths.
    An elite elegantly dressed Noctusari has slain Baasche.
    A jagged white-scaled basilisk silently disappears into the shadows.
    (Ring): You say, "Baasche is DEAD!"

    A chill sets in the air as the voice of Baasche is carried upon a frigid breeze, wasn't a particularly exciting party."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
  • SelthisSelthis Member Posts: 526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2015

    drunk septus  says

    All I could think the entire time while reading this was of Sussudio by Phil Collins.

  • TheophilusTheophilus Member Posts: 784 ✭✭✭✭

    A ruined cart path off the main room. (road).
    ---------- v28756 -----------
                 [ ]
                     [ ]
                 [ ]
                 [ ]-[ ]-[ ]
    --------- 15:15:15 ----------
    The bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. Gore is splattered
    about, a display of Shou's cruel handiwork. A battered wooden sign stands here, creaking 
    on rusted nails. There are 3 scorching walls of fire here. A whetstone, worn smooth by 
    constant scraping, lies here on the ground. Eyes gleaming intelligently, a large 
    silver-winged crow perches nearby, its wings aflutter in agitation. There are 2 Seraphic 
    guardians here. Caught within a storm of feathers, a raven-winged Seraph drifts 
    gracefully. Rahiel is here, camouflaged. Anointed Warrior, Tassar Kei'daan is here. He 
    wields a steel-plated tower shield in his left hand and a truesilver mace in his right. 
    Toma Ashtear, Lightning Breaker is here. He wields a truesilver shield in his left hand 
    and a truesilver broadsword in his right. Wolfess Vyki von-Schweitzer, Thin Ice is here, 
    hidden. She wields a banded shield in her left hand and a wicked chained sitara in her 
    right. Apprentice Healer Eltarn Ashtear is here. He wields a tower shield in his left hand
    and a spiritual mace in his right. Feyn-al-Dracar Karyn Agarwaen is here, wrapped in a 
    torrential cyclone. She wields Insidian's Bane in her left hand and a mithril shield in 
    her right. Shou Agarwaen is here, hidden. He wields Insidian's Bane in his left hand and a
    truesilver shield in his right. Luciia Kei'daan, Priestess of the Pines is here, covered 
    in a thin sheen of ice. She wields a kite shield in her left hand and a celestial mace of 
    pearl and silver in her right.

    8 vs. 4 with redemption + starburst on some. Kill me now.
    (Ring): Lartus says, "I heard Theophilus once threw a grenade and killed ten people."
    (Ring): Lartus says, "Then it exploded."

    (Ring): Zsetsu says, "Everyone's playing checkers, but Theophilus is playing chess."
  • DiceneDicene Member Posts: 913 ✭✭✭✭
    On the plus side, if you can separate them, all but 1 of them would be mostly trivial to solo. =D
  • RahielRahiel Member Posts: 51 ✭✭
    edited February 2015
    It's true. I'm fairly harmless and fragile and please don't hitmeintheface kthx.
  • MathiausMathiaus Member Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭✭
    I had two people true locked dying with cyanide before the zerg train came. It was the only accomplishment out of the entire battle, minus actually getting one caravan out of the whole scenario.
  • IniarIniar Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭✭✭
    While testing with @Septus
    22:26:44.746 [QUEUE]: target nothing|beckon artifacts|quickdraw 54511|wipe 54511|envenom 54511 with hemotoxin |throw 54511 at
    Septus|beckon artifacts|.
    22:26:44.748 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
    22:26:44.749 You recall your artifacts back to you.
    You quickdraw a sylayan axe.
    There are no toxins on that item at present.
    22:26:44.752 You rub some hemotoxin on a sylayan axe.
    22:26:44.753 You cock back your arm and throw a sylayan axe at
    Distortaura. -8 [ 1.6%], 7 (-14.3%)
    Septus hemotoxin.
    Your attack is slowed down, as you are not yet gripping the weapon correctly.
    22:26:44.762 Balance Taken: 3.56s
    22:26:44.763 You recall your artifacts back to you.
    122[23] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    Autocuring: sip health
    You sip health.-(sip).
    The effect of the elixir is reduced by the demonic disruption. +55 (10.7%)
    178[34] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    22:26:45.027 [
    EQBAL] Target nothing, beckon artifacts, quickdraw 54511, wipe 54511, envenom 54511 with hemotoxin , throw 54511 at Septus,
    22:26:45.027 beckon artifacts
    178[34] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    22:26:45.036 +
    22:26:46.257 +
    178[34] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    Septus unleashed Jy'Barrak Golgotha, Demon Lord on you.
    The demon lets out a terrible roar and you stagger under the relentless force of its mental assault. -66 [12.9%], 89 (25.
    111[21] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    Septus moves his hands rapidly in front of you.
    22:26:46.273 Air moves chaotically around you and you feel your patience vanish.
    -89 [17.4%], 84 (-6.0%)
    22:26:46.279 aff+ (
    A sickening glow surrounds you briefly.
    22[4] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    Autocuring: eat mandrake
    Ate mandrake.-(mandrake)
    22[4] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, draincurse Septus clumsy drain|
    You are now familiar enough with a sylayan axe.
    22[4] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    22[4] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    22:26:47.801 +
    22[4] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, draindge
    wear spectacles|diagnose Septus|
    [[ Eden ]]: Estimated afflictions: +hemotoxin (1.00), +anorexia (1.00), +confusion (0.80), +slickness (1.00),
    +impatience (0.55), +paralysis (0.30), +jinx (0.55), +dizziness (1.00), +healthleech (0.67), +numbness (1.00), +peace (0.
    -----50), +nausea (0.80), +recklessness (0.80), +asthma (0.47),
    [] Balance []
    22:26:48.291 [] Balance []
    22:26:48.291 [] Balance []
    [QUEUE]: target nothing|beckon artifacts|quickdraw 54511|wipe 54511|envenom 54511 with hemotoxin |throw 54511 at
    Septus|beckon artifacts|.
    22:26:48.294 You will now aim your attacks wherever you see openings.
    22:26:48.295 You recall your artifacts back to you.
    You quickdraw a sylayan axe.
    There are no toxins on that item at present.
    22:26:48.299 You rub some hemotoxin on a sylayan axe.
    22:26:48.300 You cock back your arm and throw a sylayan axe at
    Distortaura. -8 [ 1.6%], 7 (-14.3%)
    Septus hemotoxin.
    Balance Taken: 2.36s
    22:26:48.307 You recall your artifacts back to you.
    22:26:48.309 You feel your patience disrupted once again.
    aff+ (impatience).
    14[2] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    22:26:48.319 +
    14[2] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    Autocuring: eat mandrake
    Ate mandrake.-(mandrake)
    14[2] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    -numbness (Septus) +(paralysis) Septus.Septus paralysis.
    14[2] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    22:26:48.732 Rebounding.
    22:26:48.736 +(
    anti-weapon field).
    14[2] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    You are already wearing this item.
    14[2] 552[96] e- db 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    You feel a sudden disturbance and pain floods you as you watch the residual light from the flash. (rekt)
    22:26:49.045 You have been slain by misadventure.
    Cleared all variables on Iniar.
    22:26:49.063 You store 1 toadstool, bringing the total to 1100.
    -36 [ 7.0%], 64 (43.8%)
    22:26:49.068 aff+ (
    <dead> [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, draindge
    wear spectacles|diagnose Septus|
    [[ Eden ]]: Estimated afflictions: +hemotoxin (1.00), +anorexia (1.00), +confusion (0.80), +slickness (1.00),
    +impatience (0.55), +paralysis (1.00), +jinx (0.55), +dizziness (1.00), +healthleech (0.67), +peace (0.50), +nausea (0.80),
    ----- +recklessness (0.80), +asthma (0.47),
    <dead> [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    Autocuring activated.
    22:26:49.389 <
    dead> [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    Aryana's Spring.
    You see exits leading north, east, south, west, in, and a crumbling pathway leads down.
    512[100] 575[100] eb 0 0 51.83 0
    Autocuring: smoke pipe with laurel
    22:26:49.784 You take a long drag off your pipe, filling your lungs with laurel smoke.
    512[100] 575[100] eb 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 5][M: 5] clumsy, drain
    You are already wearing this item.
    Septus is:
    22:26:49.806 impatient.
    22:26:49.809 anorexic.
    22:26:49.813 afflicted by horrible asthma.
    22:26:49.817 a victim of healthleech.
    22:26:49.820 overcome by dizziness.
    22:26:49.823 reckless.
    22:26:49.826 extremely oily.
    22:26:49.829 plagued with a weakened immune system.
    22:26:49.832 paralysed.
    22:26:49.835 blind.
    22:26:49.837 deaf.
    22:26:49.838 an insomniac.
    22:26:49.838 has confounded senses.
    22:26:49.839 Equilibrium Taken: 1.90s
    512[100] 575[100] -b 0 0 51.83 0 [A: 9][M: 9] peace, jinx
    Autocuring: insomnia
    :( I need to learn to clear my queue.
    wit beyond measure is a Sidhe's greatest treasure
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • KhizanKhizan Member Posts: 2,648 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2015
    Iniar secures his previously wielded item and instantly draws a nacreous Scepter of Protection into his left hand.
    Iniar swings a nacreous Scepter of Protection and it flares with sudden power.
    Auriel is suddenly dragged away into a distance.
    Jules, riding an armoured battle stallion named Firebait is suddenly dragged away into a distance.
    Your surroundings suddenly blur and a great force drags you away into a distance.


    You close your eyes momentarily and extend the range of your vision, seeking out the presence of Iniar.
    You see that Iniar is at Ancient barrow mound in the Reate Forest.
    You sense a total of 1 individual at that location.
    Equilibrium Taken: 1.05s
    H:550/550 M:460/460 B:0 <-b pp> <fdb> D:0 F:0 K:0 farsee iniar iniar
    You must regain your equilibrium first.
    H:550/550 M:460/430 B:0 <-b pp> <fdb> D:0 F:0 K:0
    You have regained your mental equilibrium.
    H:550/550 M:460/430 B:0 <eb pp> <fdb> D:0 F:0 K:0 wyrm track iniar
    light pipes
    You track Iniar to Imperial Parade nearing the gates of Stavenn.

    "On the battlefield I am a god. I love war. The steel, the smell, the corpses. I wish there were more. On the first day I drove the Northmen back alone at the ford. Alone! On the second I carried the bridge! Me! Yesterday I climbed the Heroes! I love war! I… I wish it wasn’t over."

  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A blood-caked direwolf goes after you.
    A decomposing bat goes after you.
    A blood-caked direwolf goes after you.
    A decomposing bat goes after you.
    A decomposing bat goes after you.
    A massive crypt bat goes after you.
    A rotting direwolf goes after you.
    A massive skeletal bat goes after you.
    A deranged ghoul goes after you.
    You drop the corpse of Selthis.
    Gathering your precious life essence, you close your eyes and concentrate. Your mortal frame begins to shake as you slowly drain the smallest portion of your own life into Selthis. Selthis screams in rage as the soul enters the body.
    Selthis rises from the ground in undeath.

    You may eat another toadstool.
    The gust from a massive skeletal bat's wings knock you to the ground.
    aff+ prone
    You have been slain by a massive skeletal bat

    12:25 R> Zenigra: Hehehe.
    12:25 R> Selthis: Hahaha.
  • SeptusSeptus Member, Beta Testers Posts: 781 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • AhkanAhkan Member Posts: 2,375 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • ZenigraZenigra Member Posts: 35 ✭✭
    see the blank eyes and no movement? 

    And it's his new mask. 
  • KabaalKabaal Member Posts: 303 ✭✭✭
    The elixir heals your body.
    H:85/309 407/418 B:0 <-b db> Target:~Ultrix~ [T-19:22.434] (the Ik'taru Expanse-v17343)
    You have regained your mental equilibrium.
    Ultrix utters a prayer and smites you.
    You wince as the blue incense stick smoke stings your open wounds.
    Damage Taken: 55 cold, physical (raw damage: 62)
    You have lost the caloric salve defence.
    Damage Taken: 17 blunt, physical (raw damage: 32)
    Your hearing is suddenly restored.
    H:13/309 407/418 B:0 <eb b> Target:~Ultrix~ [T-19:22.436] (the Ik'taru Expanse-v17343)
    You take 1 juniper berry, bringing the total to 49.
    You quickly eat a juniper berry.
    Silence engulfs you as your hearing fades.
    H:13/309 407/418 B:0 <eb db> Target:~Ultrix~ [T-19:22.681] (the Ik'taru Expanse-v17343)
    Ultrix quickly eats a piece of kelp.
    Ultrix's colour returns to her face.
    H:13/309 407/418 B:0 <eb db> Target:~Ultrix~ [T-19:22.682] (the Ik'taru Expanse-v17343)
    A rotting black cobra's hood flares as it darts forward to bite Ultrix.
    Growling low in his throat, a feral cougar pounces on you, pushing you over.
    You have been slain by a feral cougar.
  • JulesJules Member Posts: 1,080 ✭✭✭
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